DARPA 2016
Go Green, Eat Bugs is the Messaging
By now you have heard the message loud and clear that we are all to trade in our delicious diets for a subsistence diet of bugs, grasshoppers, worms, and beetles. You know the food supply is shrinking by design. Many of you may be thinking eating bugs is better than starving, but is it?
The reports that I research and hear, and I am listening very closely, never give you some key facts about this new insect diet:
- These bugs will not come to you from nature, by mandate of the UN.
- You will not be free to roam around the countryside choosing which bugs to include in your diet.
- The bugs that will be provided to you are weaponized. More on this fact later in this article.
- The bug products will be 3D printed using energy, water, and air with microbes only for flavoring. You are skeptical? Look up DARPA’s Cornucopia Program which enables deployable, on-demand production of appetizing, microbial-origin food starting from water, air, and electricity with minimal to no supplementation. The program eliminates the logistical burden of food transportation, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief operations.
- The bug products will be sold either by the molecule or 1/1000 of a calorie.
- They will contain a plethora of gene-editing platforms, pathogens, toxins, and therapeutics (drugs).
For instance, compare this US Army and Public Health Command Chart (2010) with the new experiments going on at National Agro and Bio BSL4 Bioweapon Lab located at Manhattan, Kansas:
Entomological warfare is a type of biological warfare that uses insects to:
- Interrupt supply lines by damaging crops,
- Directly harm “enemy combatants,”
- Harm civilian populations.
Many countries, including the United States, have used and will escalate entomological warfare in the days to come. How do I know this? The new NBAF in Manhattan, Kansas has an Insectary to advance weaponization of insects.
Who Really Deploys a Plague of Insects?
To understand entomological warfare, we must put it in context. While it may appear that many nefarious characters, it is God Almighty alone, who has allowed this entomological warfare to occur.
The purpose of this plague of entomological warfare nestled within other plagues, will bring about is intended to:
- To make manifest God’s existence
- His providential supervision
- His omnipotence
These plagues will be a combination of signs and wonders accomplished by God, not the scientific magicians.
It may come to pass, that the new plagues follow the biblical Ten Plague template arriving to those who are not God’s children, in pairs preceded by a warning, and the third wave with no warning issued.
It is critical to note that these plagues are to designed to distinguish and remove God’s holy people from the Mystery Babylon System, so that they can worship God, freely, as a set-apart people.
Plagues of Insects
What might we be facing with this new breed of weaponized bugs? It behooves us to look into the Bible to the original 10 Plagues which includes various insects.
In Exodus 7:13 we discover microscopic swarming lice-vermin. These lice vermin began in man and beast and then spread to the earth. This is to show that this they are not within the natural order established by God. These vermin stayed upon man and beast. DARPA counterfeited God's original with its SMART Dust and microscopic swarming pathogens
In Exodus 8:17 we find Arov, possibly flies, but also many biblical authorities believe it can refer to a mixture of:
- Insects,
- Snakes,
- Scorpions, and
- Wild beasts
In Exodus 9:3-4 we find cattle disease. I am including cattle disease in the entomological warfare because the decline of meat is due to green, pantheistic, Hindu-Buddha worship where, livestock is sacred, therefore, we cannot eat them. In our biblical understanding livestock worship and gods is idolatrous. Consider the Egyptian sacred bull Apis or the Golden Calf.
Lastly, in Exodus 10:4 we find that God will bring locusts to your border. It will cover the eye (sight) of the sun over the earth. No one will be able to see the land. It will devour the surviving remnant that was left to you after the hail. It will eat every tree that grows for you from the field. They will fill your houses and the houses of your servants and the houses of all the Egyptians, something that your father and your father’s father did not see from the day were on the earth to this day. I find it interesting that commentators refer to the locusts swarms as 'it'.
Modern History of Insect Warfare (EW)
Japan has used insect warfare against China in WWII
Research into EW was conducted during both World War II and the Cold War by numerous states such as the United States, Soviet Union, Germany and Canada.
Non-state actors use it as a form of bioterrorism.
Under the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention of 1972, the use of insects to administer agents or toxins for hostile purposes is deemed to be against international law. Why are countries around the world using them if this warfare is against international law? This law does not apply to those who are worshiping earth to “Save the Planet.” In fact, in recent global gatherings, humans have been labeled as pests- hence should be eradicated or limited to a tolerable number, in their eyes.
Entomological warfare is a specific type of biological warfare (BW) that uses insects:
- Direct attack
- Vectors to deliver a biological agent, such as plague or cholera.
Basically, there are three types of EW:
- Infecting insects with a pathogen and then dispersing the insects over target areas. The insects then act as a vector, infecting any person or animal they might bite.
- Direct insect attack against crops or people; the insect may or may not be infected or engineered with a pathogen or platform, but in any case- represents a threat to agriculture.
- The final method of entomological warfare is to use uninfected insects, such as bees, to directly attack the enemy.
World War II
The Colorado potato beetle was considered as an EW weapon by nations on both sides of WWII
France is known to have pursued entomological warfare programs during World War II. Like Germany, the nation suggested that the Colorado Potato Beetle, aimed at the enemy's food sources, would be an asset during the war. As early as 1939 biological warfare experts in France suggested that the beetle be used against German crops.
