- Agenda 21 comes to life
- Hydrogel Membranes
- Reverse Osmosis
- Deep Ecology origins
- Restructured global water filtration system
The world has been transformed into a circular economy. What is a circular economy? It began 25 years ago in what was called Cradle-to-Grave, then proceeded to Cradle-to-Cradle, reaching its final destination as the Circular Economy where everything must be recycled - from consumable products to biological life to whole systems. This includes our drinking water. So, we must ask, what do the planetary managers have planned for our drinking water?
Many of you are familiar with reverse osmosis (RO), which is a process that separates unwanted molecules from water. Planetary managers believe that it represents a major barrier to the implementation of urban water reuse. Rather than encourage reverse osmosis, they want to construct a nature-based RO concentrate treatment system that consists of constructed wetlands, both natural and manmade. What they do not tell you is that these wetlands will be human-free wildland areas.
Agenda 21 is blossoming before our very eyes. With a goal of placing 50% of the United States land mass into “wildlands,” the Wildlands Project sounds like something out of a science fiction book. When one starts reading documents from the United Nations, such as the UN Biodiversity Treaty, and researching “wildlands” and “wildlands project” on the internet, one will realize it isn’t that far out of a proposition.
There are numerous websites that show the organizations actively working toward achieving this goal as set out in the Wildlands Project, a brainchild of Dave Foreman of Earth First and other environmental radicals. The Wildlands Network has a map on their website showing the “wildways” desired for wolves, bears, and other long-ranging animals – many of which are being “reintroduced” into areas that conflict with where people live, work, and play. The idea, however, is to move the people out of rural areas and into “sustainable communities” – i.e., “pack’em and stack’em” cities.
Without any evidence, managers believe that these nature-based treatment systems may be a viable multi-benefit option for cities experiencing water stress. This perspective provides an overview of current knowledge and future directions of nature-based RO concentrate treatment at a global scale.

As more and more people are moved from rural to urban areas, cities will require greater amounts of water. Thus, the use of nature-based RO concentrate treatment systems will be expanded to recycle wastewater as a source of water for urban use.
Another detail that is conveniently left out of this plan is that the membranes are made of hydrogel, which is often touted as “natural” – but as we have come to know, natural can be lethal.
xample, but not the exact system, as this is for desalination.
Once the water goes through a hydrogel membrane, incredibly small particles of hydrogel escape into the wild. If you think that microplastics are an environmental concern, they pale in comparison to the ecological damage to all biological life with the deployment of hydrogel. And why should we be concerned about hydrogel? As hydrogel invades biological life, it turns humanity into a track and trace system.
The belief is that RO systems are ecotoxic and cost prohibitive. Thus, utilizing constructed wetland systems hold promise as a viable multi-benefit solution because they have the potential to provide simultaneous treatment of nutrients, metals, and trace organic contaminants at a relatively low cost. They also are popular with the public who are unfamiliar with Deep Ecology ideology, which is anti-human, and holds that vast tracts of land and water must be sectored off for wildland and watershed designation, free from human use or interface.
A handful of water-stressed cities have already begun experimenting with constructed wetlands for RO concentrate treatment. However, further research is needed to reduce the land area needed for treatment and increase the reliability of constructed wetland systems.
This leaves us, once again, with the global restructuring of life using Experimental Evolution of our planet. Experimental evolution is the study of evolutionary changes occurring in experimental populations as a consequence of conditions (environmental, demographic, genetic, social, and so forth) imposed by the experimenter. Bottom line we are in a global experiment where anything goes in the name of science.
Blessings of pure and crystalline water,
Celeste Solum is a broadcaster, author, former government, organic farmer and is trained in nursing and environmental medicine. Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event.
Tracking goods and people will be a part of managing the population during this convergence.
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