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Lawless weather is a threat multiplier. It expresses itself through the cyclical patterns of time within the laws of nature with a synergistic effect driven by the wickedness of the hearts and minds of mind. For instance, it is sheer arrogance of mankind to declare that they can "Own the Weather by 2025". The spiritual and geo-political implications of rising sea levels, unsettled weather, and water and food shortages, environmental issues will exacerbate competition, social instability, bringing volatility, violence, and conflict.
The Flaring Nostrils of the Black Horse Indicate Volatility and Famine
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Matthew 24:5
Chaotic climate induces violence and political warfare. These hallmarks are a manifestation from the adverse impacts of a chaotic environment that more often than not originates from the sun and far off galaxies cause instability not only to the situation but the very fabric of our bodies. Chaotic climate and space weather change according to the Global Peace Index report acts as a threat multiplier. The Global Peace Index described it best as its ability to exacerbate security threats when they stated that “climate pressures adversely impact resource availability, affect population dynamics, and strain societal institutions, which directly affects security and stability.” It might sound apocalyptic, but this statement could have been lifted straight from the bible, where we see in Revelation 6:6 :
And when the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” Then I looked and saw a black horse, and its rider held in his hand a pair of scales. And I heard what sounded like a voice from among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not waste the oil and wine.” And when the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”
Our scales of divine justice are sore stacked against us sue to sin, and as a consequence, food shortages are a part of the larger resource unavailability. A denarius is an agricultural worker's entire wages ($72.50 per 10 hour day) to feed himself on wheat, or he could be able to feed himself and two other family members on barley. Most certainly, we are beginning to see that more of our money is going food. Famine is just the beginning. How many times do we see in the bible," and there was famine in the land," causing a change in population dynamics. We are beginning to see that cosmic flux is triggering an increase in climate refugees. Chaotic weather has decimated societal institutions such as governments, causing many an empire to collapse.
Things that go Bump in the Night
Climate Revolution by David DuByne and Bill Porter
Given the cycles of time associated with the climate, we must examine that just as climate pressures in our atmosphere are no longer gently oscillating but rather violently colliding, they are but a representation of what is going on in the hearts and minds of mankind. The natural and gentle flow of life has been disrupted as the shadow of God's judgment spreads across the earth.
Chaotic Weather is a National Security Issue
The deluge of chaotic weather is now having an impact on security decision making, particularly in the U.S. On June 5, the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence held a hearing on the National Security Implications of Climate Change. This hearing was unique in that it called witnesses Peter Kiemel from the National Intelligence Jeffrey Ringhausen from the Office of Naval Intelligence. Chairman Schiff commenced the discussion by stating that climate change was the “greatest long-term national security threat to the U.S.”
Totalitarian Emergence
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Revelation 13:1
I think it’s worth mentioning at this point the emerging threat of political warfare. We get an inkling of the supernatural forces at work from the physical manifestation. This issue was best explained by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Chief, GEN Angus Campbell’s recent speech during ASPI’s War in 2025 conference.” His stark comments that:
“democracies risk being out-maneuvered by totalitarian powers unrestrained by rules, and willing to use information campaigns, cyber operations, theft of intellectual property, coercion and propaganda to weaken them,” are an indication that large power competition has risen to the fore once more.
The desire for totalitarian powers to conduct these types of activities is usually driven by a threat to their existence. In many cases, it is access to the resources that western democracies and their economies have thrived upon and use to exert their power over the international trading landscape. In this respect, the impacts of climate change were a more pressing issue due to its ability to act as a threat multiplier.
Build on the Rock for all else is Sinking Sand

