Image: Engraving by Adolf Vollmy (1889)
Shooting Stars Storm can cause terror as people look to the heavens during a severe storm as a portent of the End of the World. Meteor Storms are actually a more accurate gauge of global events than the much touted Blood Red Moons. Cyclical Shooting Star Storms can change our planet forever. They can pummel fiery 100 pound rocks traveling at high speeds your way; they can potentially precipitate a magnetic reversal that would gently melt the ice caps; could cause global extinctions; and trigger FEMA/NASA exercises. And yet, shooting stars barely noticed in our high advanced technological era.
"Our results indicate that giant meteorite impacts in the past could have triggered events where the solid outer section of the Earth sinks into the deeper mantle at ocean trenches – a process known as subduction. This would have effectively recycled large portions of the Earth's surface, drastically changing the geography of the planet," explained lead author Associate Professor Craig O'Neill from
"Large impact events may have also kick-started the Earth's magnetic field by triggering the planet's cold outer crust to suddenly move downward and interact with the Earth's outer core. This affects convection in the core, and thus the geodynamo – the process that creates the Earth's magnetic field," he added.
"Our results indicate that giant meteorite impacts in the past could have triggered events where the solid outer section of the Earth sinks into the deeper mantle at ocean trenches – a process known as subduction. This would have effectively recycled large portions of the Earth's surface, drastically changing the geography of the planet," explained lead author Associate Professor Craig O'Neill from
"Large impact events may have also kick-started the Earth's magnetic field by triggering the planet's cold outer crust to suddenly move downward and interact with the Earth's outer core. This affects convection in the core, and thus the geodynamo – the process that creates the Earth's magnetic field," he added. has 831 peer articles discussing magnetic pole shift in relationship to meteors strikes.
FEMA and NASA Exercise
As you know researchers are carrying out a practice drill to see how we’d respond if Earth was about to be hit by a huge asteroid. At a conference in the Washington, DC, area, government organizations, including NASA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are undergoing a mock asteroid impact exercise. The drill is constructed around a fictional asteroid, named PDC, is given 1-in-100 odds of striking Earth. The group then tries to work out how to deflect it, or minimize damage if it hits. By day two, the chances are 1-in-10. On April 13 2029 a 1,100-foot-wide asteroid is expected to fly right past Earth. New Near Earth Objects (NEO) pop up daily so agencies want to be prepared.
The most discussed plan for diverting a NEO is a nuclear detonation. Depending upon where that exchange would happen determines if this plan is a good one or a bad option.
Heavens Ablaze with Fiery Meteors and Fireballs
One night in history a Leonid Shooting Star Storm lit up the sky, seemed that every star in the universe was in action, many people were stricken with terror. The Leonids radiate from the Constellation of Leo, hence the name. This magnificent Leonid Storm it was enhanced with the 33 year cyclical return of the Tempel-Tuttle comet. Small shooting stars fell like snowflakes and produced phosphorescent along their path and intermingled with large balls of fire, which darted forth at intervals, leaving luminous trains, which remained in view for several minutes, and sometimes more than an hour.
My maternal second great grandmother and father were newlyweds living in Guernsey County Ohio. I often wonder what their thoughts were about 'the night the stars fell,' with hundreds of thousands of meteorites falling every hour and twenty or more a second. On the night of November 12, 1833 there are those who remembered vividly, "the night the stars fell." For those who witnessed the celestial phenomena, and everybody did, it was sublime and beyond the powers of human description.
It was a Tuesday night, November 12, 1833 that was cool, calm and clear; not a cloud in the sky. The stars twinkled brightly; giving no notice of the disturbance that would be raised before morning. Shortly after midnight a few stars here and there began to shoot, as if, by this preliminary display, to prepare for the grand spectacle to follow. Faster and faster the shooting continued, until the whole firmament appeared wrapped in one blaze of light. This continued for a space of more than two hours. In fact, the end did not entirely come until the sun with its bright light, on Wednesday morning, dimmed that of the shooting stars.
