Catastrophism God's Judgments Written in the Stars and Heavens: Cosmological Raiment
Each cataclysm is like a giant hand sweeping across the countryside,
leaving its fingerprints for us to find as we sift through the evidence in
our search for the solution to this consuming mystery.
These fingerprints sometimes are well hidden amongst the heavy
footprints of uniformitarian evidence. The two disciplines —
uniformitarian geology and cataclysmology — find no real contest
between them; they complement each other, and actually a marriage of
the two schools is in order....
Overwhelming annihilating force of the waters moving at utterly unbelievable speeds can, in the blink of an eye, obliterate entire civilizations and every vestige of anything they ever accomplished.
Even in our times there have been occasions when a simple dam's breaking and releasing its waters over a small town below literally wiped out every splinter of evidence of the town and people having been there.
Freezing a 5-ton animal in less than 2 hours by some cataclysmic event...
One of the fingerprints which the giant cataclysmic hand leaves,
telling us of this supernatural violence on the earth, is the plethora of
mammalian teeth found in the sharp demarcation boundary between earth strata such as we see in the Grand Canyon....
Postlude, Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas, CIA
This article will utilize the whole counsel of God including apocryphal and pseudo-apocryphal, as well as briefly touching upon texts and writings that may make you uncomfortable as He increases your wisdom, understanding, and knowledge about the days in which we live. Foundations were laid in the Old Testament and we will draw heavily from those foundations and will end with the fulfillment in Jesus Christ. As we begin this journey I need to note that some material will appear in Hebraic concept and framework where it is first introduced and it expands from creation until the End.
God is Stirring the Nest and Hovering over His Young
He found him in a desert land, in a barren, howling wilderness; He surrounded him, He instructed him, He guarded him as the apple of His eye. As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, He spread His wings to catch them; He carried them on His pinions. Deuteronomy 32: 11
It begins. I sought unto the Word of the Lord for refreshment after an intense week. A curiosity inspired by the Holy Spirit on white linen garment, has unfolded unto a cosmic catastrophism panorama spanning creation unto the end. About now, you should be feeling a stirring within your spirit as the Lord Himself, Maker of Heaven and Earth begins to prepare you, as a bride assembling her wedding garments, for all eternity with your Beloved. Some know their Beloved, while those arranged by the Divine Matchmaker, do not know much about their marriage partner-to-be. As the Bride, you desire to know everything about your Bridegroom including the length, width, and depth of His love for you.
so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of His love, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.…Ephesians 3:18
Brace yourself as we are going to watch the plasma of creation disappear and another creation to emerge. As the Bride prepares her garment, "All the host of heaven shall rot away, and the skies roll up like a scroll," Psalms 102:26, for the scroll likened unto a bridal and cosmic garment.
Faith Lesson: Is the wind of the Holy Spirit blowing into my life and am I responding to His direction?
God Wants You to Enlarge the Tent Stakes of Your Understanding
Enlarge the site of your tent, stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not hold back. Lengthen your ropes and drive your stakes deep. Isaiah 54:2
We enjoy being comfortable. I get it, because I too, enjoy a smooth flow in my life. We want our serene and convenient perception of God and His works, creation, the earth, our church, our interactions with other people, our ministry, our preferred style of prayer, and our preference for service to Jesus. This is normal and is called the normalcy bias. That said, God has shaken the foundations of the earth and heavens and has opened a window of opportunity for you to expand your the tent stakes of your wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of Him much as Bezalel was filled with these ennobled characteristics when he constructed the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.
You are the focal point of all of creation! Jesus desires you to become an ark for His presence during some very dark times. You will need to become of builder of this ark consulting His Word, digging firm a firm foundation, and making a sheltering roof.
To do this, you need to become a holy vessel and bow to His to His service because Jesus is concerned with your heart and essence not merely physical protection.
Jesus wants every part of your life to reflect Him and for you to allow Him into your heart as a resting place in which to dwell.
Only God knows the acts, the times, and the places that we will each travel and He wants you to be prepared and follow Him.
You must embrace the Butterfly Effect, that your thoughts and actions affect not only yourself but the entire cosmos and universe. Yes it is true, every good or evil thought or deed affects the cosmos.
