FEMA Camps & Global Behavior Change 2.0

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FEMA CAMPS & Behavior Change 2.0 


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Just in:  China just announced their:   Notice of Guiding Principles for Emergency Psychological Crisis Intervention

FEMA upgraded the Novel Coronavirus status to a Significant Threat Level

What we are seeing is Behavior Change 2.0 being deployed during a bioweapon release.   Everything you believe in, your worldview, and your ideology is offensive to global powers who control depopulation.  They seek your cooperation (not your permission) to harmonize your belief system as you wait in line to be eradicated. 

For instance, I have an organic farm.  I tore a muscle in my back, which got infected, requiring hospitalization and high-powered antibiotics.  My neurosurgeon attacked me to get out of farming (my healthy  lifestyle choice), likening (these were his exact words), “This lifestyle you have, well, you are better than a drunk to a bottle, and you will be coming back here time and again, because you keep going back to that bottle.” Is farming being a drunkard?  I was horrified.

It has been predetermined that the population really cannot handle the stress of a disaster.  Whether quietly or publicly, we are (or will be) branded mentally-ill in need of treatment.  With the new psychiatric medical codes, this is not a problem because there is a diagnosis for everything.

Excellence in [Behavior] Operations

Disaster Planning Handbook for Behavioral Health Treatment Programs provides guidance, and the underlying rationale, for management and staff as they work together to create a comprehensive, scalable, and flexible disaster plan. It is intended to support the behavioral health treatment program at any stage of the disaster planning process. The plan is considered an evolutionary Living Document, continually changing, with no absolutes.  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic (SAMSA) Initiatives provides a framework for addressing mental and substance use disorders. An overarching aim is “Achieving Excellence in Operations.” A second aim, “Improving the Nation’s Behavioral Health Care.”

By their nature, disasters have an impact on behavioral health:

Most people who experience a disaster, whether as a victim or responder, will have some type of psychological, physical, cognitive, and/or emotional response to the event. (American Medical Association, 2005, p. 2).  People with chronic mental disorders, people with new-onset disorders triggered by the disaster, and people who are physiologically dependent on medications or illicit drugs (Rabins, Kass, Rutkow, Vernick, & Hodge Jr., 2011). 

What is behavioral health?

Behavioral health is used in this TAP to refer to a state of mental/emotional being and/or choices and actions that affect wellness. Behavioral health problems include substance abuse, alcohol, and drug addiction, serious psychological distress, suicide, and mental and substance use disorders from stress. The term is also used to describes emotional health.

disaster—An occurrence of a natural catastrophe, technological accident, or human-caused event that has resulted in severe property damage, deaths, and/or multiple injuries. (Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], 2010a, p. B-3)

emergency—Any incident, whether natural or human-caused, that requires responsive action to protect life or property. Under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, an emergency means any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States

Thus, addressing behavioural health has been inserted into disaster emergency plans.

FEMA Camps-Federal Public Reception and Treatment Centers

In my own personal opinion, this part of the behavior program smacks of a concentration camp. If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it is a duck.  

It is likely that you will be greeted at your Public Reception Center with a specially created welcome bags for residential intake clientele that contain toiletries as well as comfort items such as a blanket, a journal, a deck of cards, a novel or book of meditation, a portable media player, scented candles, and so forth. We also put clothing (sweatsuits and t-shirts—sized at admission) into the welcome bags of patients who are emergency intakes and have not had time to prepare for admission. The welcome bags are backpacks with designated ID tags and space for storage of medication should the need arise for evacuation. Smaller emergency go-kits are at the same location. These contain potable water, high-energy food bars, and other foods with long shelf life, such as dehydrated fruits. The go kits are stored near the welcome bags to be placed in the backpacks or provided to staff as needed.

Federally qualified health center programs, rural health clinics, and other primary care safety net providers are obliged, as extensions of the Federal Government, to integrate disaster planning, your local Post Office, and federally contracted businesses such as Wal Mart.  These federal hubs will be your FEMA camps and public Reception Centers as the processors and managers of the mentally ill populous.  If separated from your primary physician, you will become a Guest Client in a federal facility.

