
Seeing the Hidden Messages of the Seven Thunders

Seeing the Hidden Messages of the Seven Thunders
This article is dedicated to my faithful Patron's who make this writing possible.  Thank you. If I told you earthly things.... Truly, truly, I te...

The Course of Thunder: His Revelation is Beginning?

The Course of Thunder:  His Revelation is Beginning?
For each phenomenon in creation there is a course.  You  have a unique course established by God for your life. This is also true for the thunderin...

Ten Plagues: Countdown to Cannibalism with Plague of Locust

Ten Plagues: Countdown to Cannibalism with Plague of Locust
A Special Thank You to my Patrons who made this article possible As We Depart the Plague of Hail When the tempest of hail ceased Pharaoh hardened, ...

Ten Plagues: God's Playbook Embedded Within the Judgment Plague of Wild Beasts

Ten Plagues:  God's Playbook Embedded Within the Judgment Plague of Wild Beasts
How great are Your works, O God!  In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. Psalm 104:24 Are Disasters a Judgment? I...

Resetting Humanity: Triggering the Beast Within Us

Resetting Humanity: Triggering the Beast Within Us
Power of the Statue as a Reset Mechanism Unless you live under a rock you are hearing about the great reset.  Reset of government, economy, variou...