Thank you to my patrons who make my writings possible. You are each precious soul to my heart.
Remember: the Gate of Repentance is always open!
What is on my radar?
Weather and Space Weather
These are some of the factors making our chaotic weather.
Last November, the Lord told me that 2019 would be fire and ice, and so it is turning out to be so.
These temperatures and precipitation records are similar to the Maunder Grand Solar Minimum. And as the song goes, "We've only just begun."
CISA releases updated National Emergency Communications Plan
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released the updated National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) last week. NECP is the Nation’s roadmap to ensuring emergency communications interoperability at all levels of government. CISA engaged more than 3,500 public safety representatives from federal, state, local, tribal and territorial public safety agencies, non-governmental organizations and other groups to ensure the NECP reflects the emergency communications expertise, experience and needs of the whole community. The NECP addresses current gaps within emergency communications, reflects new and emerging technological advancements, and provides guidance to drive the nation towards a common end-state for communications. The updated NECP: Builds upon the key concepts and principles of the 2008 and 2014 versions of the NECP Revises the vision statement to address secure information exchange and adds the public to acknowledge their increasing role in emergency communications.
New Law Requires You To Listen To Greta Thunberg Lecture Before Purchasing Gasoline
This girl is labeled and declared a climate terrorist by the United Nations, and the states want you to listen to her manipulative babble for 20 minutes before buying gas. The reason she was declared a terrorist is because she told the UN delegation that she was "watching them." Those words, my friends, you go straight to the top of the terrorist list. Never say them to any government or entity. Use any other language meaning the same thing but not those precise words.
The U.S.—A series of new bills working their way through state legislatures in New York, California, Oregon, Hawaii, and several other progressive states will require you to listen to a Greta Thunberg lecture before purchasing gasoline.
Motorists will be required to watch a 20-minute lecture by the 16-year-old climate activist before they purchase gallons and gallons of harmful fossil fuels.
"We want to make sure drivers are informed," said California Governor Gavin Newsom, who says he will sign the bill into law. "So we have them get lectured by a 16-year-old so they will have all the facts before they do something rash like put gasoline in their cars to go to work."
This is blatantly false. I will share my experiences with the power-grid under Practical Tips
German Synagogue Attacker Used Homemade 3D-Printed Plastic Gun
As the cosmic ray flux increases so will violence.Experts say that the fact that the neo-Nazi who on Wednesday attacked a synagogue in Germany used a 3D-printed gun should serve as a warning to security services, experts have said. The 27-year old suspect had been experimenting with 3D-printed guns for two years, and along with racist and anti-Semitic tracts, he posted instructions on plastic gun-making, which, he noted, would take no more than $50 for the materials and one weekend worth of time.
I beg of you, if you know a veteran, please beg them not to participate in this program. It is a surveillance tool, and it will construct the Final Solution, their exit from this life. There is no treatment or help for veterans submitting their DNA. Only a grandiose promises that they are helping others.
Million Veterans Program is Now Open for Online Enrollment
Veterans who opt-in to sharing their DNA through the program have the opportunity to support medical discoveries and health improvements across future generations.
Veterans across America now can join the Million Veterans Program research project online.
Launched in 2011, the national voluntary research initiative enables former military personnel to share their DNA with the Veterans Affairs Department to boost research on how genes and other factors like military exposure can impact people’s overall health. The agency’s ultimate hope is that this “will make it even easier for Veterans nationwide to take part in this landmark research effort,” Secretary Robert Wilkie said in the recent announcement.
Food Supply
I would rather have live or dead creepy crawlies except for the parasitic worms than irradiated and chemical bathed foods.
Creepy crawlies love veggies, too: Video shows a microscopic hive of activity in the vegetables you buy
Link to see a video of your food under a microscope
Not in the habit of washing fruits and vegetables before cooking and chowing down on them? A recently released video showed all kinds of tiny insects, bugs, and microbes living on the unwashed surface of plant foods.
Danish biomedical student Martin Kaae Kristiansen studies at Aalborg University. The 28-year-old obtained several common vegetables from the local grocery.
We get rather tunnel-visioned and see only things happening on the earth, but what occurs on earth is occurring in the heavenly also. Here is an example of the thievery going on in the heavens.
Milky Way Raids Intergalactic 'Bank Accounts,' Hubble Study Finds
Earth Changes
We are in an eight-week earthquake drought, meaning that we have not had an earthquake of 7 magnitudes. This means that tension is building within the planet, and when the next large quake occurs, it may be possibly extremely violent. We have not had the regular earthquake relieving tensions for some time now.
