Drawn to Technological Dark Shadows

DARPA operates in the landscape of dark shadows with deep black budgets. It's new focus is not only military application but to exploit our environment, our physical bodies, and possibly our souls.  This will be a journey to reveal what lies in the Dark Shadows.

Oftentimes, we have a myopic view of the news we see streaming before us.  We should step back to witness the big picture.  On the surface DARPA's Biological Control Program seeks just that, to control the basic processes of biological network interactions and communications.  They are leveraging technologies to construct man-made systems intended to erase the barriers between God and man, in the name of safety and security.  It is critical to understand the much flaunted word of leveraging.  According to the business dictionary it is, "The ability to influence a system, or an environment, in a way that multiplies the outcome of one's effort without a corresponding increase in the consumption of resources."

These systems will be subservient to a Complex Control System based upon rational design erasing the Intelligent Design of God with the goal of recreating His world into a world created and control by man and his image.  DARPA intends to implement this multi-scale, closed loop control system after it test-beds the control system behavior, theoretical models, and perfects its effective control strategies.  If successful, the research will deliver embedded controllers made of biological parts that enable programming of system-level behavior.  Proposals are being requested this spring with implementation expected in 2022, four years from now. 

For simplicity sake, let us call it the DARPA System, will include:  seek out and mitigate threats, novel biomaterials, synthesizing new pharmaceuticals to treat weaponized emerging diseases, biofouling; and support military readiness by synthesizing new pharmaceuticals to treat emerging diseases, Biofouling (the application of chemicals to our cells to prevent sticking which sounds like a good idea until you recall the carcinogenic effects of Teflon coated cookware), including vivification (resurrection or reanimation) of the dead. Did you know that 20-30 year old preserved brains, with the application of certain body hormones and nutrients, reanimate with synapse firing?  These types of research and experiments redefine death. 

DARPA is going to use the Artificial Intelligence PAL (Personalized Assistant that Learns) to create cognitive systems that reason, learn from experience, and accept guidance in order to provide effective personalized assistance.  We will be seeing in the next few years' transition breakthroughs in fundamental research, discoveries, and applications that integrate biology, engineering, computer science, mathematics, and the physical sciences.  PAL will be tasked to provide a comprehensive array of applications:

      • Human-machine interfaces,
      • Microbes as production platforms,
      • Deep exploration of the impact of evolving ecologies and environments,

      Discovering and leveraging novel findings from neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, and related disciplines to advance treatment and resilience in neurological health and optimize human performance,

      Understanding and improving interfaces between the biological and physical world to enable seamless hybrid systems,

      Developing and leveraging fundamental understanding of the underlying design rules that govern the behavior of biological systems,

      Developing new tools and capabilities for forward engineering of biological systems, such as cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and complex communities, to both develop new products and functional systems, as well as to gain new insights into underlying mechanisms,

      Developing new platform technologies that integrate, automate, and miniaturize the collection, processing, and analysis of biological samples,

      Developing technologies that leverage ecological diversity and/or help support human operations in extreme environments (ocean, desert, space, etc.),

      Developing and validating new theories and computational models that identify factors and principles underlying collective and interactive behaviors of biological organisms at all scales from individual cells to global ecosystems,

      Understanding the dynamics of population and ecosystem behavior to preserve equilibrium, provide strategic opportunity, or avoid catastrophe,

      Developing and leveraging new technologies that can be applied to agricultural ecosystems for production stabilization, by improving quality or reducing losses from pathogens or pests,

      Developing and leveraging new insights into non-human biology across and between populations of microbes, insects, plants, marine life, and other non-human biologic entities,

      Developing new technologies and approaches that ensure biosafety, biosecurity, and protection of the bioeconomy. This is a biosystem that will do anything to protect itself,

      Understanding emerging threats to global food and water supplies and developing countermeasures that could be implemented on regional or global scales,

      Developing new technologies to treat, prevent, and predict the emergence and spread of infectious diseases that have the potential to cause significant health, economic, and social burden.

      The DARPA PAL Framework will be deployed to research and military communities.  Technical capabilities within the framework have been hardened, modularized, packaged, and where appropriate, adapted to meet industry standards to facilitate their incorporation into potential target applications.

