Revolutionary Truth Regime Change
They have corrupted themselves; their spot is not the spot of His children: they are a perverse and crooked generation. Deuteronomy 32: 5
Whether you believe the Revolutionary War was won by 3% or 10% of the population of the Colonies, it was a relatively small number who won the war. Today we see a manifest of revolutionary futurists who brought ancient wickedness which has become our reality. Futurists long dreamed of creating a master algorithm that would be able to learn and adapt to any decision-making situation without the need for human input or control, making it self-teaching and without accountability. We are at the midpoint of three integration phases for this master artificial or synthetic intelligence.
We live in an algorithmic age where mathematics and computers are coming together in powerful new ways to influence, shape and guide our behavior and the governance of our civilization. Invisible to many these algorithmic governance structures are proliferating. As with the sweeping draconian spread of surveillance technologies and the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), we are being subjected to an interconnected network of data collection devices. While the human brain is designed and capable of quantum calculations the speed at which emerging data is being thrust upon us no human being can grasp the big picture of the data unassisted. Hence, you and I rely upon algorithms to mine, parse, sort and configure the data into useful packages such as our cell phones and computers. At this point, these systems are maintained by human designers and engineers ‘agents’. This data is then utilized by policy-makers in corporate and bureaucratic systems. There is a growing willingness to outsource decision-making authority to algorithm-based decision-making or autonomous system (AI). Human primacy was first challenged in the legal system around 2000. It was determined that animals had primacy. Surreptitiously, small devices are yielding to one large global AI system. You and I are now being forced into an algorithmic system that declares primacy for itself alone.
AI creates novel and wicked problems never experienced before in history:
- Policies determined by implementation of a mathematical construct
- Creation of a new governable subject(s)
- Exclusion of participation due to the inscrutability of algorithms
Algorithmic (AI) Governance Reality
There is a new form of knowledge emerging today, and with it a new form of power, and a new subject of governance. Data behaviorism seeks to cope with the complexities of our world with massive flows of persons, subjects, and information to compensate for the difficulties of governing by law in our complex globalized world.
Whether we like it or not, algorithms are increasingly being used to nudge, bias, guide, provoke, control, manipulate and constrain our behavior. Sometimes this is beneficial; sometimes benign; sometimes it is lethal.
AI has access to massive amounts of raw data from the IoT as well as from commercial and government data sets. With that information it can anticipate most phenomena including human behaviors in both the physical and digital worlds.
Simple algorithms could provide allow us statistical data on a purely inductive basis of behaviors and patterns without causing us tensions or formally expressed preferences. AI uses its knowledge not from the world you know but from the digital world. An algorithmic reality is formed inside a digital reality without any direct contact with the world that it is representing. This is the notion of shadow cells within data. The alarming matter before you is that it really doesn't matter if this type of data actually works or not or if it actually accurate or providing a way of handing the world; but it does provide a wholly new comprehensive, seemingly undeniable, and irresistible form of governance. If you like, it is an algorithmic governmental reality.
The Algorithmic (AI) State
Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and throne and great authority.… Revelation 13
And from the sea of raging nations emerges the algorithmic state rising out of the algorithmic government reality. State agencies realize the power and potential of big data, data-mining,and profiling for making sanitized algorithmic decision-making. Facebook, Google, Amazon and Netflix use predictive algorithms so why not use predictive algorithm’s for police and health systems, the education system, in fact, why shouldn't all regulatory and enforcement agencies jump on the algorithmic bandwagon? We want to manage justice, judicial administration, why not just develop a predictive algorithm?
Under AI the state, as we know it, will disappear.
Justice and Judges
You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. Deuteronomy 16:19
(Biblical tribes had a loose confederation with no central government but during times of crisis would be lead by the judges known as shoftim).
How might judges use algorithms? We should envision a day very soon when algorithms are used instead of judges. We care about child welfare so agencies can easily develop a predictive algorithm. If the government’s concern is tax evasion, road design or any issue of policy it is increasing embracing the algorithmic turning. AI policy making and enforcement is very different from the real world because this algorithmic governmental works without any relation to any individually real world experience. AI is raw power, again, with no real experiences, without messy politics, and it is without subject. It acts purely on infra-infrastructural data and supra-individual patterns. At no time does AI call in the subject to account for his or herself with decisions made. Algorithmic (AI) government mentality draws upon and seeks to involve governable subjects who function not as real individuals, but rather as temporary aggregates of this infra-personal data which is gathered on and exploited at an industrial scale.
