Ten Plagues: The Exodus with Great Balls of Fire
He sendeth forth his commandment upon earth: his word runneth very swiftly.
He giveth snow like wool: he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes.
He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?
He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow. Psalm 147
Kindness and Compassion in the Tempest
The Plague of Hail is what precipitated this whole series on the Ten Plagues. I am so thankful to have spent the time learning the faith lessons embedded within the pages addressing the plagues of Egypt. On the last two plague animal disease and boils there was not allot of commentary. Why does the Bible deem it necessary to narrate the devastation? If the Plagues were merely to save the Hebrews one plague could have achieved that outcome. Some believe that the plagues were punitive. In the Plague of Hail we actually see the kindness of God shining forth through the raging tempest. Their purpose was to be an unequivocal demonstration of God’s power. For this reason, the plagues became progressively stronger. These faith lessons were teaching Egypt the fallacy of idolatry and the reality of the Creator was the purpose in each successive wave of plague.
Moses never used the pressure of the plagues to obtain concessions from Pharaoh. The plagues’ purpose was to teach Egypt knowledge of God. Moses always removed the plague upon Pharaoh’s request, and Moses did not hold out on removing the plague until Pharaoh conceded to Moses’ requests. Moses wished that Egypt recognized God through wisdom, not coercion. What a faith lessons for us! How often do we attempt to extract an end goal through pressuring someone through the storms in their life? God, Moses and Aaron do not use the tactics that will become manifest in the beast system, Anti-Christ, and False Prophet instead kindness and compassion are exemplified especially in this Plague of Hail.
Pharaoh vacillated in an emotional state as the plagues unfolded-stressful pressure from each plague, to repent of his sin, to be a man of his word, but each time Pharaoh conceded to obstinacy.
Moses directs Pharaoh to an analog: God is the source of both nature, and man: God has been compassionate to you, (flexible crops) but at a certain point, this kindness will no longer be extended. When sin is matured, (stiff crops) there is no turning back, and you will snap as do stiff crops.”
This was Moses’ message to Pharaoh. Man sins by nature, and therefore, God affords man opportunities to correct his ways. But once sin captivates the whole personality and values of any given man or people, God will destroy that person or people. This plague was a warning to Pharaoh - in the form of an analogy.
Man feels he may sin and repent later, but there may not be a later. The opportunity to repent is a Divine gift, and must be seized when presented, lest we lose the chance. There is a point of no return. This is an extremely timely message as we wade deeper into the events of the Revelation and prophecy.
We learn of the compassion of God on His creations: on mankind. God allows man time to exert his free will to bring himself in line with truth. “Those who He loves, God rebukes”. The plagues were an attempt to remove Egypt’s false ideas, enabling them to embrace God’s absolute truths.
As the lashes of judgment are felt upon our backs let us remember that this is God's kindness and compassion towards us. We are firmly in the hand of God's iron crucible that will burn away the dross of our lives as He prepares us for eternity with Him.
Verse 16 clearly states that, I have let you Pharaoh endure so that you might see My strength and glory. As we are beset with the troubles of prophecy coming to pass let us see His strength and glory in those dark hours.
Stretch our your Hand Heavenward
Moses stretched out his staff toward the sky, and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and fire ran down to the earth. And the LORD rained hail on the land of Egypt. Exodus 9:23
Our Plague of Hail takes place 'Eth' was Memphis in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. 'Eth' has Messianic implications that one can find in the original Hebrew including the first sentence of the Bible. It means the Beginning and the End, Aleph and Tav, Alpha and Omega.
Stretch your hand towards heaven (firmament not heaven literally)…
He gave over their cattle also to the hailstones And their herds to bolts of lightning. Psalm 78:48
The Egyptians ignored the warning for the cattle be brought in from the field to a place of shelter. Once warned the decree was extended; hail would come down also upon man and beast in the field. The Hebrew text indicates that more than one kind of hail would be active against them.
In many of the plagues God had Aaron stretch forth his hand, but in this Plague of Hail God instructed Moses to stretch forth his hand.
Extend your hand to heaven, unleash My power… Here is yet another faith lesson for us! At the bidding of the Lord we must extend our hand, as He directs and extends His hand. Through that connection the very powers of creation can be released. We need to remember this in the days to come.