      Specifically, DARPA seeks to develop new capabilities for the control of biological systems across scales—from nanometers to centimeters, seconds to weeks, and biomolecules to populations of organisms—using embedded controllers made of biological parts to program system-level behavior. This program will apply and advance existing control theory to design and implement generalizable biological control strategies analogous to conventional control engineering, for example, for mechanical and electrical systems. The resulting advances in fundamental understanding and capabilities will create new opportunities for engineering biology.

      The DARPA PAL program (the Personalized Assistant that Learns) focused on improving the way that computers support humans through the use of cognitive systems—that is, systems that reason, learn from experience, and accept guidance in order to provide effective personalized assistance.

      The mission of BTO is to foster, demonstrate, and transition breakthrough fundamental research, discoveries, and applications that integrate biology, engineering, computer science, mathematics, and the physical sciences.

      SRI International has led the PAL Framework effort to make available many of the successful machine learning and reasoning technologies developed on the PAL program for use by the broader DARPA, research, and military communities. Technical capabilities within the framework have been hardened, modularized, packaged, and where appropriate, adapted to meet industry standards to facilitate their incorporation into potential target applications. The framework further includes various infrastructure components and APIs to simplify integration with the framework technologies.

      The PAL Framework includes contributions from Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Massachusetts, the University of Rochester, the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Oregon State University, the University of Southern California, and Stanford University, as well as from SRI.


      Sensoring the Sea


       The PAL Framework is being applied to all biological systems to create a labyrinth of controlled and persistent living sensors.   This program begins on DARPA's Proposer's Day, March 2, 2018.  

      The world’s vast oceans and seas offer seemingly endless spaces in which adversaries of the United States can maneuver undetected.  Sea life, however, offers a potential new advantage for the daunting task of sensoring the sea.  Today sensory and behavioral characteristics of these biological organisms are routinely overlooked, often treated as noise by man-made sensor users. 

      Marine organisms are highly attuned to their surroundings—their survival depends on it—and a new program out of DARPA’s Persistent Aquatic Living Sensors (PALS) program Framework aims to tap into their natural sensing capabilities to detect and signal when activities of interest occur in strategic waters such as straits and littoral regions and for purposes of controlling the seas.  The program will determine whether natural or modified organism’s best support the sensor systems framework.  The gatekeeper of diversity will then reward the winner to repopulate of the oceans providing the controllers' total sensory awareness. 

      Beyond sheer ubiquity, sensor systems built around living organisms would offer a number of advantages over hardware alone. Sea life adapts and responds to its environment, and it self-replicates and self-sustains. Marine organisms the ability to sense stimuli across domains—tactile, electrical, acoustic, magnetic, chemical, and optical. Even extreme low light is not an obstacle to organisms that have evolved to hunt and evade in the dark, in the form of mechano-receptors capable of detecting and triangulating minute changes in fluid flow as well as sources of disturbances.

      The PALS program aims to transform existing biology, historically characterized as background noise, into highly content-rich biological signals that can be interpreted to track, classify, and report back to the controllers. Performers on the PALS program may consider organisms from bacteria through micro-organisms as well as multi-organism interactions and will characterize biological signals and interpret those signals into actionable alerts.

      The PALS effort requires two stages of sensing. In the first, the biological organisms sense the intruder into their environment and respond with an output signal or observable behavior. In the second stage, a man-made detector system captures and interprets the unique biological signal or behavior generated by the organism(s), making an analyzed result available in the form of distilled alerts. These components will be integrated into demonstrator systems delivering alerts via commercial satellite link o information can be captured, interpreted, and relayed by a network of hardware devices.

      “If we can tap into the innate sensing capabilities of living organisms that are ubiquitous in the oceans, we can extend our ability to track adversary activity and do so discreetly, on a persistent basis, and with enough precision to characterize the size and type of adversary vehicles.”

      DARPA will have to develop hardware, software, and algorithms to translate organism behavior into actionable information and then communicate it to end users. Deployed hardware systems operating at a standoff distance of up to 500 meters must collect signals of interest from relevant species, process and distill them, and then relay them to remote end users.

      “Our ideal scenario for PALS is to leverage a wide range of native marine organisms, with no need to train, house, or modify them in any way, which would open up this type of sensing to many locations,” Adornato said.

