
Celeste Live Today on WGSN-DB Going Solo Network, Author's Corner

Celeste Live Today on WGSN-DB Going Solo Network, Author's Corner
  I will be discussing my book, Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions.  Why you need radiation protection for your every day life and si...

Ten Reasons Your Food Supply is Going, Going, Gone

Ten Reasons Your Food Supply is Going, Going, Gone
Why is the food disappearing at your local grocery store?  Will it ever go back to normal?  Why are the prices of food skyrocketing?  You probably ...

Weaponized Coronavirus and the Plant Destroyer Will Impact Agriculture

Weaponized Coronavirus and the Plant Destroyer Will Impact Agriculture
  What is on my radar? Coronavirus, the Plant Destroyer, and Your Food Supply Interview Schedule: Late Night in the Midlands with Michael Vara Thi...

SATIRE Reveals Earth Plunging Off the Extinction Cliff

SATIRE Reveals Earth Plunging Off the Extinction Cliff
This article is dedicated to my faithful Patron's who make my writings possible.  I have transitioned from my farming enterprise to full time writi...

AI Microbiome Challenge: What is the definition of guts? Grace under pressure

AI Microbiome Challenge: What is the definition of guts? Grace under pressure   The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels, And they go down into the innermost parts of the body.  Proverbs 1...

Dismantle Capitalism and Implement $250 Gallon Gas Tax for US Only

Dismantle Capitalism and Implement $250 Gallon Gas Tax for US Only
  Must see by Adapt 2030!  6 minutes.  Read:

Wickedness Afoot: Prophecy in the Plants

Wickedness Afoot:  Prophecy in the Plants
Each year there are gardening trends.  This year is no exception.  The difference is that I have yet to determine why these anomalies are occurri...

Mini Ice Age and Your Food

Mini Ice Age and Your Food
  As we approach the beast system and people wonder, "Who is like unto the beast?  And who can make war against him?"  there is another affliction...

Apocalyptic Codex Biofortification

Apocalyptic Codex Biofortification
Hearken your ears, dear friends!  A tale of intrigue and deception, good versus evil, revolution, the supernatural with various trials is underwa...