God commanded Moshe to arise early to confront Pharaoh at his place of worship, the Nile. The plague of hail was the first plague, of the third group of plagues in Egypt. This third group included plagues taking effect in the heavens or air: hail, locusts (via the wind), and darkness. Previously God addressed the god's of the waters and the gods of the lands. God wished to demonstrate His omnipotence in all areas of the universe.
The Egyptian gods of the heavens were mocked by the inability to stop the raging hail sent by the true God of the heavens. Thus, Nut-the sky goddess, Isis-the goddess of life, and Seth-the protector of the crops were affected.” It appears as though the Eternal One was going toe-to-toe with demonic powers and principalities in His plan of redemption for the Hebrew people.
By subjugating all the forces in nature God demonstrated how totally useless the forces of nature were in defense of those who believed in them.
Pharaoh's heels were dug in and he still believe other gods controlled the earth and him at times so this time I will send all My plagues so that you will know that there is none like Me in all the earth.
Because you still exalt yourself above My people….You (Pharaoh) are growing haughty in your heart against letting the Hebrews go. Therefore, at this time- precise hour- I will cause a heavy hail such as had not been seen in Egypt.
As we meander through the verses on the Plague of Hail we should be reminded that in the Old Testament the punishment for idolatry was stoning. How can an entire idolatrous nation be stoned simultaneously? Through a Plague of Hail.
Plagues against the Heart
The bible describes this Plague of Hail sent by God as a direct result of the hardness of Pharaoh's heart, which had prevented him from obeying God.
For this time I will send all my wonders to your heart, and in your servants and in your people, in order that you shall know that there is none like Me in all the land. Exodus 9:14
This plague was an educational tool. Some Egyptians did fear God through His education via the plagues. But those who did not give heart to the matter is to teach us that there are none that didn’t fear, but only those who deny reality. Didn’t give heart, means that in order to oppose God’s absolute truths, they had to shut their hearts and minds from any investigation. It is not the absence of fear, but a more primary block: they denied any investigation into the plagues.
God warned Pharaoh that He was about to send all My plagues against your heart.
This Plague of Hail is a wonder, is a supernatural event, all subsequent plagues – commencing with this hail – will have new effect. That those who fear God and His Word will be protected while those who do not fear God and His Word will be harmed.
The Lord sent thunder and hail …Moshe having informed Pharaoh that tomorrow at this time I will cause…to rain down, was specified by a line on the wall. Naturally, the Egyptians would carefully attend to the exact instant of the arrival of the plague so that they could discredit him.
The Laws of Nature dictate that it takes a few moments for hail to leave the clouds and to reach the ground, even as, it also takes time for thunder to be heard below and for lightning to be seen the instant it leaves its origin.
Thunder is produced first at intersection before electrical discharge. Lightning is always registered by the visual sense before the aural sense is triggered. Lag times would be exploited by the Egyptians because neither thunder, nor hail, will reach the ground at a set time.
Here a great miracle took place! Within the same instant of thunder and hail leaving the clouds, Legend says, that they arrived below with lightning-like speed, so that instead of the natural pattern, whereby the lightning is detected before the thunder-here the thunder, since it was produced first and observed prior to the lightning.
The usual lag time between the speed of light and the speed of sound was suspended. Consequently, the verse says, the Lord sent the hail. It does not say that the Lord caused the hail to rain down i.e. to rain down naturally, since it did not travel as natural rain. By affecting this miracle God provided for the arrival, first of all, of the thunder and hail; and only then did then a fire passed down upon the earth i.e. the fire of lightning.
It was however, necessary to invoke this great wonder only during the initial moments, in order to assure Moshe's prediction. It would not have been possible for the thunder and the hail to move at their natural velocities and yet arrive in time. Subsequent to these initial moments, then, the verse accents the thundering and the hail reaching the ground naturally. Once the miraculous intervention had come to an end the Lord caused hail to rain down upon the land of Egypt. It came down naturally, with a time delay that accorded with the laws of gravity and the laws of motion.
Components of Hail
Within this plague are embedded many components: huge hailstones, fire burning within each stone v 24, deafening thunder, flaming lightning v 23, Psalm 105:23, and heavy rainstorms. Any one of these would be considered a plague.
