Frequency and Our Body Organs
In the frequency range from 10 kHz to 3 MHz, which includes the very low-frequency (VLF) and medium-frequency (MF) bands, other dosimetric data may be more important than the SARs given in Chapters 6 and 8. Exposure fields (even relatively intense ones) at the low frequencies produce relatively inconsequential amounts of absorbed energy but may cause electric shocks and RF burns.
Electric fields can directly interact with matter and create forces that can act on molecules as well as on cellular and larger structures. Most of these interactions are reversible and do not necessarily have demonstrable biological effects
An essential element of the research in biological effects of RFR is dosimetry--the determination of energy absorbed by an object exposed to the electromagnetic (EM) fields composing RFR. Since the energy absorbed is directly related to the internal EM fields (that is, the EM fields inside the object, not the EM fields incident upon the object), dosimetry is also interpreted to mean the determination of internal EM fieldsAll of electromagnetics is based on the phenomenon of the forces that electric charges exert on each other.
For our purposes of looking at plants and the health of our bodies we can condense all the mathematical formulas on how frequency works into what it impacts and that namely is Electrolytes, biological macromolecules, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, free proteins, and excitable membranes.
Membranes studies involving cell suspensions. Yeast, blood, bacteria, pleuropneumonia-like organisms, vesicles, and cellular organelles
Low-frequency alternating fields of the order of some hundred millivolts across the membrane can destroy it.
In recent years, some extraordinary sensitivities have been reported. Electrosensitive species, such as rays and sharks, detect fields of intensities as low as 0.1 μV/cm
Microwave fields may well be perceived if they are modulated with frequencies below 10 or 20 Hz
Also, the sensitivities of excitable cells to electric fields decrease rapidly as the electric stimulus is applied for time periods decreasingly short in comparison to the refractory period of the order of 1 ms
Electric fields can directly interact with matter and create forces that can act on molecules as well as on cellular and larger structures. Most of these interactions are reversible and do not necessarily have demonstrable biological effects