Jesus wants you too voluntarily and with generosity, serve Him. He will not force or coerce you.
It is interesting that for some reason, known only unto God, He wanted us to re-examine the Book of Exodus with eyes that could discern the current days and times. The Blood of Exodus begins with God naming His souls and the harsh embittered life of oppression in which they lived. Through supernatural signs and wonders God brought out His people as He will do once again for you and your family. God takes His people on a journey and my friend you have already begun your journey. He then commands the Tabernacle of the Wilderness to be built. It is fascinating that Exodus ends with the Clouds of Glory by day and Pillar of Fire of night. As we plumb the depths of garment of ticking clock of catastrophism you will learn how these represent our new reality.
Faith Lesson: This week I will enlarge the tent-stakes of my wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of Jesus by _____________. I will also do ____________ to prepare my spiritual life for the days ahead. Lastly, I will be mindful about the effect that I have to others and rippling out unto the cosmos and universe.
The Garment
Mitre of the High Priest saying, 'Holy unto God'
But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; I Peter 2:9
Throughout the Holy Scriptures garments and skin are referenced in fine detail. Why does God go to such lengths to describe some garments so elaborately? As a kingdom of priest's you must know the garments worn by the High Priest's attending to the service of God are both literally and symbolical of creation and the universe and all that is contained within.
Cf. Spec Leg i. 84; Vita Mos ii. 143 includes the following words: "the vesture, woven with its manifold workmanship to represent the universe that is the long robe and the ephod in the shape of a breastplate." In particular, it is worth noticing that Josephus also postulates a cosmological interpretation of the high priest's garments.
In his Book of Antiquities, Josephus says, "that is the:
- vestment (being made of linen) symbolizes the sky;
- its pomegranates are like lightning;
- the noise of the bells resembles thunder;
- the ephod presents the universe of four elements;
- the gold interwoven stands for the splendor by which all things are enlightened;
- the breastplate in the middle of the ephod indicates the earth,
- which is located in the centre of the universe;
- the girdle points to the ocean;
- each of the sardonyxes (onyx with metaphysical properties) on the high priest's shoulders connote the sun and the moon;
- the twelve stones symbolize the months or the like number of the signs of that circle, namely the Zodiac;
- the mitre which is blue in color stands for heaven.
W. Whiston (tr.), The Works of Josephus (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1987)
The materials and colors should sound familiar to you as they represent the path of Jesus!
- Righteousness (blue-tekhelet),
- Agraman (purple-royalty),
- Crimson (shedding his blood on the stake)
- Fine twisted (white) linen (his purity and restoration at the resurrection).
- Gold
These colors were also used at God's command for the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.
This is what Philo, a Jewish commentator living in Egypt during the time of Jesus' ministry, says on the concept:
The high priest, then, being equipped in this way, is properly prepared for the performance of all sacred ceremonies, that, whenever he enters the temple to offer up the prayers and sacrifices in use among his nation, all the world may likewise enter in with him, by means of the imitations of it which he bears about him, the garment reaching to his feet, being the imitation of the air, the pomegranate of the water, the flowery hem of the earth, and the scarlet dye of his robe being the emblem of fire; also, the mantle over his shoulders being a representation of heaven itself; the two hemispheres being further indicated by the round emeralds on the shoulder-blades, on each of which were engraved six characters equivalent to six signs of the zodiac; the twelve stones arranged on the breast in four rows of three stones each, namely the logeum, being also an emblem of that reason which holds together and regulates the universe. (On Moses, 2:133)
The priest's attiring himself with the priestly garment symbolizes that he is identified both with God and with the people. The sacred character of the priestly garment implies that the priest's is clothed with it signifies that he is unified with its sacredness, which is typified by its glory and beauty as we see in Exodus 28:2. In particular, the priest is symbolically identified with God's divinity. When he dresses himself with the priestly garment, he becomes a man who is set apart from the ordinary people.
It should also not escape your notice that these are an integral part of your armor of might. We do not often think of our armor as a priestly garment:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt (girdle) about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod (barefoot) with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith (is the Robe), wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet (mitre) of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (Word of God), which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Ephesians 6:10-18, KJV
Faith Lesson: From this day forward, I will look upon the armor that God provides as a priestly garment that represents the vast array of His creation. When I put it on, I am secure in knowing I serve Jesus with all of my heart, mind and strength and that He is my Protector and Deliverer. Jesus has provided me this armor that I might be insulated from harm.