In the Bible all is sometimes used to mean most or a great amount. It can also refer too many of the components of this plague that are mentioned above. In a normal year, each, in-and-of-itself would be considered a plague.
God begins to drill down that He alone is Master of the four foundational elements:
- Thunder represents air,
- Hail represents water,
- Flames are the fire,
- Ground is the earth.
God reverses the order to show His mastery over the world. This plague unites all the elements to demonstrate that there is no one like Me in the land. The Egyptians were forced to witness that the forces of nature that they believed were their defense, were useless to all those who believed in them.
This is a compound miracle. It is not the typical nature of fire to shoot downward but to rise. Fire and water are opposites but here they join to serve God, functioning in unison.
Hastily Assemble the Remnant
Send therefore hastily (haez) means to flee or gather V 19
The Plague of Livestock disease only killed the cattle in the field. Exodus 9:3 Those in shelters did not perish, but in accordance with God's Will, He allowed a remnant to escape here and also referenced in Ezekiel 9:8. God warns them to gather the livestock into a fortified location (haez-strong) against the elements. Pharaoh was warned that while this plague was meant to strike outdoor plants and vegetation (grass of the field), any man or cattle in the field at the time would be stricken by hail. God's mercy is great, Therefore, He instruct sinners in the way Psalm 25:8 We often attribute to the strong men advising humanity of their coming actions when they are but mere clay in the hand of the Master to Whom we really should be ascribe these warning to God's great mercy of instructional warning.
We see that from the beginning God promises with subtle hints of a remnant. At least in this account, that remnant is hastily assembled.
Perfect Supernatural Storm
"Behold, about this time tomorrow, I will send a very heavy hail, such as has not been seen in Egypt from the day it was founded until now. "Now therefore send, bring your livestock and whatever you have in the field to safety Every man and beast that is found in the field and is not brought home, when the hail comes down on them, will die."'" The one among the servants of Pharaoh who feared the word of the LORD made his servants and his livestock flee into the houses… Exodus 9:18-33
The Legends of the Jews describe the supernatural super-storm:
Your fathers and grandfathers have never seen the likes of it. Because the hail was not in a natural order, nothing like this has ever occurred before. From before the inception of Egypt as a nation, because of the sins of the fathers, surely there was no reason for such hail to come.
The hail was very strange because of the absence of precipitation in Egypt. There are other places in the world that naturally hails. The world had never seen the likes of such a plague and certainly not in Egypt where this kind of meteorological phenomenon was totally unknown. At the time of the Plague of Hail dew was about the only precipitation that rains upon Egypt. V18
and the fire went earthward…In Egypt, where there is hardly any precipitation, this hail signified a major change in the environment. It proved to the Egyptians just this mere signal from above, could jeopardize Egypt's existence. Initially, the announcement predicted only hail. However, the plague also featured a flaming fire amid the hail. This unusual and dramatic lightning in the midst of the hail further emphasized the cosmic significance of the event. V23
Typically, fire and water do not mix. Commentaries vary on this flaming fiery hail. One says, the hail was transparent and filled with fire, like a pomegranate whose seeds are visible within. Thus, the fire appeared as a source and generator of the rain and hail. While another, compares the hail to a lamp with a flame burning above the layers of the water and oil. Here, the water is but a support for the oil which feeds the fire. V24
Alternatively, it can mean My plagues, as in, this last set of three plagues: hail, locusts, darkness. The word all encompassing catastrophic and long-term effects on the climate, food supply, and atmosphere of Egypt that brought about these last three plagues. These changes caused the Egyptians to become sick, some with heart disease, and weakened them for a long time after this plague indicating that it did have a cosmic element such as what we will see revisited upon the earth during the Grand Solar Minimum.
Meanwhile, a simultaneous major natural disaster more than 400 miles away, is now also thought to be an aggravating complexity, amplifying the plagues of hail, locusts and darkness to Egypt.
One of the biggest volcanic eruptions in human history occurred when Thera, a volcano that was part of the Mediterranean islands of Santorini, just north of Crete, exploded around 3,500 year ago, spewing billions of tons of volcanic ash into the atmosphere at this same time.