Jakarta / Source: pxhere
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:24-27
This verse is as if Jesus was giving us a personal briefing for today. For instance, Indonesia, as well, like other places around the globe, is sinking. Since the 1970s, parts of its capital city Jakarta have seen sea levels rise more than four meters. Scientists predict that more than a quarter of the city could be swamped by the sea by 2025. Jakarta is home to more than 34 million people, and one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Jakarta has also seen an exponential rise in flames of violence.
Rising sea levels was also one example of two recent King's College Podcasts highlighted as they discussed the challenges of climate change on global security. The root of rising sea levels is not what you are being told. Firstly, they are spiritual, and secondarily, they arrive due to cosmic flux, sun-earth magnetic connection, and the magnetic excursion now underway at what used to earth poles. It is a well-known fact that as the waters rise so do tempers.
What is it like to be Frigid?
During training, U.S. Army Soldiers immerse their arms in a cooler of ice-cold water for 15 seconds to lower their core. Source:, photo by Jeff Crawley
The Army is demonstrating to its men what cold can do to a body. I used this same experiment decades ago at a retreat for my Girl Scout Troop. The girls did not like it one bit, but I am sure that each girl took home valuable and practical lessons of surviving the cold that is bearing down upon us all.
A recent report from the Pentagon highlighted that changing temperatures were exacerbating challenges the military is facing in some of the world’s most destabilized regions, and endangered individual troops and, by extension, U.S. security and preparedness. Further, the report stated that the health impacts of the chaotic climate have already cost the military as much as nearly $1 billion from 2008 to 2018. Soldier presence on a battlefield, operating amongst the people, shaping and influencing the human terrain, would undoubtedly impact the decisiveness of military campaigns, thus prolonging wars in the future. The beast system will increasingly manage operations and fill in gaps of the human organizational charts with synthetic and hybrid synthetic life forms for the End Time battles yet to come.
Stuck in the Muck
As a result of tumultuous temperatures, the world faces a significant drop in food production and increasing numbers of extreme weather events. Food production is quickly approaching the point where there are inadequate supplies to feed the global population. Human habitation in significant food-growing regions may be thwarted. As a result, substantial portions of some of the world’s most populous cities will have to be abandoned. People will wander to and fro, following the footsteps of Satan and not know where to settle, as they are driven from cities by lack of food, violence, and earth changes already beginning to impact the heart of cities such as Los Angeles. It is not coincidental that the La Brea tar pits which captured a variety of animals such as wooly mastodons and saber-tooth cats, at the time of the great Ice Age about the time Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden are reemerging. As a young child, I was fascinated and drawn to watch the oozing and bubbling tar boiling up from the earth when I got my head stuck in the iron bars. I could not get free, and terror seized my heart that I would succumb to the boiling tar, as did the animals whose bones I was viewing. Emergency services were called, and I was freed from such a fate, but my prayer is for the many who will not escape the earth changes to come.
Wandering Climate-Wandering People

Turbulent weather has meant that the livelihoods of more than five million farmers in Mexico were impacted by the drought from 2002 to 2012, creating international migration to the United States from the slums and hostile climate. Refugees are kept as prisoners in camps to showcase global agendas. Eighty-one percent of migrants cited a climate-related cause as the main reason for their move, with most of those relocating to cities to earn their livelihood after losing their land and houses to river erosion. High levels of resource scarcity and strained public resources contributed to violence in these slums, with climate refugees intensifying already present social stress. That drought is now over for many places as the earth is greening. In some ways, the greening provides an opportunity for some food production, but in the wake of higher humidity, diseases such as increased fungal loads could undermine potential growth areas.
Currently, the United Nations Refugee Agency stated that the global population of people displaced reached 70.8 million, up from 43 million a decade ago, 26 million fled across borders, and 3.5 million were seeking asylum in third countries. Evidence suggests that people living in less developed countries without the ability to mitigate these problems are those most likely to migrate and that this migration has been a significant factor in increased violence in the receiving areas. This number will rise as the riotous weather pries mankind from their peaceful homes.
Militaries Gird their Loins for Instability

NZ Defence Capability Plan 2019 / Source:
Research has shown that lawless weather that has jumped the lines of the Laws of Nature will impose significant stress on societies into the future. The recent New Zealand (NZ) Defence Capability Plan has a whole chapter dedicated to responding to the climate crisis in their region. In the plan, they highlight that the “effects of climate change can be significant contributors to both low-level and more violent conflict.” Such is their concern; they have sought to increase the size of their Defence Force to contend with concurrent humanitarian assistance and stability operations in the region brought about through climate change.
Hope Amidst a Climate of Spiritual Degradation
and many false prophets will arise and mislead many. Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:12
The influence of turbulent climate has often taken a back seat to other more pressing issues, but it is deeply intertwined with our security and stability. Spiritual degradation, violence, and unrest brought about by cosmic flux and political warfare can weaken the government, making society more vulnerable to climate shocks. This cycle suggests that it will be the primary source of internal strife and that lawless climate will continue to serve as a risk multiplier.
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For those who are actively praying for my ministry, I humbly want to thank each one of you!
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Going where angels fear to tread.
Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activations include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other activities. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.
- Train-the-Trainer
- Incident Command
- Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
- Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
- Principles of Emergency Management
- Developing Volunteer Resources
- Emergency Planning and Development
- Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
- Exercise Design and Evaluation
- Public Assistance Applications
- Emergency Operations Interface
- Public Information Officer
- Flood Fight Operations
- Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
- Multi-Hazards for Schools
- Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
- Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
- Logistics, Operations, Communications
- Community Emergency Response Team Leader
- Behavior Recognition
Celeste grew up in military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.
Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming.
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We live in a day and age that it is critical to be:
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- Purity in food and water can
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