You are an Integral Part of the Garment of God
Does God, your Abba Father, wear a garment?
Quite frequently in the Old Testament passages refer to God's clothing. It is as if God's Spirit were dressing Himself as a human being! Consider the following verses:
"the Spirit of the Lord put on Gideon," Judges 6:34
"the Spirit put on Amasai, a captain of the thirty," 1 Chronicles 12:18
"the Spirit of God put on Azarias the son of Jodae the priest," 2 Chronicles 24:20.
The Septuagint supports the translation of the verses using the same verb, which means "to put on" from Judges 6:34. The literal translation from the Hebrew texts renders the word "clothed itself with."
God's Spirit puts on a specific human being as his clothing in order to empower that person for divine warfare. What is meant by this strange metaphor of the Spirit of God putting on a human being? Perhaps it is meant that when you operate under the control of the Spirit of God, exercising His power through that man. When such a union between God and man takes place, the man is dominated by God's Spirit, so that the man's being is under the Spirit of God's control. You are being armed by God with His power to become a war hero. To God you are His asset. He who initiates the warfare is not the man being empowered, but God, who is doing the empowering. In the warfare, you become God's secret weapon. God identifies himself with you. One could say supernaturally endowed. This supernatural infusing of a human being resembles the priest's wearing a garment of divinity when he put on priestly garments. Our armor emphasizes and identifies with God's power while as His priest's we are identified with His holiness.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Romans 13:12-14, KJV
Not only is God girding you for war through inspiration and revelation, He is also gearing up as we see:
He saw that there was no man—He was amazed that there was no one to intercede; so His own arm brought salvation, and His own righteousness sustained Him. He put on righteousness like a breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on His head; He put on garments of vengeance and wrapped Himself in a cloak of zeal. Isaiah 59:17
In Judges, I Chronicles, and 2 Chronicles, it is amazing how intimately clothed God identifies Himself with each of us. This metaphor is employed in order to describe what God can do when he is willing to fight against the foes of his people. Ponder this for a brief moment: that God becomes one with you. He empowers you physically so that He may exert His supernatural power through you. At that moment, you are made to be at one with God, as a garment virtually becomes one with its wearer. But this does not mean that you can be totally equated with God, because the raiment can never be equated with its wearer. This is similar to the fact, that although God's people are supernaturally endowed by being identified with God's holiness, they cannot be thoroughly equated with God's divinity itself as we can see:
Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.
And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.
And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord stood by. Zechariah 3:3-5
Faith Lesson: I am so humbled to be aware that God choose me as His garment in this world and I will think and act accordingly.
Cosmological Garment
Image: Hubble
As I have mentioned, the Bible frequently uses the analogy between the cosmos and a garment. The Psalmist says:
In the beginning You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing [raiment] You will change them, and they will be passed on. Psalm 102:26
This passage maintains an eschatological view of the cosmos. Its point is that in the future the cosmos will vanish; in order to describe this idea, the psalmist employs the theme of wearing out a garment and replacing it. As a garment wears out, so the cosmos will also wear out; as a worn-out garment is replaced by another, so the cosmos will also be replaced by a new one:
For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. Isaiah 65:17
For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. Isaiah 66:22
The author of the Book of Isaiah is pre-occupied with the replacement of heaven and earth and so he does not present who the wearer of the cosmological garment is or how that garment functions. The only concern is what happens to heaven and earth in the future.
The universe will come to an end and will be replaced by a new one, just as a worn-out garment is replaced by a new one. A similar analogy is used, which reads:
the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment. Isaiah 51:6.
This time the focus is viewing the universe, not necessarily heaven. Just as we saw in Psalm 102 the universe is already at wearing out much like a garment or s a corpse, decomposing. When we look up unto the myriads of stars, it is difficult to envisage that the cosmos is already wearing out. God, in His goodness and kindness will replace the worn garment with a new cosmos.