Not to denigrate the wonders of God but to illuminate how the Laws of Nature may have worked in tandem with God's wonders, Nadine von Blohm, from the Institute for Atmospheric Physics in Germany, has been conducting experiments on how hailstorms form and believes that the volcanic ash could have clashed with thunderstorms above Egypt to produce dramatic hail storms.
God Smites with New Species
When one is in the middle of instructional judgment it is difficult to contemplate upon the goodness of God. God loves His creation. God pitied the Egyptians and their cattle and yet they did not take His mercy to heart. V 25
And hail struck…the hail smote. From the ancient pages of the text and legends we discover that during the first few moments there had ensured a new species of hail that was propagated at the speed of lightning, followed by normally moving hail that took a definite time interval to reach the ground.
Had there been only this normal type of hail, many human lives would have been saved, since the people would have taken cover in caves or behind boulders or in tents as soon as they saw the tell-tale lightning bolts that usually precede the onset of thunder and rain and hail. But the initial onslaught was anything but normal hail.
Only in our day and time can we appreciate the words a new species of hail. We live in a day and age where engineers are tearing apart God's creation and engineering it into a new species. The following is an excerpt from a government document that has since been purged from the internet. First let us peek at a few of the Bibliography notations which are very informative:
Fred Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe: Diseases from Space. J.M. Dent, 1979.
Chandra Wickramasinghe: Cosmic dragons: life and death on our planet. 2001
Ruprecht Jaenicke: "Abundance of cellular material and proteins in the atmosphere".
WD Hamilton and TM Lenton: "Spora and Gaia: how microbes fly with their clouds". Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 1998
Ruprecht Jaenicke, Sabine Matthias-Maser and Sabrine Bruber: "Omnipresence of biological material in the atmosphere". Environ. Chem, 2007
Most Active Ice Nucleators are Biological!
The most active ice nucleators are biological in origin, declare Christner, et al. in their paper recently published in Science (February 29, 2008). "This is important because the formation of ice in clouds is required for snow and most rainfall. Dust and soot particles can serve as ice nuclei, but biological ice nuclei are capable of catalyzing freezing at much warmer temperatures", the researchers explain. In other words, a mechanism exists whereby snowflakes and other precipitation can form when cloud temperatures in the troposphere are relatively warm. What do Christner, et al., mean by "biological"?
By "biological" Christner, et al., mean "proteins or protenaceous compounds". (11-13)
Three schools of thought exist on the origin of biological ice-nucleators in the troposphere. The first school, exemplified by researcher David Sands, theorizes that biological ice nucleators originate on Earth as part of what he calls the "bio-precipitation cycle", i.e., biological ice nucleators are carried up from the Earth. "Bacteria form little groups on the surface of plants. Wind then sweeps the bacteria into the atmosphere, and ice crystals form around them. Water clumps on to the crystals, making them bigger and bigger. The ice crystals turn into rain and fall to the ground. When precipitation occurs, then, the bacteria have the opportunity to make it back down to the ground. If even one bacterium lands on a plant, it can multiply and form groups, thus causing the cycle to repeat to itself." Sands adds, "We think if (the bacteria) couldn't cause ice to form, they couldn't get back down to the ground. As long as it rains, the bacteria grow".
Schnell and Vali also belong to the first school of thought. In the early and mid-1970s, they noted, "Much of the natural ice nuclei found at the earth's surface may be of biogenic origin, and the abundance of these nuclei was found to have a clear correlation with climate. Some tentative values were also given for the efflux of nuclei from the surface to the air. Data were presented which point to regional variations in the concentrations of atmospheric ice nuclei with the pattern of variation paralleling the availability of nuclei at the surface. The correlation between these two patterns suggests that perhaps a dominant fraction of natural atmospheric ice nuclei originates from biological materials".
The second school of thought exemplified by Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe is that biological ice-nucleator bacteria and other biologic entities in the troposphere and stratosphere come from space. Wickramasinghe notes, "Interstellar dust grains populate the vast open spaces between stars of the Milky Way, showing up as a cosmic fog, dense enough in many directions to blot out the light of distant stars. Remarkably these dust grains can be shown to be of a size that would be typical for a bacterium, a micrometer, or less". In addition, he notes, cometary organic molecules arrive [to Earth] plentifully, at an average rate of several tones per day and that investigators have confirmed the existence of microorganisms in the stratosphere. The bacteria, viruses and other organisms reach the troposphere from the stratosphere through a process of sedimentation, he conjectures.