Many thought it was the end of the world. When morning came and the day advanced as usual, they were still fearful, thinking that it portended some important event in the moral or political world. They recalled that a similar phenomenon was witnessed the night before
Colonel C. P. B. Sarchet, who was a small boy at the time the stars fell, and relates the following:
"At our home we were all engaged in the annual fall custom of making apple butter, which generally partook of the nature of a neighborhood frolic, paring and cutting apples, and stirring the butter until late in the night. Some one going out, returned with the cry that the stars were falling. We all looked upon the scene with wonder and amazement, and one of the number said, "What's the use of making apple butter, when the world is coming to an end?"
"But the world did not come to an end, nor as yet have wonders ceased.
People come and go; one builds up, another tears down, and out of all we see the onward march of destiny."
Another account stated:
In November 1833, quite a number of citizens of
The meteoric display of 1833 was witnessed throughout the greater part of the
America Pummeled
Most of us are familiar with the hypothesis that a meteor or asteroid hitting the earth was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Meteors hitting America is quite common. In fact, the Serpent Mound built by a mysterious ancient civilization was built around an Impact Crater. I inserted the summary above just from just Ohio as verification for common significant meteors hitting earth. Some of the meteors weigh up to 100 pounds each while others are merely dust, never to be found on terra firma.
It is interesting that many of the mysterious ancient civilizations and even pagan religious cults used magnetized meteors to sculpt their idols or Standing Stone Monuments. As this is a global phenomena in wide spread use it is obvious that ancient man had an understanding of magnetism and heavenly powers. We can see this in the New Testament in Acts 19. The goddess Diana (Artemas) was crafted from a meteorite or stood where a meteor had landed, supposedly from Jupiter.
902 A.D. was described as the Year of Stars with an infinite number of stars raining upon the earth in every direction. In 1202 A.D. the Mohammedan record describes heavenly meteors going hither and thither-scattering as swarms of locusts.
John the Revelator, Isaiah, and Jude use the imagery of these celestial storms in their inspired writings.
Magnetic Fields Impacted by Meteors
Meteorites smashing into planets in our solar system release more energy than our planet’s largest earthquakes. Some scientists predict that if energy from these impacts reached the Earth’s core, it could disturb the geodynamo, the self-sustaining process that generates the magnetic field.
When a meteorite hits the Earth, it creates intense heat and pressure that can melt the shocked region. As the melt slowly solidifies, magnetic minerals in the newly created rock record the orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field at that location. Scientists are studying the Manicouagan crater for insights into how meteor impacts can impact our magnetic field. The impact at this location is dated to the Late Triassic, roughly 214 million years ago, when a meteor as large as 6 kilometers wide crashed into what is today
Leonid Showers 2019
I suppose it is my curious nature, but I get a bit suspicious when on May 3, 2019 I see the Talking Points for November 15, 2019 Leonid Meteor Shower. This year we are not expected to have a Leonid Storm in conjunction with Tempel-Tuttle comet. The next Leonid Storm is not expected until May 2031.
Someone is expecting a celestial event; hence the prepared Talking Points that already have a publication date. What is known that is not being conveyed?
In the meantime, you can enjoy the Aquarid meteor shower on nights around May 5th that can be seen from both hemispheres. The best time to view them is between 2:00 and 2:30 AM until just before sunrise northern viewers will see around 20 meteors and hour while southern viewers will twice as many. These meteors are debris from Halley's Comet. They travel at 33 kilometers and hour.
Lift up your eyes heavenward and Praise Him for His light show in the firmament, that at least this time, will not have a dramatic impact upon your life.
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Going where angels fear to tread...
Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activation's include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.
- Train-the-Trainer
- Incident Command
- Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
- Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
- Principles of Emergency Management
- Developing Volunteer Resources
- Emergency Planning and Development
- Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
- Exercise Design and Evaluation
- Public Assistance Applications
- Emergency Operations Interface
- Public Information Officer
- Flood Fight Operations
- Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
- Multi-Hazards for Schools
- Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
- Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
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And more….
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.
Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming.
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