Our passages do not present who the wearer of the cosmological garment is or how that garment functions. Its only concern is with the eschatological change which will happen to the universe. The biblical authors makes use of the concept "wearing out like a garment." That is, as a worn-out garment is replaced by a new garment, so the present cosmos when it is dissolved will be exchanged with a new one as we saw above.
The author of Hebrews quotes both Psalms 102:26 and Isaiah 34:4 to express a strongly eschatological view of the cosmos:
they [the earth and the heavens] will all grow old like a garment, like a mantle thou wilt roll them up, and they will be changed. Hebrews 1: 11-12
Here we see that the scroll [of the Old Testament] is replaced by a mantle [in the New Testament]. The author highlighting that the present cosmos will be changed into a new one as seen in:
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Revelation 6:14
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. Revelation 20:11
And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. Revelation 21:21
As a garment wears out and is exchanged with a new one, so the cosmos will grow old and will be replaced by an indestructible one in keeping with God's eternal being. As a mantle is rolled up, so the present universe will be rolled up, and a new one will come into existence. Remember that this echoes the vestments worn by High Priest as described by Philo and Josephus.
Philo believes that the Jewish high priest's garment symbolizes the universe, because of its imitation of all the pictures of the universe. When he adorns himself with the garment, the high priest becomes a microcosm and is identified with the universe. This is why God was so detailed in His descriptions. This is also why, as His priest's we need to be ever so careful that we reflect His Name and glory.
In summary, the cosmological garment is just as replaceable as a set of clothing with a new creation. Despite subtle differences in the passages that we have viewed, what is clear is that all the starry host will disintegrate, and the sky, which contains them, will be rolled up like a scroll.
Here the concept of "replacing," which is seen in Psalm 102:26 and implied in Isaiah 51:6, does not occur. What is important to remember is that change is in the air.
Faith Lesson: I can see that I am wearing out. Now I understand that the whole cosmos is wearing out also. How am I preparing for this eventuality? What steps can I take for eternity?
Many Colored Robes
Of the many types of garments that we see in Holy Scripture two grab our attention and those are the simple white garments and the colored (variegated) robes.
What are the garments of the Priests and High Priest?
Tunic-Checkered patterned linen garment made with six strands. It was sewn in tubules. Remember this for it will become important later on. It would go the length of the priest from his shoulders unto the ground, but not dragging.
Turban-White linen dome-like hat that had turquoise blue straps holding the mitre.
Sash-Purple and scarlet wool fabric of four threads with six strands.
Breeches-White linen, boxer-style.
Breastplate [of Judgment]-This garment covered the heart. It is composed of four threads, each thread contained 7 strands. It contained the Ephod and Choshen-Urim v Thumim which was the High Priests communication with God. The seven strands look very much like the dendrites within our body. Dendrites are projections of a neuron (nerve cell) that receive signals (information) from other neurons. The transfer of information from one neuron to another is achieved through chemical signals and electric impulses, that is, electrochemical signals. The information transfer is usually received at the dendrites through chemical signals, then it travels to the cell body (soma), continues along the neuronal axon as electric impulses, and it is finally transferred onto the next neuron at the synapse, which is the place where the two neurons exchange information through chemical signals. At the synapse meet the end of one neuron and the beginning—the dendrites—of the other. Coincidence? I think not!
Apron-Over shoulders by suspends to the ground.
Robe-Outer Garment made of a turquoise wool. On the hem were the pomegranates and golden bells. It had a neck opening like a suit of armor.
Headplate-a pure gold plate embossed with, 'Holy unto God'
Before we depart the fibers used for the High Priest's garments we should note that these same colors and fibers were used in the construction of the fabrics necessary for the construction of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.
The High Priest's investiture with the colored robe signifies that he is united with the universe, which is identified with the Mind in the universe which is God the Father. When he adorns himself with the robe, he becomes a microcosm, which connotes that he has been identified with God.
The many-colored robe with the long skirt indicates aspects of the spirit which is pure with respect to the world of our senses and human life in outward things. Yet the variegated garment may be called, the garment of opinions and impressions of the I which should be laid aside, as the high priest enters into the most holy place; he should leave it behind for those that love outward things and value semblance above reality.