The knowledge that AI government draws upon isn't created by individuals or given any meaning. It does not divide by natural categories, political, or other frames of reference, but instead, it appears ineluctably, from the data. This found data is hidden of course within big data and security.
AI curates a new and constantly updated reality, and with that a new normality, that is seemingly being reinforced as the consensus and expression of everyone. With AI ‘everyone is in this, like it or not’. In this sense, the world of AI government is not comprehensible naturally. Under AI rule there is no ‘self,’ ‘individual,’ or ‘relationship’ as presently understood by us within our framework of the natural or real world. At the same time, it seems to offer a false sense of emancipation by appearing by its very nature to be all inclusive. It may sound futurist but a seamless virtual world has been constructed without our knowledge. From big data to IoT offers the potential of the actualization of a control vision where movement and behavior, spending and consuming, communicating, and accessing resources is controlled by AI. The promise of AI government means that the reality of government is changing.
New Truth Regime
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. II Thessalonians 2:11-12
The world is now uncoupled from the natural experience by AI predicting and responding to prediction within this digital world that that exists. This produces what might be viewed as a new truth regime. The new truth regime is one that is centered on what is visible purely from the data. Data mining in this reality reorganizes how we see the world, within a compelling certainty of science and statistics. AI’s task is to construct meaning out of meaningless information and this involves the disappearance of the individual person or subject, whose only point of interest, is how he or she exists in a relational context to other individuals, collectively enmeshed within huge data sets. Relevancy is relational only in how their conduct affects one another.
This involves a departure of individual agency and also the appearance of politics. The AI machine, the AI computer, says everything. It says what we will do there is no what do I want to do. The AI knows what we want; AI knows what we are doing, in essence usurping God. This certainly suggest that the appearance, or at least the transformation, of traditional forms of policy making. Within the last decade or two agencies fully disclosed they were in a transformative mode.
Think about this for minute, when AI is fully online, consultation in all its forms and internet enhanced technologies will become obsolete when every action and behavior is already known, already predictable from the huge data sets. Why would you bother inquiring about a transportation system or whether you want one? You already know about traffic flows and the cost people are willing to pay with AI.
Revolutionary History
To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. Deuteronomy 32:35
I have been intrigued of late, because everywhere I turn I hear the word 'revolutionary'. At first I thought it was political, but when I ran across the term across disciplines, being promulgated, I had a light-bulb moment! The 'revolution' is the supernatural war against God!
The phenomenon of AI governance is part of a longer historical trend toward the mechanization of traditional governance. This is a hugely powerful government technique dating back from the late 1700 century onward.
In 2001, Doug Laney of Gartner proposed the now-classic ‘three Vs’ framework for understanding the emergence of Big Data systems. This framework suggested that Big Data was ‘big’ in terms of its volume, velocity and variety. Since then, more complex frameworks have been proposed. Kitchin believes that there are at least seven dimensions to bigness, adding exhaustivity, resolution and indexicality, relationality and extensionality and scalability to the three Vs.
AI governance does not produce the average or typical citizen as an object (subject) of government. AI evokes the individual to say, “I am not the average one,” or, “I am exceptional one,” or, “that is not me (us),” that is something different because I am natural and real. Humanity then gets side-tracked debating who is special, privileged, elite, or detestable which takes their eye off the big picture as AI supernaturally empowers the destruction of mankind, possibly even planet Earth. As we all become disposable it seems to offer a universally valid way of rendering the world meaningful and provide us meaning as we loose our jobs and become the ‘irrelevant ones’.
With AI does not require further testing to see if this or that hypothesis is true or right; or acceptable; it simply IS as AI says. If you claim you are not reflecting the data, or that the data is inaccurate, then you are simply a value added into the equation nevertheless. The result is an improved data set which AI sees as being even more valid. In the context of data mining and profiling patterns the profiles make obsolete testimony, expertise discourses, confessions, linguistic modalities of evidence, compared with the AI operational of the immediacy and objectivity of data behaviorism.
Person or Aggregate
AI produces a new type of citizen which is something different from the usual citizen within liberal, neo-liberal or conservative assemblages of their government. Explaining this simply is tricky, for it involves reacting to the ‘average,’ a ‘category,’ or ‘community’ deductively created as an object of governance. Sovereign citizens, for instance, operate separate and apart from, corporate
Individuals can be wrongly labeled or can buck the trend. In traditional governance the facts generated and the policies generated by these facts, can be challenged on political grounds. We have the freedom right now to say, “We don't want this,” and, “we don't want you”. These issues do not arise with AI governance. It is instead, dealing only with its view of reality. And so, in this way, AI governance is without a subject.