The third school of thought relating to the microbiology of the atmosphere suggests the existence of at least two contemporaneous populations of organisms. One population consists of common Earth bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are carried on a relatively regular basis by phenomena such as blue lightning and fire-associated storms into the atmosphere. The second population consists of bacteria that are of non-terrestrial origin (from space).
Some Implications of Biometeorology
The role of microorganisms in meteorological phenomena and in atmospheric processes has implications for human and veterinary medicine, agriculture, and the effect of the biosphere on climate change. For example, in human, animal, and plant medicine, bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the bioprecipitation cycle may be pathogens that use the cycle to disperse from one place to another. Interestingly, Sir James Murray, MD, published on November 24, 1847, his observations on the potato murrain (fungus) that caused the potato crop failure in Ireland in 1847. He attributed the potato crop failure to electrical agency and excess moisture in the air and clouds. "During the last season," he wrote, "the clouds were charged with excessive electricity, and yet there was little or no thunder to draw off that excess form the atmosphere. In the damp and variable autumn this surcharge of electrical matter was attracted by the moist, succulent, and pointed leaves of the potato".
Hoyle and Wickramasinghe are ardent proponents of the theory that diseases that infect humans, animals, and plants originate in space, including the SARS epidemic of 2002-2003. Some of their ideas follow below:
"The injection from space of evolved microorganisms that have well-attested terrestrial affinities raises the possibility that pathogenic bacteria and viruses might also be introduced. The annals of medical history detail many examples of plagues and pestilences that can be attributed to space incident microbes in this way. New epidemic diseases have a record of abrupt entrances from time to time, and equally abrupt retreats. The patterns of spread of these disease, as charted by historians, are often difficult to explain simply on the basis of endemic infective agents. Historical epidemics such as the plague of Athens and the plague of Justinian come to mind."
"In more recent times the influenza pandemic of 1917-1918 bears all the hallmarks of a space incident component: 'The influenza pandemic of 1918 occurred in three waves. The first appeared in the winter and spring of 1917-1918. The lethal second wave involved almost the entire world over a very short time. Its epidemiologic behavior was most unusual. Although person-to-person spread occurred in local areas, the disease appeared on the same day in widely separated parts of the world on the one hand, but, on the other, took days to weeks to spread relatively short distances."
"Also well documented is that, in the winter of 1918, the disease appeared suddenly in the frozen wastes of Alaska, in villages that had been isolated for several months. Mathematical modeling of epidemics such as the one described invariably involves the ad hoc introduction of many unproven hypotheses---for example, that of the superspreader. In situations where proven infectivity is limited only to close contact, a superspreader is someone who can, on occasion, simultaneously infect a large number of susceptible individuals, thus causing the sporadic emergence of new clusters of disease. The recognition of a possible vertical input of external origin in conspicuously missing in such explanations." (18-22)
"With respect to the SARS outbreak, a prima facie case for a possible space incidence can already be made. First, the virus is unexpectedly novel, and appeared without warning in mainland China. A small amount of the culprit virus introduced into the stratosphere could make a first tentative fall out East of the great mountain range of the Himalayas, where the stratosphere is thinnest, followed by sporadic deposits in neighboring areas. If the virus is only minimally infective, as it seems to be, the subsequent course of its global progress will depend on stratospheric transport and mixing, leading to a fall out continuing seasonally over a few years. Although all reasonable attempts to contain the infective spread of SARS should be continued, we should remain vigilant for the appearance of new foci (unconnected with infective contacts or with China) almost anywhere on the planet. New cases might continue to appear until the stratospheric supply of the causative agent becomes exhausted."
Supernatural Hail
There was hail…Although the rain and hail now continued to come down at a normal velocity, requiring a definite span of time to reach the ground, while the associated fire-possibly ionized particles or ball lightning, moved at greater speed, and should therefore have reached the ground ahead of the hail, the narrative stresses to the contrary. That there was fire flashing amidst the hail and this phenomenal blend of hail and fire came down at the speed of hail, both arriving simultaneously.