In one sense these two garments represent the two different priestly garments with "the long robe and the ephod in the shape of a breastplate, which is also called the "many-colored one [robe] with the long skirt"; the latter, the white robe which is made of fine linen.
Philo believes that when the high priest performs his office dressed in these sacred garments, he becomes superior to all men, not only to all private individuals, but also to all kings (cf. Vita Mas ii. 131). Philo seems to implicitly portray the high priest as a royal figure.
The most remarkable point in his interpretation of the high priest's vesture is that he discovers a cosmological significance in it. This expands onto what we have already learned thus far:
- The priest has entitled the embroidered or variegated breastplate, Exodus 29:5, a representation and copy of the shining constellations (Sam i. 214).
- To put on the aforesaid tunic, the representation of the universal heaven, in order that the world may join with the man in offering sacrifice, and that the man may likewise co-operate with the universe (Sam i. 215).
The former passage emphasizes that the high priest's apparel holds a heavenly splendor, while the latter stresses the unity between man and the universe and their mutual co-operation.
Weaving and Geo-Engineering
You might be interested to know that the same process used to make the fabrics for the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the High Priest's garments is the same ancient weaving process by which those Geo Engineering the earth are weaving an electrically charged web over our heads in the firmament placed by God.
Joseph's Coat of Many Colors
When you ponder a coat of many colors your mind instantly goes to Joseph's Coat of Many Colors. Jacob love his youngest son very much and so most of us are content to leave it at that. But, is there more to the story?
Jacob was actually teaching Joseph hidden mysteries within the Bible. I [the Torah] was unto Him a nursling, I was a delight. Proverbs 8:30 One such secret is that old age, when Jacob taught Joseph has a numerical value is symbolic to a crown and Proverbs 17:6 tells us: The crown of elders is grandchildren.
The Coat of Many Colors was made of fine wool. The robe or garment was highly ornamented which was very unusual and impractical for shepherds tantamount to conferring a birthright to his son for service unto God, setting him apart, by priestly robes and a sacred cotton tunic. There are many opinions as to how elaborate this garment was:
- Royal garment
- Colorful or many colors
- Embroidered
- Long garment, coming to the palm of his hands and ankles
- Acronym of the troubles by which Joseph would be subjected: Potiphar, Merchants [who bought Joseph], Ishmaelites [to whom Joseph was sold], and the Midanites.
- Tubular construction (remember this for this construction is critical understand to our times and will be covered in a later article).
This drawing shows Joseph on his bed, dreaming the dreams he will tell his brothers:
For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. Genesis 37:7 [one layer of understanding is that this refers the fruitfulness of God's provision on the terrestrial earth and kingship]
And again he spoke to them, saying: "I had a dream more, and look, the sun and the moon (representing his family) and the eleven stars (his brothers) bowed down to my star." [one layer of understanding is that this refers to the cosmological clock]
His brothers answered him and said "Shall you indeed reign over us?" and they hated him for his dreams and for his words, which were the cause for their future ugly behavior. His parents give him glances full of doubt.
The following is a bit abstract so this is a time for you implement your tent enlarging abilities:
Dressed in the priestly garment denotes that the whole of the universe enters in with him, by means of this cosmological symbolism. His being attired with it indicates his being clothed with the cosmos. In other words, it signifies that the priest is actually identified with the universe. This idea is clearly seen in Philo's argument that when the high priest adorns himself with the priestly garment he becomes a microcosm. Indeed, he [the Father's Son in Vita Mos ii. 134] gives to the servant of God [the high priest] a pre-lesson: even though he [the high priest] cannot be worthy of the cosmos [Maker], he should strive persistently try to be worthy of the cosmos [Maker], when he clothes himself with the imitation [of the cosmos] in a way in which he is obliged to straightly carry about the pattern [of it] in his mind, so as to be transformed from a man into the nature of the cosmos- himself a little cosmos.
Faith Lesson: I remember Joseph's coat of many colors and now it makes more sense to me because the colored robe is symbolic of the cosmos, which is in reality a microcosm of God's creation. As I out on my armor of God I will think big as to what humble things the Jesus is asking of me, and how my actions interact with the Big Picture.
