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Distant ripples of Asilomar 1 conferences with its clarion cry to genetically modify all life on earth, ripple across the global plain changing man, beast, and plant into synthetic entities. The symphony of destruction is confirmed and embedded within military, government, and research documents that clearly state that humans will be cavitated like a fish, gutted of his or her humanity, and then stuffed full of soft robotics and entities – thereby, changing the human race forever. We can no longer take for granted that we will remain a human being. Various technologies are at work distancing us from the original human being, while evolutionary ideologies seek for us to embrace that we are not human but rather a collective of symbiotic microbes that form a "human," much like a beehive of sorts.
As the plan to usurp the world was coming to its climax for operation some humans were consumed with changing the name of Homo sapiens, humans. If you have never explored the names of man it is fascinating! LINK
This begs us to inquire what is a human?
What is a Human?
The human race are Homo sapiens, wisemen in Latin. After studying the topic I am about to present it makes me wonder if the wisemen who brought gifts to Jesus also brought the precious gift of humanity? The very essence and prciousness of being a human. We have been groomed by psychopathic evolutionists to believe that homo sapiens are one of several species grouped into the genus Homo, but it is the only one that is not extinct.
There are forces at work today that want to eliminate the human race. We are at war to maintain the human race. Although the human race is the pinnacle of God’s creative work, it shares the inherent limitations of the physical realm. Human beings are nevertheless given responsibility to manage and steward the world.
- The human race is an integral part of the physical creation.
- The human race was created from the ground Ge 2:7. The Hebrew word for man, “adam” sounds like the Hebrew word for ground “adamah”.
- The human race was created on the same day as the animals. This is critical to understand because it provides opportunity for man to give up his inheritance as a human and become a beast.
- The human race was created from dust like the animals.
- The human race is set apart from the rest of creation.
- The human race is uniquely created in God’s image while animals are not.
- The human race is given authority to take care [be a good steward] of creation.
- The human race is created with the power of choice.
- Human beings are created accountable to God for their actions.
- The human race is created dependent upon God.
- The human race comprises two complementary genders, no other genders or associations are contained in the bible.
- The human race is one entity with a common ancestry in Adam which is why the lineage of humanity can be traced down to one man and woman. This lineage should be pure with no animal genetic material fused into mankind.
Though vastly superior to the human race, God nevertheless loves, sustains and governs it, sending his Son as a human being to redeem humanity.
The Human Race Interacts with God
- God is incomparably superior to the human
- The human race is dependent upon God.
- The human race is valued and loved by God.
- The human race is the object of God’s care and compassion.
- God wants to bless the human
- God wants to save the human
- God highly values the human race and human
- God is sovereign and watches over the human
- God will judge and punish the wickedness of the human
- God is to be feared and worshiped by the entire human race
We need to keep these facts ever-present in our mind thereby establishing an inpetetrable barrier between ourselves and the twisted philosophies and ideologies that are coming at us.
The name Homo sapiens was first applied in a secular context in 1758 by the father of modern biological classification, known as taxonomy, by Carolus Linnaeus. Linnaeus distinguished the family of of apes as separate due their bodily and cognitive abilities. Charles Darwin’s treatise on evolution, On the Origin of Species, would come 101 years later. Linnaeus, did not however, address who the human from the biblical and spiritual being.
Human Beings are Distinct Among Beings
Human beings are made in God's image and thus, God wishes to connect with each of us, no matter how small we are in our own eyes. This connection is our life's purpose and will encompass every part of our spiritual and physical life. Our bond with God is the result of us reaching for a relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
The best way to bond with God is through biblical learning, for the Word became flesh and lived among us, along with our great love for Him. To bond with God more deeply, and the only way we understand the Bible, is by having a bond of love with God. This creates a virtuous cycle - the more we love God, the more we are aided in learning His Word, which in turn enables us to bond with God more deeply, and so on.
Please do not get me wrong, each creation in the world has a unique activity which expresses itself in its unique destiny. But within creation the ultimate handiwork of God is the human being.
A human can rise above his or her purely natural existence. God purposefully left the natural world unfinished so that we could partner with Him and transcend our purely physical aspects. Although the Bible says that "there is nothing new under the sun," when we embrace our spiritual nature we, in fact, have the ability to live above all the Laws of Nature and other aspects of creation, such as the luminaries, including the sun.
Humans bear infinite potential and should live life reaching maturity. We toil in converting that infinite potential into actuality through our choices, which is the only way to satiate our soul. Human choice, aside from reaching our goals, is the ultimate barometer of who we are. As we reach upwards in wisdom, interaction with the physical and societal realms of life are both necessary and important in and of themselves. The crown jewel, if you will, is perfecting society and the world through Jesus Christ.
There are two parts of the physical realm:
- Humanity created in God's image (with free will choice).
- The rest of the natural world limited by the Laws of Nature and the sun, as a representative of time and space.