Germany is known to have pursued entomological warfare programs during World War II. The nation pursued the mass-production, and dispersion, of the Colorado potato beetle aimed at the enemy's food sources. The beetle was first found in Germany in 1914. The Germans had developed plans to drop the beetles on English crops.
Germany carried out testing of its Colorado potato beetle weaponization program south of Frankfurt, where they released 54,000 of the beetles. In 1944, an infestation of Colorado potato beetles was reported in Germany.
Among the Allied Powers, Canada led the pioneering effort in vector-borne warfare. After Japan became intent on developing the plague flea as a weapon, Canada and the United States followed suit. The Defense Research Laboratory focused research efforts on mosquito vectors, biting flies, and plague infected fleas during World War II. Much of this research was shared with or conducted in concert with the United States.
Philadelphia Department of Health poster warning the public of housefly hazards (c. 1942)
Japan used entomological warfare on a large-scale during World War II in China. Unit 731, Japan's biological warfare unit, led by Lt. General Shirō Ishii, used plague-infected fleas and flies covered with cholera to infect the population in China. Japanese Yagi consisted of two compartments, one with houseflies and another with a bacterial slurry that coated the houseflies prior to release. The Yagi bombs filled with a mixture of insects and disease. Localized and deadly epidemics resulted and nearly 500,000 Chinese died of disease.
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union researched, developed and tested an entomological warfare program as a major part of an anti-crop and anti-animal BW program. The Soviets developed techniques for using insects to transmit animal pathogens, such as: foot and mouth disease—which they used ticks to transmit; avian ticks to transmit disease to chickens; and claimed to have developed an automated mass insect breeding facility, capable of outputting millions of parasitic insects per day.
United States
The U.S. dropped over 300,000 uninfected mosquitoes on its own population.
The United States seriously researched the potential of entomological warfare during the Cold War. The United States military developed plans for an entomological warfare facility, designed to produce 100 million yellow fever-infected mosquitoes per month. The military also tested the mosquito biting capacity by dropping uninfected mosquitoes over U.S. cities.
A rat flea, the species used in U.S. EW testing during the 1950s
During the 1950s the United States conducted a series of field tests using entomological weapons.
- Operation Big Itch, in 1954, was designed to test munitions loaded with uninfected fleas.
- Operation Big Buzz using mosquitoes.
- Operation Magic Sword releasing in sects over the ocean.
- Operation Drop Kick-partially declassified with notations such as “cost per death”.
- Operation May Day
Weaponization of Bugs
- Fleas create fear.
- Ticks instill psychological impacts.
- Terrorize with the cockroach.
- Insects can carry radioactive isotopes turning them into dirty bombs, and much more.
The following is a list of bug weaponization resources.
https://apps.dtic.mil › sti › pdfs › ADA530979.pdf
Entomological Terrorism: A Tactic in Asymmetrical Warfare
(PDF) entomological warfare (IWCBRNe2018) - Academia.edu
Entomological Warfare: History of the Use of Insects as Weapons of War ...
Entomological Warfare - The Black Vault
Entomological Warfare- an Overview - DocsLib
Entomological Terrorism: A Tactic in Asymmetrical Warfare
Clemson University's Regulatory and Public Service Program listed "diseases vectored by insects" among bioterrorism scenarios considered "most likely". One University of Nebraska entomologist considered it likely that the source of any sudden appearance of a new agricultural pest would be almost trackless. Lockwood considers insects a more effective means of transmitting biological agents for acts of bioterrorism than the actual agents.
Genetically Engineered Insects
US intelligence officials suggest that insects could be genetically engineered via technologies such as CRISPR/CAS9 to create GMO "killer mosquitoes" or plagues that wipe out staple crops. There is ongoing research ongoing to genetically modify mosquitoes to curb the spread of diseases, such as Zika, and the West Nile virus by using mosquitoes modified using CRISPR/CAS9. This research also shows that it may also be possible to implant diseases or pathogens via genetic modification.
It has been suggested by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology that current US research into genetically modified insects for crop protection via infectious diseases which spread genetic modifications to crops en masse could lead to the creation of genetically modified insects for use in warfare.
DARPA Insect Allies
The DARPA Insect Allies program is pursuing scalable, readily deployable countermeasures against potential natural and engineered threats to the food supply with the goals of preserving the [biotech] U.S. crop system. Insect Allies seeks to mitigate the impact of incursions by applying targeted therapies to mature plants.
To develop such countermeasures, Insect Allies are leveraging a two-step delivery system to transfer modified genes to plants: insect vectors and the plant viruses they transmit. The program’s three technical areas—viral manipulation, insect vector optimization, and selective gene therapy in mature plants—layer together to support the goal of rapidly modifying plant traits without the need for extensive infrastructure.
In Summary
Considering the amount of evidence from academia, military, and the private sector on the weaponization of insects- I know that I am not to keen on eating them myself. I have seen the documentation on what they are feeding those creepy crawlies.
My other insect articles that you might be interested in:

One last thought. In Deuteronomy 32, a verse instructs us to be extremely careful how we talk about situations such as these with others, lest the nations of the world believe that our God is not all powerful-the King of Kings, Who is the dispenser of True Justice.
Celeste Solum is a broadcaster, author, former government, organic farmer and is trained in nursing and environmental medicine. Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event.
Tracking goods and people will be a part of managing the population during this convergence.
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