The King has summoned you to partake in the celestial and terrestrial war between good and evil. Men and women are being called to battle in unity to combat the enemies our God.
The King has sustained you, been benevolent to you, and pardoned you’re your every transgression when you erred.
From the pages of the history of Judges, Deborah the Prophetess and warrior Barak were called to battle against Sisera on the plains near Galilee, near Meggido, where the final battle of good and evil will take place. The inhabitants of Meroz chose not to engage in battle.
But this was not only a terrestrial battle, for war was raging the heavenlies also: They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. Judges 5:23
The fighting stars can be perceived as stars or angels.
As we recall, bitterness in the Bible usually relates to bad water. It is also related to Wormwood, harlotry, wickedness, acrid temper, or physical pain.
Just as in the days of old, you are being given a choice. Will you rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord and His servants, or will you defy the Living God?