Protect Yourself from Invisible Cosmic Ray Bombardment

Cosmic rays are damaging the bodies of your loved ones right now.  They are only going to increase as our magnetosphere collapses allowing intergalactic particles to stream deadly particles into our atmosphere and rain upon all life.  It is time to beginning thinking about ways to protect yourselves.

The good news is that I am researching and putting together, with an inter-disciplinary team of health professionals,  an easy to use guide of foods and nutritional supplements for you, your dogs and cats.  Many of these items you already have in your kitchen.  When possible, I will be including dosing and situations (called contraindications) where you should not use a particular food or supplement.  

I am not a doctor, so this will be a lay persons guide.  That said, the information does come from peer review research papers on the topic.  I am not diagnosing, curing, treating, and medical condition.  What I am providing is practical artistic entertainment (you know the drill of why I must say this, because only the government in partnership with your health care professional can treat, cure or address your medical needs).  

Before beginning any dietary changes it is always advisable to consult with a health care professional.  That said, I doubt whether many physicians are monitoring the devastating damage cosmic rays are causing to all biological life on earth.  

I may change the title, as I refine and distill the research into a user friendly reference manual.  

I hope that you find this nutritional information from  NASA thought and action provoking.  

My Patron briefing for this week on Nutrition and the UN's The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019 will be up sometime this morning.  Become a Patron today to access vital information for your own personal situational awareness and mindful living action plans.

Blessings from the trenches,