      During the testbed phase at no point in the PALS program will DARPA test modified organisms outside of contained, biosecure facilities.

      DARPA anticipates that PALS will be a four-year, fundamental research program requiring contributions in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, machine learning, analysis, oceanography, mechanical and electrical engineering, and weak signals detection

                                          Advanced Plant Technology

      Remote sensing can already tell us much about plant quantity and quality, but what if we could "ask" the plants to tell us much more about their environment?

      DARPA's Advanced Plant Technologies (APT) program seeks to develop plants capable of serving as next-generation, persistent, ground-based sensor technologies. Biological sensors would be effectively energy-independent, increasing their potential for wide distribution, while reducing risks associated with deployment and maintenance of traditional sensors

      DARPA's technical vision for APT is to harness plants' innate mechanisms for sensing and responding to environmental stimuli, extend that sensitivity to a range of signals of interest, and engineer discreet response mechanisms that can be remotely monitored using existing ground-, air-, or space-based hardware. To succeed, APT must ensure that modified plants are safe, robust, and self-sustaining in their environments. The program hinges on the advancement of technologies for performing multiple, complex modulations to plants, without sacrificing their environmental fitness

      The goal of the DARPA Advanced Plant Technologies (APT) program is to create the foundations for engineering plant varieties able to receive a variety of stimuli and produce measurable signals as output ("stimulus-response"). APT will rigorously explore the feasibility of using engineered plant varieties as independent biosensors. APT pursues technology for eventual deployment, the initial research is conducted entirely in contained facilities. If the research is successful, later-phase field trials would take place under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service following all standard protocols for plant biosafety, their definition not the common understanding

      In 1975, the decision was made to genetically modify (GMO) all life on earth at the Asilomar 1 conference.  At the time it seemed a distant possibility.  Today we find ourselves on the cutting edge of news and biblical prophecy.

      While one could summarize the process of 'fine-tuning' our pure food, provided by God, into a sensory and drug delivery system, it is much more powerful to see the words and images by the designers of this system. 

      The power of life and death is in the tongue.  Proverbs 18:21 

      Pathway to Genetically Modify(GMO) All Life



      The concept of evolution was soon extended into other than biological fields. Inorganic subjects such as the life-histories of stars and the formation of chemical elements on the one hand, and on the other hand subjects like linguistics, social anthropology, and comparative law and religion, began to be studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are enabled to see evolution as a universal, all-pervading process Julian Huxley - Evolution and Genetics (1955)

      Genetically modified plants were always one part of the geo-engineering model but what we did not know is the perversity of the evil to turn our very food into a total surveillance system.

      Persistent Sensing 

      A rationale was needed for persistent sensing.  Persistent sensing needs make capital, self-propagating, and evenly distributed.  Plants, animals, people, cells, viruses and bacteria will all be used as sensors.


       Asilomar II conference held in 2010 was part two stemming from the Asilomar I conference on biologically altering all life upon earth, addressing and presenting to the world the intricacies of Geo-engineering.    


      For the purposes of national security, when the fullness of these interventions is implemented, all life will become a living sensor.  This gave researchers, academic, and governments an opportunity to map the genome of life and then modify them by whatever means necessary to complete their goals and objectives.  Part of the scheme is to get people to buy into the Enhancement Scheme.  Whether plant or human or cell this includes: 

      • Genetically modification, altering the DNA
      • Application of various stimuli to either turn genes on or off
      • Sending data or allowing data access to sensor systems

      As it pertains to humans what specifically is DARPA saying when they talk about enhancement?

      Human enhancement is "any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through natural or artificial means. It is the use of technological means to select or alter human characteristics and capacities, whether or not the alteration results in characteristics and capacities that lie beyond the existing human range."

      There are some critical things to know about the intervention of enhancement:

      • Enhancement is modular and be applied to the whole or can be specialized compartmentalized targets such as psychological, cognitive, academic, or physical enhancement.
      • Enhancement is called an intervention not a treatment.
      • Enhancement makes a person a superhuman with abilities, skills, or functions that humanity has never had. 