White Linen
One way to understand the High Priest is that when he dons his priestly garment it seems to infer that he has somehow been changed into a supernatural being or at the minimum has supernatural abilities for a limited time. This understanding can be supported by Philo's identification of the universe with God, although God remains, at the same time, separate from the universe.
Philo also believes that the linen robe also has a symbolic meaning. He affirms that it is an emblem of strong fiber, incorruptibility and the most brilliant light; for fine linen is hard to tear, and is made from no mortal creature, and moreover when carefully cleaned has a very brilliant and luminous color.
He applies this figurative meaning of the linen robe, in particular, to the worshiper, saying:
among those who worship Him that is with guileless purity, there is not one that does not, in the first place, exercise strength of will and judgment by a contempt for human interests which ensnare and hurt and enfeeble us; and, in the second place, laugh to scorn all the unsubstantial aims of mortal men, and set his heart on into God.
Yes, my friends, if we only had the faith of a mustard seeds we could indeed move mountains.
In another very interesting twist, Philo, was actively writing during Jesus' ministry, seems to have anticipated themes in the yet to be written Renewed Covenant (New Testament) writings about Messiah:
For it was indispensable that the man who was consecrated to the Father of the world, should have as a paraclete [Greek word for “advocate”, sometimes used to point to the Holy Spirit], his Son, the being most perfect in all virtue, to procure forgiveness of sins, and a supply of unlimited blessings; perhaps, also, he is thus giving a previous warning to the servant of God, even if he is unable to make himself worthy of the Creator, of the world, at least to labor incessantly to make himself worthy of the world itself; the image of which he is clothed in, in a manner that binds him from the time that he puts it on, to bear about the pattern of it in his mind, so that he shall be in a manner changed from the nature of a man into the nature of the world, and, if one may say so (and one may by all means and at all times speak the plain truth in sincerity), become a little world himself. (On Moses, 2:134-135)
In the Aramaic this takes on a collective meaning, He who ends the curse. As a result, if this somehow got loaned out to the Greek, Philo may be expressing the original usage where paraclete refers to the Son of Yah/Messiah and not to the Holy Spirit who comes after the Son goes away. Philo here is clearly linking the one who ends the curse with the son of the Creator. Scroll to Scroll, Andrew Gabriel Roth
When we consider that we are but dust plus Divine breath, Genesis 2:7 it should solidify our resolve not to forsake our humanity. God implants His Image into us and that is the only Image that we need in our life. For the soul, the human body is residence and garment at the same time. The priest's clothing himself with the white linen robe signifies that he equips himself with strength, incorruptibility, and radiance, which can also be applied to the worshiper's strength of holy will-power, concentration on immortality, and living of a life illuminated by truth.
How breathtaking to ponder that my immortality in Jesus Christ is living in the cloudless splendor of truth, no longer entertaining any of the creations of false opinion so dear to darkness.
Further, Philo sees that the two varieties of priestly garments symbolize two aspects of the soul. That is to say, while the linen robe signifies one aspect of the spirit which is undefiled towards God with respect to inward things, we then enter [the Holy of Holies] naked, with no colored borders or sound of bells, to pour as a libation the His blood upon our soul and to offer as incense the whole-mind to God our Savior and Benefactor. Here, nakedness undoubtedly indicates purity of the spirit and not physical nudity, since the high priest never officiated in the nude.
In brief, Philo underscores that when the high priest adorns himself with priestly garments he becomes a different figure from others, that is, a supernatural-like being, associated with the Pauline emphasis on the believer's change in his status or nature and his mode of existence through union with Christ (Gal 3:27; Rom 13:14; Col 3:9-10; Eph 4:22-24; 1 Cor 15:49, 50-54; 2 Cor 5:1-4). 2.4.4
Faith Lesson: I am taking steps this very moment to put on my white robe the emblem of strong fiber, incorruptibility and most brilliant light in Jesus Christ who is my Advocate. I desire my spiritual walk and relationship with Him to be brilliant and of luminous color.
Twelve Garments of Lucifer
Lucius is a 'personage' that emerges immediately after his initiation into the Mystery Religions that are based upon secret forbidden knowledge from the nephilim. He is clothed in twelve cosmological garments that we will discuss later. The High Priest of God wore eight garments while this cosmological 'personage' wore twelve. Evil always must project more 'powerful' and more 'complex'.