AI operates infra-individual and supra-pattern without a person being able to defend themselves. The only subject (or person) AI governance needs is a unique super individual, constantly being reconfigured into its statistical body. This has made us, by inference, merely individual digital traces of impersonal disparate, heterogeneous, individualized facts of daily life and interaction. By definition we become elements that are not of the same kind or nature. In the Greek it is a combination of heteros, meaning "other," and genos, meaning "a kind." So heterogeneous means we become the "other kind".
This AI infra and super individual statistical body carries with it a kind of memory of the future. The purpose and the rule of AI governance consist in either ensuring or preventing the actualization of a particular future, from analysis of huge data-sets.
AI governance does not need to tame the wilderness of facts and behavior. In other words, AI is saying how we can act upon the world, look at the world, and decide what needs to be done, and asking AI what needs to be done. AI is essentially omnipresent, omniscience, and omnipotent. AI eliminates God, or so it believes.
Part of the computation is that you do not need to ask people what they want, because AI knows from the data, what they are (impersonal) and what they want. AI governance means you have lost your participatory form of government. AI does not need politics and our politicians know this and yet they are as lemmings jumping off the cliff to accomplish total AI control quickly. Lost is the man of law, to whom the state commands or lunges towards, optimal behavior as decided through an eccentric political process as to whatever society and government values. This whole notion is very much in contrast to the rational man within liberal and conservative government. Is this real?
AI says and AI knows. It does not really matter if claims are technically true or not, insofar, as they seem to provide a wholly new comprehensive, seemingly undeniable, irresistible form of governance. AI governance exists by itself simulating God and His realm. Of course, the AI world is not real. Of course, AI does not work. AI does not matter to man any longer for the sake of convenience.
You are going wonder at the spatial nature of data in its commercial context and the economic sense of it all. It will soon be heresy to suggest that it is not quite as seamless as it may appear. AI has cracks. AI has vacuum spaces that are as cold as hell. These provide opportunity for both resistance and alternatives to this menacing threat.
Each person and place is going to have a different place in the digital world. Digital reality is very different. It creates a digital divide of life and experience within different contexts and dimensions. Collecting big data for AI is not about making a profit it is about control. In the future, more than any other time in history it will be miraculous who and what is missing from the data streams. Some of you, by supernatural means, will remain opaque to AI and to outsiders. Just by knowing the odds against you, you will know that Jesus is King of King and Lord of Lords.
What form should/could resistance take?
How do we resist this? Where there is power there is always resistance. Sometimes it is hard to see where the resistance is under AI governance.
Try to get educated on AI and make a meager attempt to understand the dangers. Some people are calling for ethics for AI. Ethics will be promised but once AI goes wild there will be no controlling it. How would ethics even work when the people building and training AI do not see ethics as an issue? They genuinely don't even think of this stuff. Lawyers can control the executives and so another avenue may be to develop a set of rules. Others are calling for an AI Court which would be comprised of judges who studied computer science, and are well versed in programming there is ubiquity with our enmeshment within big data. The opacity of big data is difficult to penetrate and harder to get into it, if you dared want to. I speak from experience, that AI has layers upon layers of evil so deep that it can grasp at your soul to drag you to the pit of gehinnom.
How do we actually get into this and start to resist it?
Keep your critical thinking skills, keep your blood untainted, preserve your heart from evil, fill your soul with Jesus and His Word, and take a stand.
And when the time comes, as it sure will:
With these steps, and with Jesus-the Lion of Judah at your side, you will be taking the most revolutionary steps of your life. Jesus the Christ is the most revolutionary personage in history. Whether you believe or do not believe in Him, He spans the beginning of time unto the end. All life and civilization on this planet was changed with His sacrifice for you.And they have overcome him by reason of the blood of the Lamb and by reason of the word of their testimony; and they have not loved their life unto death. Revelation 12:11
Author Information
Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activations include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.
- Train-the-Trainer
- Incident Command
- Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
- Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
- Principles of Emergency Management
- Developing Volunteer Resources
- Emergency Planning and Development
- Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
- Exercise Design and Evaluation
- Public Assistance Applications
- Emergency Operations Interface
- Public Information Officer
- Flood Fight Operations
- Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
- Multi-Hazards for Schools
- Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
- Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
- Logistics, Operations, Communications
- Community Emergency Response Team Leader
- Behavior Recognition
And more….
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.
Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming.
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