Practical Tips
Check out my discussion with David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 on the importance of redundant systems.
Why do I highly recommend redundant systems? Those with layers of protection and preparations have a higher chance of spiritual and physical survival. Let me ask you a question.
The judgment coming across the land is no laughing matter.
You know that God laughs at the wicked, but does Satan and wickedness laugh? I had two experiences hearing the audible voice of Satan laugh. It is not an experience you want to hear. The first time was a laugh so horrific about your imprisonment and destruction that I left the agencies. The second time, I was attending a DHS seminar on power grid redundant systems, and the speaker laughed the same wicked and evil laugh when discussing that a few of their own would be destroyed during the process of taking down the power grid. Yes, there are redundant systems for the power grid, but they will not be for you. They will be for the population managers.
What does the Bible say?
So during adversity, should be a laugh or weep? Let us turn to our handbook for our life, the Bible.
- Luke 6:21 Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.
2. Psalm 126:2-3 Then our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with joyful songs. Then the nations said, “The LORD has done spectacular things for them.” The LORD has done spectacular things for us. We are overjoyed.
3. Job 8:21 He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.
4. Ecclesiastes 3:2-4 A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up.A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A godly woman
5. Proverbs 31:25-26 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.
A joyful heart is always good
6. Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.
7. Proverbs 15:13 A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but with a heartache comes depression.
8. Proverbs 15:15 For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.
9. Proverbs 14:13 Laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when the laughter ends, the grief remains.
There’s a time not to laugh.
10. Ephesians 5:3-4 But among you, there must not be either sexual immorality, an impurity of any kind, or greed, as these are not fitting for the saints. Neither should there be vulgar speech, foolish talk, or coarse jesting–all of which are out of character–but rather thanksgiving.
11. Matthew 9:24 he said, “Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him.
12. Job 12:4 “I have become a laughingstock to my friends, though I called on God, and he answered– a mere laughingstock, though righteous and blameless!”
13. Habakkuk 1:10 At kings, they scoff, and at rulers, they laugh. They laugh at every fortress, for they pile up earth and take it.
14. Ecclesiastes 7:6 For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.
God laughs at the wicked.
15. Psalm 37:12-13 The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance. But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming.
16. Psalm 2:3-4 “Let us break their chains,” they cry, “and free ourselves from slavery to God.” But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.
17. Proverbs 1:25-28 You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered. So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you–when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone, and anguish and distress overwhelm you. “When they cry for help, I will not answer. Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me.”
18. Psalm 59:7-8 Listen to the filth that comes from their mouths; their words cut like swords. “After all, who can hear us?” they sneer. But LORD, you laugh at them. You scoff at all the hostile nations.
19. Genesis 21:6-7 And Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me. Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse a baby? Yet I have given Abraham a son in his old age!”
20. Genesis 18:12-15 So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure?” The Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.” But Sarah denied it, saying, “I did not laugh,” for she was afraid. He said, “No, but you did laugh.”
21. Jeremiah 33:11 the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, “Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever.” For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,’ says the LORD.
I am going to be talking allot about cycles in the days to come. We are to be like children filled with awe and wonder about the handiwork of God. The cycles include His perfect cycles, which are now converging. If it is difficult to envision these cycles think of them as prancing animals on a musical carousel. Our God is at the helm as He brings about the convergence of these cycles. He cautions us not to fear nor be afraid, for He is eradicating evil.
At the end of time, And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. Zechariah 14:9
Jesus is the Living Water. Enjoy the following exploration of waterfalls
The 19th-Century Charts That Put the World’s Waterfalls on One Impossible Landscape
Imagine the roar.
If you’ve been to a big waterfall, then you know the experience of standing close to one varies greatly. On a sweltering day, the spray feels like a free sprinkler, gentle and invigorating. On a cooler, windier one, it’s more like an unwelcome, soaking rain. (Little wonder that the boats that have ferried visitors past Niagara Falls since 1846 supply hooded ponchos.) The sound of the tumbling water changes, too, from pleasant muffling to a rib-rattling roar.
A single waterfall can be an overwhelming sensory experience, so imagine the sight and sound and feel of more than 40 thunderings at once. In the 19th century, several mapmakers and geographers conjured this by stacking some of the world’s tallest, most forceful, or otherwise notable waterfalls on a single chart.
Ancient Civilizations
The Smithsonian is the keeper of the giants. As you read this, there is talk that the giants are also being repatriated back to the earth from which they came. This may be problematic in many ways.
