Entering the Winepress!

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Join my patrons and myself as we study Psalm 91 and commit it to memory.

Remember:  the Gate of Repentance is always open!

What is on my radar?

While the wine-press may be burdensome, you can do it with the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ!

The Wine or Olive Press

We are intricately woven into a tapestry by the Divine Artist: Jesus, each of us, His blood, His righteousness and the pressing.  And so, we will each partake the on the same path as our Saviors experience, treading of the wine-press.  When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next. Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes. A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.  It is enough for a disciple to be like his teacher and a servant like his master.  John 15:20

Jesus did not read this portion of the prophetic reading when he attended the synagogue in Nazareth.  Everyone was astounded.  Why did he not complete that portion (Haftorah) of the reading?  It was because Jesus and the people were living in real-time what was being read.  It was not the time for the Day of Vengeance of the Lord, but it is now.  Mark my words, if Jesus Christ is your Savior you will experience the crushing weight of the wine-press.

The Lord’s Day of Vengeance

Who is this that comes from Edom, (even the very ground of Edom is red, symbolic of the blood)

in crimsoned garments, from Bozrah? (stained by the Blood)

Who is this, glorious in his apparel,

striding in the greatness of his strength?

“It is I, I who announce vindication,

mighty to save.”

Why is your apparel red,

and your garments like one who treads the wine-press?

 Wine-press: here a symbol of a bloody judgment; cf. Lam 1:15; Jl 4:13.

“The wine-press I have trodden alone,

and from the peoples, no one was with me.

I trod them in my anger,

and trampled them down in my wrath;

Their blood spurted on my garments,

all my apparel I stained.

4For a day of vindication was in my heart,

my year for redeeming had come.

5I looked about, but there was no one to help,

I was appalled that there was no one to lend support;

So my own arm brought me victory

and my own wrath lent me support.

6I trampled down the peoples in my anger,

I made them drunk in my wrath,

and I poured out their blood upon the ground.”

Prayer for the Return of God’s Favor

The loving deeds of the LORD I will recall,

the glorious acts of the LORD,

Because of all the LORD has done for us,

the immense goodness to the house of Israel,

Which he has granted according to his mercy

and his many loving deeds.

He said: “They are indeed my people,

children who are not disloyal.”

So he became their savior

in their every affliction.

It was not an envoy or a messenger,

but his presence that saved them.

Because of his love and pity

the LORD redeemed them,

Lifting them up and carrying them

all the days of old

But they rebelled

and grieved his holy spirit;

So he turned to become their enemy,

and warred against them

Then they remembered the days of old, of Moses, his servant:

Where is the one who brought up out of the sea

the shepherd of his flock?

Where is the one who placed in their midst

his holy spirit,

Who guided Moses by the hand,

with his glorious arm?

Where is the one who divided the waters before them—

winning for himself everlasting renown—

Who guided them through the depths,

like horses in an open country?

As cattle going down into the valley,

they did not stumble.

The spirit of the LORD guided them.

Thus you led your people,

to make for yourself a glorious name.

Look down from heaven and regard us

from your holy and glorious palace!

Where is your zealous care and your might,

your surge of pity?

Your mercy hold not back!

For you are our father.

Were Abraham not to know us,

nor Israel to acknowledge us,

You, LORD, are our father,

our redeemer you are named from of old.

Why do you make us wander, LORD, from your ways,

and harden our hearts so that we do not fear you?

Return for the sake of your servants,

the tribes of your heritage.

Why have the wicked invaded your holy place,

why have our enemies trampled your sanctuary?

19* Too long have we been like those you do not rule,

on whom your name is not invoked.

Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,

with the mountains quaking before you,

As we prepare for this time, we need the right tools whether in our faith or in the kitchen.

Have the right tools

Whether in our kitchen or your walk of faith it is critical to have the right tools for the job.  To confront the winepress, you will need your faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures-the Bible, your prayer closet where your prayers reach up into the heavens, guidance from the Holy Spirit, and the armor of God. 

In the kitchen, as I process grapes, I need big kettles, jars, my Ball canning book, and knowledge that I have acquired through the years on canning.