      Augmentation by chemical, surgical, or other modalities restores the body to its natural state.If you are currently taking medications or have need of surgery you may be noticing that your medications have been withdrawn and surgical interventions have been replaced with alternative modalities.  DARPA envisions a world where you are not healed by God, medication, or surgery.  Instead you will be healed by an implanted microchip generating certain frequencies.

      DARPA programs have branched out and are mapping every body part and cell to achieve their vision for the world at large.  DARPA considers their technology as natural healing as opposed to "invasive" drug or surgical techniques. DARPA admits they be will turn body systems on and off at their will.  In their philosophy they will be exaggerating the body, extending the body better than when it was created. Through enhancement intervention, you would no longer have average capabilities, but in a sense become a superhero, with superhuman strengths.  This would be equally applicable to any living thing from plants to cells.

      Your blood, brain, nervous system, skeletal system, nutritional needs are all being rallied to serve, at this point, the DARPA Control System. The new technologies may offer novel ways to heal but the cost is total surveillance.  DARPA assures us that this will all be done voluntary. The cornerstone of all federal programs is that they are voluntary until they become voluntarily mandatory.  People desperate for a cure for whatever is ailing them will be offered these enhancement interventions.This process will revolutionize our culture by trending these technologies. 

      This process will revolutionize our culture by trending these technologies.  You are going to be presented with two options very soon, embrace technology medicine or suffer/die.  Old modalities will no longer be available. What we now consider as natural treatments will be eliminated by law, regulation, or trend.  DARPA is asking the rhetorical question, "Is it really bad to create super-humans?"

      People hold deep convictions regarding transhumanism.  Is it a betrayal to God and our humanity or is it something to aspire to?

      Transhumanism according to DARPA's program manager is a construct of science fiction involving technology that greatly exceeds the biological capacity.   Instead DARPA refers to transhumanism as human machine interface.  Transhumanism is going to be presented as improving the human condition with equal access for all (distribution justice) with a technological democracy.  In a decentralized healthcare democracy, a very few can determine the good for all. As forward thinkers, DARPA acknowledges that the very essence of technology can be a coercive tool.


      Since the New Millennium there has been an alarming move towards Digital Agriculture.  Digital Agriculture has departed from traditional agrarian roots for food, nutrition, and medicine transforming into a sensory machine, robotic, climate control tool which has been genetically altered suiting the purposes of the population controllers.


      Imagine taking a hike to your favorite destination.  The APT hike will stroll along testbeds and insert genetic components for sensing and reporting.  Each plant will be tailored as a resource collection and allocation. 

      Plant are being engineered to provide a long-term continuous sensor that is to be used in robust, climate-controlled, and hostile environments on earth and other planets.


      Imagine each gene within the plant will be edited with code inserted for reporting purposes.  Cell physiology, tissues, organs and stress detection all send condition reports to the controllers.  The plants are also set up to provide signal transduction.  If one gene or anything is not working in accordance with the desired goals the plant is ordered to change its genetic code.  Not only will plants be sensors they will be built for new opportunities to exploit such as light, biomass, and nutrients.  During the design building and testing, each cell will be verified to ensure a consistent pattern with optimum resource use.  Suppose you have a water hog tomato plant.  The plant will be reporting plant and environmental info back to the controllers, who will simply turn the genes off or insert code into the plant which will cause it to expire.  With the New Digital Ag plants will no longer require soil microbes, beneficial insects such as pollinators, or neighboring plants.  Remember, these plants will be the bad boys created for hostile environments.

       By 2022 in an orchestrated release these plants will have been tested and verified for sensory deployment; and applied stimuli will be injected causing a cascade response by the plant and sensory notification to the handlers via drone, satellite, aircraft, or other remote sensing equipment. 


      Camouflage Diversity

      These Digital Ag plants will be evenly distributed around the world and will blend in with any natural diversity.



      Instead of seeing farmers in their fields tilling soil, seeding, and harvesting, you are going to begin seeing remote sensing equipment documenting every facet of agriculture and the environment.  What is truly scary is that this trend in techno-food as already taken quite a toll on normal plants.  Technological food as been in production for the last 200 years and because of it some trees and plants are either sterile or require grafting because they have forgotten how to grow a fruit tree from seed.  Just try growing a lemon tree these days and see what happens.  If it germinates at all then you have to grow it for at least a decade and 95% will never bear fruit.