Website Provides Blueprint for Repatriating Aboriginal Remains
Called “Return, Reconcile, Renew,” the new site offers a virtual space for support and healing
In what is now acknowledged to be a “glorified grave-robbing campaign,” between 1788 and 1948, anthropologists and opportunists took skulls and bones of Indigenous Australians wherever they could find them—from graves, hospitals, asylums, and prisons. Consequentially, the Australia government’s International Repatriation Program estimates that some 1,000 Aboriginal remains are still held in museums worldwide today. Aboriginal experts say the number may be more than ten times greater.
While efforts to bring Aboriginal remains home have increased in recent years, as the numbers show, there remains much work to be done when it comes to repatriation and community healing. A new website funded by the Australian Research Council and project partner organizations aims to support those intertwined efforts. Called Return, Reconcile, Renew (RRR), it illuminates the historic and ongoing implications of stealing ancestral remains from Aboriginal communities, provides a virtual space for support and healing, and also offers a roadmap to help Aboriginal communities successfully secure the return of stolen ancestral remains.
The concept of dark matter, which has not been proven, is now spreading into other areas. This darkness comes from Satan and his hordes. This article shares the exciting revelation about bioprospecting and reducing the human microbiome to the molecular level to harvest it.
Scientists Found New Antibiotic Molecules—Right In the Human Microbiome, Singularity Hub
The human microbiome is the dark matter of biology: we know it’s there and critically balances health from disease. We can broadly examine microbe members with advanced DNA sequencing methods and infer their species makeup. With several doses of antibiotics, we can even observe what happens when we temporarily lose our trillions of symbiotic micro bugs. Spoiler: the results, ranging from depressive symptoms to upset guts, aren’t pretty...
In their new study in Science, Donia and colleagues threw out that entire playbook and embraced a modern update: take the whole gang of microbes, use computational algorithms for bioprospecting, mix in a dose of synthetic biology, and tease out their biomolecular contributions.
The study is just the latest push in bringing the dark microbial matter to light. Another recent attempt cleverly used DNA as a “fishing hook” to pluck out individual species of microbes from the mouth for further culture and study—the more traditional approach, but one expert called “inspiring” and “couldn’t even imagine in the early 1980s.”
Last Word
Strategic Art of Forgetfulness
“Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak;
And hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
2 Let my teaching drop as the rain,
My speech distill as the dew,
As raindrops on the tender herb,
And as showers on the grass.
3 For I proclaim the name of the Lord:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
4 He is the Rock; His work is perfect;
For all His ways are justice,
A God of truth and without injustice;
Righteous and upright is He.
I read this week's portion of Scripture, Haazinu, Deuteronomy 32:1-52. It cites the historical sin of the Jews who “ignored the rock Who gave birth to you, and forgot God Who brought you forth.” The sin of forgetting and the obligation to remember compelling information is vital to the wellbeing of individuals and the nation. We are obligated to remember. We are to remember Jesus and His sacrifice.
It is crucial to be ever cognizant of the kindnesses that others did for us when we were in need. The passage of time does not mitigate the obligation of gratitude. And we are returning the favor when necessary.
When we need something major from someone, we gush about how life-saving it is and how we will be forever grateful for the help rendered. Once we attain what we want, however, a process of denial begins to set in. We no longer magnify the good that was done. As time passes, we cease to think about it until, finally, “the chief butler did not remember Yosef, and he forgot him (until it became convenient to remember him to Pharoh).
Many of us have been victimized by this kind of ungrateful behavior. Still, we must look within and ask if we have been guilty of treating others this way. We must keep track of the favors, large and small, that people have done for us so that when the chance to requite arises, we are up to that task.
While it is extremely important to remember that which is consequential to our lives, it is also necessary to cultivate the capacity to forget. Sometimes the inability to clear certain things from our minds can have harmful effects. This can be seen in the story of Yosef. He was able to endure the horrible treatment meted out by his brothers and was unbroken by being cast into slavery in Egypt.
When people have violently torn away from their familiar surroundings and cast into a hostile situation, they may find it impossible to proceed. They can’t take their minds off the wonderful life they have lost, and this paralyzes them. Yosef knew he would have to forget the great experiences of his life with his father and focus exclusively on the present reality. Yosef’s ability to forget was indispensable to his survival and great successes.
We should apply the art of forgetting to all of the minor slights and insults that others have subjected us to. In my opinion, the ability to overlook things that do not have to be noticed can go a long way in facilitating a less stressful existence.
May God grant us the wisdom to recognize the things that are important and must be remembered as well as those that are of no real significance and are better forgotten. And may we become better, happier people as a result. R Mann
God Bless you from the trenches. Be safe, everyone.