DARPA's Subterranean Challenge is in Process as mankind prepares to return to caves to survive the unfolding cosmic disaster
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It was foretold by the Prophets:
Men will go into caves of the rocks And into holes of the ground Before the terror of the LORD And the splendor of His majesty, When He arises to make the earth tremble. ... Isaiah 2:19-21
Hearken to the movement that is rumbling under your feet for it is more than earthquakes that is shaking. DARPA is unearthing and plumbing the depths for various military applications in the Subterranean Challenge which promises to revolutionize operations in the underground domain. Will they liberate the demonic entities reserved terror who have already begun awakening and stirring in their cold and dark lairs.
The unimaginable entities lurking in the bowels of the earth can be explored in my article, Creatures of the Underworld, that explores various Jewish legends on the topic.
Hearken to the movement that is rumbling under your feet for it is more than earthquakes that is shaking. DARPA is unearthing and plumbing the depths for various military applications in the Subterranean Challenge which promises to revolutionize operations in the underground domain. Caves are often portals to other dimensions. Will this exercise liberate the demonic entities already stirring and awakening in cold and dark lairs who are reserved to terrorize the earth?
Through cellular memory passed down to us in our genetic code mankind ''remembers' that he once survived in caves and tunnels when cosmic disaster struck the earth. Just as birds migrate, mankind's survival memory has been triggered. Whether we consciously are aware of our preparatory actions or not we are seeking refuge what up until this point was a cyclic event. Most cultures and religions believe that we are at the end of the last cycle. These labyrinths afford no protection from the judgments of God.
Faith Lesson: From this day forward Lord I will pay attention to what goes on under my feet. I thank you that you fearfully and awesomely made me in my mothers innermost parts and that you have prepared my innermost parts for this season. I praise you Lord Jesus!
On July 1 nine teams vying for prizes.began virtual circuits of competition through simulated hazards of the SubT Tunnel Event. They will be experimenting using a repository of robot models and a variety of sensors. Each team can assemble a fantasy sports-style solution to map, navigate, and search the dark, dangerous, and unpredictable underground scenarios.
In biblical days, the underworld was reserved for:
On occasion they were used as Dwelling-places and library and treasure repositories, as in the case of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
They could be Natural or Artificial
So it should come as a surprise that mankind is penetrating deep within the earth to indulge in a dark fantasy sports and other fetishes.
Faith Lesson: I will not fear the underworld, for I live by Your promise:
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

According to DARPA:
The Subterranean Challenge seeks to better equip warfighters and first responders to explore human-made tunnel systems, urban underground, and natural cave networks, while decreasing risk to human lives. The SubT Challenge physical Systems and software-focused Virtual competitions aim to create a community of multidisciplinary teams from disparate fields to foster breakthrough technologies in autonomy, perception, networking, and mobility for underground environments.
Faith Lesson: Help me Lord to navigate Your plan for my life in these treacherous days. I am thankful that Your light is a lamp unto my feet and Your Word is my guide through perilous times.
Virtual Competition – How it Works
To begin, each team assembles a roster of robots and sensors by selecting from the available configurations on the SubT Tech Repo. Each robot configuration has an associated cost, measured in SubT Credits – an in-simulation currency – based on performance characteristics such as speed, mobility, sensing, and battery life. The team rosters are limited to a maximum combined cost of 1,000 SubT Credits. You might think of this as a subterranean crypto-currency.
Next, each team writes software and algorithms for their set of robots to compete in the simulated environments. Just as in the real-world competition courses, Virtual competitors will explore the tunnel environment and attempt to identify artifacts within a five-meter radius accuracy during a 60-minute timed run. A correct report is worth one point. Each course contains 20 artifacts, which means each team has the potential for a maximum score of 20 points.
Faith Lesson: While the world rearranges into chaos may You provide me Your currency of lovingkindess, steadfastness, joy, peace, forbearance, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
In the Fleeting Opportunity Window
Military circles began promoting fleeting windows of opportunity to exploit and so this challenge has a submission window (July 1-August 1). Teams will have access to several practice scenarios to repeatedly test and perfect their approach before they submit one official solution for scoring. The DARPA team will then evaluate the solution on a set of hidden competition scenarios.
DARPA will announce final results of the Virtual Tunnel Circuit alongside the Systems Tunnel Circuit results on August 22. The Systems Tunnel Circuit will take place August 15-22 in Pittsburgh at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Program's Safety Research Coal Mine and Experimental Mine.
There will be a Tunnel Circuit media day on Tuesday, August 20th that is only open to U.S. citizens who are pre-registered.
Faith Lesson: Lord each day may I awaken with praise on my lips to You, my Savior. Please assist me in making wise use of the fleeting windows of opportunity you give me to prepare and sharing of Your goodness and salvation to others, as You so desire.
"Thus you shall say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "As I live, surely those who are in the waste places will fall by the sword, and whoever is in the open field I will give to the beasts to be devoured, and those who are in the strongholds and in the caves will die of pestilence. Ezekiel 33:27
DARPA wants this SubT competition and resulting technologies implemented by August 2021. This timing is poised just as the heavens and earth convulse in ripples of Eddy Grand Solar Minimum repercussions, the collapse of the magnetosphere, and as the cosmic ray crisis intensifies.
Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; Revelation 6:15
The imagery is very similar to that of Revelation 13. Depending upon how one reads the passages the verse above may indicate that there is a cosmic event prior to the mark of the beast.
The earth is truly convulsing as each piece of creation begins to take its place in the epic battles of the Last Days.
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Going where angels fear to tread...
Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activation's include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.
- Train-the-Trainer
- Incident Command
- Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
- Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
- Principles of Emergency Management
- Developing Volunteer Resources
- Emergency Planning and Development
- Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
- Exercise Design and Evaluation
- Public Assistance Applications
- Emergency Operations Interface
- Public Information Officer
- Flood Fight Operations
- Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
- Multi-Hazards for Schools
- Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
- Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
- Logistics, Operations, Communications
- Community Emergency Response Team Leader
- Behavior Recognition
And more….
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.
Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming.
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Complete rules for the Virtual Tunnel competition are available under the resources tab on the Subterranean Challenge website.