People with psychiatric disabilities “encountered enormous problems with general shelters” because such facilities were “crowded, noisy, chaotic, confusing, and sometimes violent, all inadequate circumstances for a person with psychosis, anxiety, or depression,” and so separate specialized shelters are established.  This follows the Nazi model of ghettos and concentration camps having two distinct areas or camps in one.

There are many Pre-Credentialed Volunteers that will do day-to-day operations within the camps.  It is a veritable army of workers.  National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, can serve as facilitators and gatekeepers during the operation.  Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP), Citizen Corp, Americorp, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), American Red Cross, Clergy Response Teams, Faith-Based Organizations (properly credentialed).

Access to some shelters may be blocked by security or law enforcement personnel for anyone without credentials.

Command and Control Structure 

Unlike your kindly country physician, your health care provider (with his or her license on the line) will receive marching orders from a Command and Control in a  NIMS structure which identifies the terms, protocols, procedures, and standards that should be used so that disaster response can be effectively coordinated at the local, regional, state, and federal levels. NIMS provides all partners with a common language and a standardized way to communicate about their responsibilities, activities, and functions. A NIMS-modeled disaster plan is flexible and can be scaled up or down.  (DHS, 2008).

At the initiation of a disaster, the ICS hierarchy is established.  The leader of an organization is referred to as the Agency Executive. When a disaster occurs and the behavioral health treatment program’s Agency Executive activates its disaster plan, he or she appoints an Incident Commander.  Incident Command is a military organizational structure. 

You need to be aware that there is a labyrinth of contracts between the parties: Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) defining how one party will assist another on request. When the agreement is bilateral or multilateral, the document may be referred to as a mutual aid agreement.

Your treatment will be dictated and fall under FEMA’s functional annexes found in all emergency plans.

You need to be aware that the template for any disaster scenario has been addressed. There are State Disaster Behavioral Health Coordinators beholding to the federal government.  Yes, you have been sold out.   Team Leaders chosen to coordinate and collaborate with others have been indoctrinated about Behavioral Health Services, have conducted a hazard and risk analysis, and have specific objectives it must achieve.  Behavior health was injected into all disasters ever since Hurricane Katrina.  That was one of the objectives for that operation and response. 

Public Health has many responsibilities, including mass vaccinations

If a person is on any controlled substances, they will go to a facility that provides the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) surveillance and intervention.

Invoking COOP

In a disaster situation, especially involving the 'health, safety, and welfare of the population," insert an Emergency Clause and suspends the Constitution.  You must understand that whether government or business, these days Public-Private Partnerships will invoke continuity of operations plan or COOP plan.  As agencies or entities under the Federal government, they must protect the sustainability of the government. Briefly stated, they get the resources to survive and you do not.  Under COOP personal privacy and liberties are suspended.

Sheltering in Place to Die

When there is a surge, swelling the capacity that overwhelms the capacity of facilities, a person or persons may be advised to return home and shelter-in-place.  We are seeing this occurring in China with the Coronavirus.  Many of the sick return home and die with neighbors reporting of the terrible stench of decomposing bodies. 

Order of Succession

An order of succession officially passes authority from one person to another. Depending on the size of the facility and staff, several successors may be named for each position; multiple successors are especially important for the pandemic or biological weapon releases.  The order of Succession falls under COOP. 

Know When To Seek Help

Depending on their situation, some people may develop depression, experience grief, and anger, turn to drugs and alcohol, and even contemplate suicide. Help, will most certainly, land you in a Federal Facility so be prepared for that eventuality.  The signs of serious problems include:

  • Excessive worry.
  • Frequent crying.
  • An increase in irritability, anger, and frequent arguing.
  • Wanting to be alone most of the time.
  • Feeling anxious or fearful, overwhelmed by sadness, confused.
  • Having trouble thinking clearly and concentrating and difficulty making decisions.
  • Increased alcohol and/or substance use.
  • Physical aches, pains, complaints.

If these signs and symptoms persist and interfere with daily functioning, it is important to seek help for yourself or a loved one.  This is where your faith becomes really helpful to overcome any trauma you may experience during a disaster. 


Medications become problematic in a disaster.  The supply chain will be impacted, limiting your ability to secure your just in time medications.  When you find yourself in a Public Reception Facility (FEMA Camp), I cannot envision things will go well.  In most cases, your medication load will be reduced if not eliminated.  Medication dispensed may require you to get a SMART card, wristband, or implant. 