         Agricultural Police State



      As this side clearly demonstrates the Agricultural Police State has only just begun. 

                               Persistent Human Sensing


      If you take any medication or have need of surgery you may be noticing that your medications have been withdrawn and surgical interventions have been replaced with alternative modalities.   DARPA sees a world where you are not healed by God, medication or surgery but by technology. 

       Your implanted device is going to to be your healer.  DARPA programs have branched out and are mapping every body part and cell to achieve their vision for the world at large.  DARPA considers their technology healing as natural healing as opposed to invasive drug or surgical techniques. They will turn body systems on and off at their will.  They call their technology intervention as enhancement, not treatment.  In their philosophy they will be exaggerating the body, extending the body better than when it was created.  You would no longer have average capabilities but in a sense become a superhero with superhuman strengths. 

      Your blood, brain, nervous system, skeletal system, nutritional needs are all being rallied to served the DARPA Control System. The new technologies supposedly heal but they also continuing sense and report back to the Controllers your every activity.     This will all be done voluntary, offering super capabilities and healing to people desperate for a cure.  This will revolutionize our culture by trending these technologies. 

      Very soon you are going to be presented with two options embrace technology-genomics medicine or suffer and die.  Old modalities will no longer be available.  What we now consider as natural treatments will be eliminated by law, regulation, or trend. 

      It is critical to know the words and their definition in this age-old semantic warfare.

      • Augmentation is restoring the body to its natural state.
      • Enhancement is making it superhuman. 

      DARPA is asking the question is it really bad to create super-humans? 

      People hold deep convictions regarding transhumanism.  Is it a betrayal to God or is it something to aspire to?

      Transhumanism according to DARPA's program manager is a construct of science fiction, involving technology that greatly exceeds the biological capacity.   Transhumanism is going to be presented as improving the human condition with equal access for all. What they are doing is transhumanism, but they playing the semantic game.

      Transhumanism according to DARPA's program manager is a construct of science fiction, involving technology that greatly exceeds the biological capacity.  DARPA refers to  their vision as human machine interface.  It is going to be presented to humanity as a way to improve the human condition with equal access for all. 

      DARPA sees its role as a think tank who inspires innovation and documented research and development and then flings it out to the private sector to see what flies and what does not.  While during the proposal, testbed, and development DARPA is the controller.  Once a technology has been thoroughly tested and let loose, that control shifts to whomever has the money.  This is particularly important to note for people being approached to accept implantable medical devices.  

                                          Tree of Life


      This article is a modest introduction to just a few of programs being rolled out of DARPA's Dark Shadows.  As we watch the roll out over the next days, weeks, and years we must be vigilant in our adherence to the Word of God, its principles and take practical steps such as personal EMF protection.  It should not surprise us that the Tree would become a symbol in the battle between Good and Evil. 

      • Life of a tree measured in rings-where the history is recorded
      • People’s lives are traced in a family tree/branches
      • Languages are traced in trees/branches
      • Pages of a book (words) have leaves (veins)
      • Jesus is life, book of life, tree of life
      • Arms and legs are referred to as limbs
      • Creation begins with the Word, then the land, then the people.
      • Gen 10 people are divided according to their land,
      • families and their tongues and finally in the return of the exile
      • ...the land, then the language then the people.
      •  The bark of a tree is called the skin of the tree and they come in layers
      • The core (strongest part) is called the heart
      • People have stems (legs) trees and words
      • His people are to bear fruit/leaves – identify the seed
      • A person’s torso is called a trunk
      • People, words and trees are traced by their roots
      • People/trees begin with seeds. The seed is the Word of God
      • A seed has 3 parts – embryo, endosperm and a seed coat
      • Counsel – ‘etzah – fem of ‘etz – to stand firm – ‘atseh -your backbone –etzem is bone, Ark is made of shittiym wood (‘etz) Noah’s ark of gopher wood

      We need great wisdom in these days, lest we be like Eve, who beheld the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, that it is good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took, and ate, and gave it to her husband...resulting in sin (separation from God) and death. 

      “Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod

      of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the

      serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit

      shall be a fiery flying serpent.  Isaiah 14:29 

      This is beginning of a series of articles on emerging technologies.