Their are different interpretations concerning who is the Father, Son, and the world each reflecting a particular worldview and very distinct and different realities.
As we come to the close of the Book of Exodus discussing the Clouds of Glory and the Pillar of Fire the Onkelos Targum makes in interesting point that is pertinent for our day: it says it was the appearance of fire rather than actual fire which some people see as problematic. Instead of translating the Bible literally and fire would be on it at night, he refers to it as an appearance of fire. Now either there was fire, or there was only the appearance of fire. This is not an example of different ways of understanding a law or a narrative. Onkelos introduces a translation which changes a biblical portrait of reality. Was there a pillar of fire or only the appearance of a pillar of fire? Once such changes are made, and the Bible is not translated literally, what prevents us from suggesting other such changes? Perhaps there was only the appearance of the Sea of Reeds splitting. Perhaps there was only the appearance of the Nile turning to blood. Does it really make a difference if we are literal in perceptions in reality. Onkelos on the Torah: Understanding the Bible Text (Exodus) p. 278 and commentary in Scroll to Scroll, Andrew Gabriel Roth.
I am not a linguistic scholar, but I believe it may contain both realities. The first being a literal cloud and fire. The second, insights into the prophetic or heavenly realm.
Faith Lesson: I will attempt to integrate various levels of biblical understanding as I study Scripture. I will look to see the simple language (plain) text, historical, allegorical or metaphorical symbolism, and hidden nuggets that are applicable to my life.
One in the Father
Near is He who declares Me right. Who would contend with Me? Let us stand together. Who is My adversary? Let him come near Me. See, the Master helps Me. Who would declare Me wrong? See, all of them wear out like a garment, a moth eats them. Who among you is fearing God, obeying the voice of His Servant, that has walked in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the Name of God and lean upon his God!
See, all you who light a fire, girding on burning arrows: walk in the light of your fire and in the burning arrows you have lit. From My hand you shall have this: you shall lie down in grief! Isaiah 50:8-11
That all of them may be One; as You my Father are in me and I in You, that they also may be One in Us, that the world may believe that You have sent me. And the glory that You have given to me I have given to them that they may be One as we are One. I in them and You in me, that they may be perfected into One and that the world may know that You have sent me, and that You have loved them as also You have loved me. Father, those whom You have given to me, I desire that where I am they might also be with me that they might see my glory that You have given to me because You have loved me from before the foundations of the world. John 17:21-24, AENT
I hope that you are finding this pattern of catastrophism as interesting as I am. We still have much to learn and much of it is action packed for the adventure lovers out there. I will confess, that when the Lord first took me to the edge to peek, I was startled and edged back, not really desiring to dive in. But I trust Him when He desires me to get out of my comfort zone.Part 1: Catastrophism God's Judgments Written in the Stars and Heavens: Cosmological Raiment
Part 3: Catastrophism God's Judgment: Metamorphosis of Humanity into Prismatic Light Beings
Part 4: Catastrophism God's Judgments: Behind the Veil
This appears to be a 10-part series with interesting articles in between.This appears to be a 10-part series with interesting articles in between.
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Going where angels fear to tread...
Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activation's include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified and has completed the Professional Development Emergency Management Series.
- Train-the-Trainer
- Incident Command
- Integrated EM: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation
- Emergency Plan Design including all Emergency Support Functions
- Principles of Emergency Management
- Developing Volunteer Resources
- Emergency Planning and Development
- Leadership and Influence, Decision Making in Crisis
- Exercise Design and Evaluation
- Public Assistance Applications
- Emergency Operations Interface
- Public Information Officer
- Flood Fight Operations
- Domestic Preparedness for Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Incident Command (ICS-NIMS)
- Multi-Hazards for Schools
- Rapid Evaluation of Structures-Earthquakes
- Weather Spotter for National Weather Service
- Logistics, Operations, Communications
- Community Emergency Response Team Leader
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And more….
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center, and later as Assistant Director for Public Lands and Natural Resources, in both Washington State and California.
Celeste also has training and expertise in small agricultural lobbying, Integrative/Functional Medicine, asymmetrical and symmetrical warfare, and Organic Farming.
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