Know it is a messy business

In our walk of faith, frankly, it is a messy business.  Whether repenting of your sins, dealing with confrontational people, embracing new and fresh revelations that uproot your traditional understanding of the Word and its application you will discover it is messy.  Action is messy.  But you will delightfully discover that it is worth the cleanup process.

I usually multi-task and so while canning I got my sticky fingers all over everything! My landline, my cell phone, my computer, doorknobs, counters, and all over my kitchen. It is a mess that must be cleaned up right away, as I go because it is not only sticky it can ruin expensive items. 

The Dregs

Jesus ate with sinners and associated with tax collectors.  There are some people that we just find plain have an aversion too, the dregs of life.  We must begin to look at the dregs with a new vision, that they are a treasure to be highly valued.  Dregs by their very nature humble bringing us all back to our conversion moment when we were but the dregs of life.  The dregs can provide us with abundance in both the spiritual and physical realm.

As I process my grapes I am faced with mountains of dregs.  In years past, I would feed them to the chickens but this year the Lord quickened me to preserve them. Consequently, I am dehydrating my grape juice dregs to add to culinary dishes in the future or I can make highly nutrition and radio-protective teas.  With my wine dregs, I will make an inferior wine called Grappa extracting the sweet nectar from those grapes, much like hummingbirds.  Once that wine is complete, I will dehydrate those dregs as well for future use.  This is the concept of “using the whole buffalo” that I have mentioned previously and that we must all become accustomed to these austere times ahead.

Cleaning Up Debris

Face it, spiritual debris management is necessary for our lives.  Sin builds up no matter how devout we are.  If unattended, it will continue to accumulate in our lives and allow demonic pathogens to enter the mind, body, soul, and even our Spirit if it were possible. 

Canning juice I face the same issue, I must clean up debris as it collects.  Otherwise, I can contaminate my final product.  Debris management is not a glorious job but a necessary one. 

The Oil or Wine Press

My dregs for pressing are on the right

At this step, we are ready for the pressing.  God brings the winepress to us in many formats.  For some, it may be relationships, economic, health, energy, and many others.  Pressing involves the application of pressure.  We do not enjoy it but nevertheless it produces a gem-like final product ready to be the Bride without blemish for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. In the physical, you might think of the pressure a diamond endures before it is transformed into a precious jewel.  

Yesterday, I did not have the advantage of an official winepress such as they had in ancient days, so I made one myself.  I put the dregs in a pillowcase to confine them.  I then put the pillowcase in a caulender with holes and nice wide handles to fit my canner.  I then put the caulender on top of the canner and press and squeeze until there is no longer any sweet juice coming out.

The following is from Ray Vandelaan, as you read, the juice of grapes is likened unto blood:

The word Gethsemane is derived from two Hebrew words: gat, which means "a place for pressing oil (or wine)" and shemanim, which means "oils."

During Jesus' time, heavy stone slabs were lowered onto olives that had already been crushed in an olive crusher. Gradually, the weight of the slab squeezed the olive oil out of the pulp, and the oil ran into a pit. There the oil was collected in clay jars.

The image of the Gethsemane on the slope of the Mount of Olives where Jesus went the night before his crucifixion provides a vivid picture of Jesus' suffering. The weight of the sins of the world pressed down upon him like a heavy slab of rock pressed down on olives in their baskets.

His sweat, "like drops of blood falling from to the ground" (Luke 22:44), flowed from him like olive oil as it was squeezed out and flowed into the pit of an olive press.

Olive Crusher

The olive crusher was the stone basin used to crush olives into pulp. A donkey pushed on a horizontal beam, which in turn rolled a millstone that crushed ripe olives (placed in a large, round basin) into a pulp. An olive crusher was often placed in a cave, where the moderate temperature improved the efficiency of oil production.


We must keep a pristine environment in both our faith and in canning.  Many people of faith see how close to the fires of sin they can get without getting burned.  This is dangerous because as you approach sin it begins to taint you slowly and invisibly until one is completely overtaken. 

While canning I must strive towards purity, avoiding any environment that might cause contamination of my final product.  I must be wary of invisible threats as well as visible risks. 