Lightning…Just imagine the worse lightning storm that you have witnessed-fire flashing, striking the ground, streaming to the ground, See Psalms 78:48, 105:52, 148:8.
Flashing…This fiery hail includes: fire darting, fire jumping, deadly fire, self-contained fire (fire that grasped itself. The fire was self-contained within the hailstorm otherwise it would have caused the hail to melt), fire holding itself or in essence cleaving to hail, lightning flashes in quick succession, incessant fire, mass of fire, forked lightning, some say this hail included a meteor shower. The imagery is very similar to the vision of the Divine Chariot that is flashing fire and brilliance surrounding it in Ezekiel 1:4. In the Plague of Hail the fire within the hailstones and sparks radiated from it and shone.
Supernatural, God's thunder. At the command the supernatural thunder of God ceased but reappeared at Mount Sinai at the giving of the Torah. V9:28
The first sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. Revelation 8:7
Mingled, very grievous hail such as the likes had never been seen in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. Mingled, in this context means catching hold of itself like a chain, which I find extremely provocative as the hybrid Blockchain comes online in an arid environment similar to Egypt. Coincidence? V24
When a subject noun is repeated in Scripture such as: 'hail, hail' it does not mean the same thing. Oftentimes, it refers to two distinct and different things, in this case hail.
In my research on Geo-Engineering a Biblical Approach I discovered that Legend has it that the hailstones were 100 pounds in size traveling at lightning-speed carries enormous power, impacting like bullets propelled out of the barrel of a gun, which are lethal no matter how small they happen to be. These pellets of hail therefore killed instantaneously, any man or beast they happened to strike. Hail falling at a normal speed is not dangerous enough to cause a great loss of human life.
What does it mean that the fire was flaming within the hail? Specifically, was it flaming within each hailstone, or was it flaming within the hailstorm as a whole (so between the pieces of hail)?
One commentator notes it was "a miracle within a miracle: the fire and the hail mixed
Malbim understands that it was flaming (fireballs) within the storm as a whole.
Midrashic interpretation was that each hailstone had fire within it.
R' Aryeh Kaplan translates instead as "hailstorm", and one other tweak: "fire" means lightning. We thus have a phenomenon that ever-so-slightly bends the laws of nature, rather than breaks them.
Others say: sounds like it's clinging to the hail which sounds like it's within (or at least touching) hailstones rather than just within the hailstorm.
Accordingly, the verse records that the hail struck throughout the land of Egypt...both man and beast, referring to the hail that struck immediately. It was followed by the natural hail which smote every grass and broke every tree in the field, the verse conveying that while that hail was sufficiently forceful to affect the vegetation, it could not kill living creatures.
Ipuwer Papyrus Account
The Ipuwer Papyrus is an ancient document that provides a possible independent record of the ten plagues in Egypt. It describes a great disaster that took place in ancient Egypt. The oldest copy dates to around 1400 BC, placing it close to the time of the Exodus (circa 1446 BC). The Ipuwer Papyrus is the sole surviving manuscript of an ancient Egyptian poem officially designated as Papyrus Leiden I-344. The poem is known as “The Admonitions of Ipuwer.” A new edition is available now entitled “The Dialogue of Ipuwer and the Lord of All.” Dutchman Giovanni Anastasi purchased the Ipuwer Papyrus in 1828, and it is now housed in Leiden, the Netherlands, at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities, the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden.
The seventh plague (hail and fire). This hail was unlike any that had been seen before. It was accompanied by a fire which ran along the ground, and everything left out in the open was devastated by the hail and fire. Again, the children of Israel were miraculously protected, and no hail damaged anything in their lands.
The Ipuwer Papyrus says, “Forsooth, gates, columns and walls are consumed by fire” (2:10). “Lower Egypt weeps. . . . The entire palace is without its revenues. To it belong [by right] wheat and barley, geese and fish” (10:3–6).
“Forsooth, grain has perished on every side” (6:3). “Forsooth, that has perished which was yesterday seen. The land is left over to its weariness like the cutting of flax” (5:12).
Plague of Hail Continues
Tomorrow we will finish the account of the Plague of Hail and compare it to prophetic climatic events on earth and the heavenlies. Until then, be blessed.
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Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activation's include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.
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