On a personal note, I have always had difficulty getting any medication in a hospital setting.  I cannot imagine the nightmare of getting medications in a FEMA Camp as a guest of the federal government. 

Outpatient Treatment Programs

During a pandemic on any kind:

  • Client drop-in and attendance at individual appointments and group events may decline.
  • Alternatively, client drop-in and attendance may surge because of concern, panic, or lack of other psychological or medical support.
  • Clients may not heed instructions to stay home if experiencing Viral outbreak-like symptoms, and consequently, transmit the illness to other clients and staff.
  • Mental health emergencies may increase as the result of a disruption in client support and access to ongoing treatment.
  • Services may have to be provided using procedures to reduce Viral outbreak transmission (addressed in the section below).
  • Staffing shortages may occur as clinicians become ill or stay at home to care for ill family members.
  • The entire program or specific services may close during local outbreaks of disease.
  • Revenues may decline dramatically, with effects on the viability of the program.

Residential Treatment Programs

  • During a pandemic on any kind:
  • Patients may become ill and need to be isolated.
  • Staff may need to take care of patients who become ill.
  • The facility may be quarantined.
  • Visitation may need to be suspended or highly restricted.
  • Electronic communications may replace actual onsite visitation.

Medically Managed Detoxification Programs

During a pandemic on any kind:

  • Beds may be redirected for use by patients with a Viral outbreak. Medical and nursing staff may be redirected to care for patients with a Viral outbreak.
  • Necessary antiviral drugs may be slow in arriving or not be available at the necessary levels.
  • Viral outbreak symptoms (e.g., fever, nausea, diarrhea) may be difficult to differentiate from withdrawal symptoms.
  • A surge in patients may occur that includes people who are infected with Viral outbreak, people who misinterpret Viral outbreak symptoms as withdrawal symptoms, and people who seek psychological or medical support.

Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs)

  • An OTP may need to provide patients with take-home methadone doses for longer periods than usual (following guidelines from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment [CSAT], Division of Pharmacologic Therapies [DPT]).
  • The program may need to provide patients with take-home doses earlier in their recovery than usual (again, following CSAT’s guidelines).
  • Increased numbers of patients may need to have doses brought to them because they have contracted a communicable disease.
  • Hospital emergency departments may be operating at capacity and unavailable for methadone maintenance treatment of patients whose home OTP has closed.
  • Patients in fear of not receiving scheduled doses may overwhelm the program as they seek additional take-home supplies or support.

Scaling Down and Ramping Up

The rest of the plan talks about a time when the operation concludes.

Next time, we will look at a new atlas that has been created of personality, emotion, and behavior, in The War on Your Brain and Behavior.  This is a novel (meaning synthetic) two-dimensional matrix taxonomy. Not only has biological life been reclassified, but so is your behavior, personality, and emotions.

These two dimensions of the atlas, affiliation, and dominance, are demonstrated are rooted foundations in neurobiology and social psychology. Both dimensions are divided into five ordinal categories, creating a square matrix of 25 cells. A new catalog of 20,669 English words descriptive of personality, emotion, behavior, and power is also presented. The catalog is more comprehensive than previous catalogs and is novel in its inclusion of intra-personal, group, and societal behaviors. All words in the catalog were scored according to the atlas, facilitating visualization in two dimensions. This enabled a contiguous and novel comparison of existing psychological taxonomies, as well as broader societal concepts such as leadership, ethics, and crime. Using the atlas, a novel psychological test has been developed. 

Source:  Link


Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and experiences include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.

  • Train-the-Trainer
  • Incident Command
  • Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
  • Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
  • Principles of Emergency Management
  • Developing Volunteer Resources
  • Emergency Planning and Development
  • Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
  • Exercise Design and Evaluation
  • Public Assistance Applications
  • Emergency Operations Interface
  • Public Information Officer
  • Flood Fight Operations
  • Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
  • Multi-Hazards for Schools
  • Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
  • Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
  • Logistics, Operations, Communications
  • Community Emergency Response Team Leader
  • Behavior Recognition

Celeste grew up in military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.

Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming.

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