Slow Heating

You heat several times, during the initial process, and then again upon final processing

As most of us acknowledge with a deep sigh, that this process to which we are expecting has taken the form of a slow heat rather than a dramatic fast event.  Slow heating requires the patience of the saints.  Slowly learning those lessons that the Lord brings into our lives.  It is excruciatingly slow.  We long for the process to be fast but for the lessons to be indelibly written into our mind and heart, it takes this slow an deliberate process.

As I make grape juice, I must slowly raise the temperature to 190 degrees Fahrenheit, always watching to ensure I reach that temperature without going overboard.  Why?  Because grapes have a high mold content.  I must delicately kill the mold spores without damaging the grape juice.  It is as I mention a very delicate and time-consuming process.

Do Not Boil

There is a time to boil and that usually comes from the Creator

As we are man and woman come with a complete package of temptations and emotions.  We must not allow these passions to seethe and boil over in our lives.  Moderation is key in everything except things such as loving-kindness and charity.

And so, this holds true in the adventure of my making of grape juice.   I must heat the kettle to just shy of the boiling point and watch with an eagle eye it does not boil.  Why?  I do not know; you can ask my mom.  It is how she trained me and, in those days, you just did what you were told, no questions asked. 

Scum Skimming

After we have been tried by fire, new sins appear to us that require repentance.  We need to briskly remove the scum of percolating sins that have risen to the surface.  Remember, the goal is to be that spotless bride for her wedding day, so it is well worth the effort. 

I, too, just skim the scum from my pot of heated grape juice making it as transparent and illuminated as a ruby.  I suppose I could leave scum, but do I really want to leave it to opaque the beauty of this nectar?  Scum is one of the few things that cannot be used for another purpose, so it is tossed away as quickly as possible. 


The Lord Jesus is bringing many things into your life right now.  You should begin to see that all the events and experiences of your whole life are beginning to converge.  He has prepared you for this moment in history.  He tucked away all these things for these days, the Day of the Lord.  Once you see this occurring in your life, He wants you to preserve those valuable lessons to go forward for His will and calling in your life.  With Jesus your spiritual lessons will keep until you retire into eternity.

In the physical, I can keep my grape juice several years if the seal holds.  But it does require constant attentiveness and monitoring.  If something goes bad, I can have no delay, compassion or mercy.  I must dispose of it for it can kill. 

Generous Use

Jesus provides these lessons for you to experience His abundance. He wants you to use what He gives you with generosity, not only for yourself but to share with others.  Do not sit like a bump on a log when you have been given so many gifts and talents to share His kingdom and His love.  Sharing is abundance at its finest! 

Why do I do what I do even though it is hard work and requires much discipline?  Because I have a passion story in my heart for Jesus that most be told.  I have been told of late to rest.  My friends this is not the season for rest.  We must work diligently, the hour is late, the harvest is large, and the workers are few.  Many decades ago, Jesus shared and tutored me well in the fast of sleep.  I did not understand at the time, but I do now! 

My friends live in the abundance of Jesus as you undergo the wine-press in your life.

Lastly, the Stomping of the Grapes and wine-press is a community-wide experience.  You will go through it with other Believer's so it is important to learn how to be press individually and as a whole in the Body of Christ.

For my patrons, this is part of a series called the Stomping of the Grapes.  Join us if you are led by the Holy Spirit.

God Bless you from the trenches.  Be safe everyone.



Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activation's include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.

  • Train-the-Trainer
  • Incident Command
  • Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
  • Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
  • Principles of Emergency Management
  • Developing Volunteer Resources
  • Emergency Planning and Development
  • Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
  • Exercise Design and Evaluation
  • Public Assistance Applications
  • Emergency Operations Interface
  • Public Information Officer
  • Flood Fight Operations
  • Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
  • Multi-Hazards for Schools
  • Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
  • Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
  • Logistics, Operations, Communications
  • Community Emergency Response Team Leader
  • Behavior Recognition

Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.

Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming..

EMF Protection

My educational eBooks

Prep Resources for the Climate Chaos

Climate Revolution:  The Grand Solar Minimum

Trusted Source CBD Oil