God runs the world with fairness and justice. The only way a person can grow is if he or she achieves that growth independently. There is no way that we could achieve the potential of greatness without risk of failure.
When a person chooses to follow biblical instruction, he or she replaces their own set of motivations with God's transcendent mindset. It is absolutely incredible to ponder that thought for His ways are not our ways. This binds one to God, even without understanding the commandments.
The biblical system replaces the natural system of thinking and actions. The biblical system replaces a person’s natural desires and binds them to God. It allows for a human to grow beyond their current state to reflect his or her being in God's form by self-actualization.
Everything God does is good. The commandments flow down from God's mercy seat upon humans or animals, which actually emanates from His attribute of Justice.
Human or Humanoid?
Fossil records of hominoids (primates and humans) from the distant past raises the question of what is meant by the word human. Homo sapiens (H. sapiens) is human by definition, whereas apes are not. But what of the extinct members of the human tribe, Hominini, who were clearly not H. sapiens but were nonetheless very much like them? The answer is unknown. Evolutionists are Directing Evolution, utilizing Experimental Evolution, and reclassifying life to bring other hominoids and entities into the family fold of humans.
Evolution involves all species closely related to H. sapiens including:
- H. erectus
- H. haiblis
- H. heidelbergensis
- H. neandrathalalensis
- H. rudoifens
- H. ergaster
- Ardipithecus ramidus
- Ardipithecus
- Orrorin
- Kenyanthropus
- Australopithecus afarensis
Behaviorally, only H. sapiens can be said to be “fully human,” but even the definition of H. sapiens is a matter of active debate. Paleoanthropologists want to assign H. sapiens to fossil forms of creatures that fall within the "anatomic spectrum." If this was incorporated, then H. sapiens originated 315,000 years ago.
Before about 1980, it was widely thought that distinctively hominin fossils could be identified from 14 to 12 million years ago (mya). During the 1970s, geneticists introduced the use of molecular clocks to calculate how long species had been separated from a common ancestor. The molecular clock concept is based on an assumed regularity in the accumulation of tiny changes in the genetic codes of humans and other organisms. Use of this concept, together with a reanalysis of the fossil record, moved the estimated time of the evolutionary split between apes and human ancestors. Since then, the molecular data emerging from DNA sequencing and a steady trickle of new hominin fossil finds have pushed the earliest hominin ancestry back in time somewhat.
Of Origin, Skull Seeding, & Crystal Skulls
The earliest candidate for hominin status is Sahelanthropus tchadensis, based on a cranium from of Chad in north-central Africa.
- The distinctive mark of Hominini, the lineage that includes humans and their direct ancestors, is generally taken due to the facts:
- They are said to be upright land
- Have locomotion on two legs (terrestrial bipedalism).
- The most remarkable aspect of this skull is the broadness and flatness of its face—something previously associated with much more recent hominins.
- Has small canine teeth compared to the apes.
- Ape size brain cases
Human evolutionists believe that humans "evolved" through a process of trial and error, "experimentation" in an ecological arena, and direct improvements within the lineage, in what is thought of as H. sapiens, is rather the last iterative of a vast branching bush of classifications known as the PhyloCode. A human in these disciplines in not the sole occupant, nor "perfection" of "humanity."
Since the skull is mentioned as a trait that indicates humanity you may be interested to learn that evolutionary experiments are being conducted to seed genetic material up near the brain barrier using a swab. That genetic material crosses the blood brain barrier. What it does next is shocking! The material literally changes the shape of the skull as if it was clay in the hands of a potter. Of course, it is more effective when done in utero or in childhood, but it can even change an adult skull. Scientists are also experimenting with transparent mice skulls This is my own hypothesis, and I have not seen any documentation, but I believe this may account for the elongated skulls and possibly even transparent crystal skulls. LINK, LINK, LINK
The genus Homo
It is difficult to say how the wide variety of early hominids were interrelated. There is a lack of clear evidence and what has been discovered is fragmentary. Evolutionists stake their inclusiveness of the human lineage on two things:
- Brain size
- Use of tools (man the toolmaker came into his own in the 1960's).
It i problematic that the first tools—primitive hammers, anvils, and cutting tools—predate the emergence of Homo by almost 400,000 years.
It is problematic that the first tools—primitive hammers, anvils, and cutting tools—predate the emergence of Homo by almost 400,000 years.
Why is the use of tool problematic for determining humanity? Because of Dr. James Giordano recent comments to NATO informing us that we are no longer Homo sapiens but rather Homo Sapien Technius:
Individual or collective basis, humans are tool users- I mean this is part of our natural history.
Yeah, we may call ourselves homo sapiens, but the reality is that we are homosapiens technicus. We've risen to the relative top of the evolutionary ziggurat by virtue of our not only evolutionary capabilities biologically, but to augment that biology through the use of tools. Inclusive of those tools, that we use to interact with each other cooperatively and competitively, brain sciences are no different.
The ability to affect brain structure and function allows:
- Inciting capability,
- A variety of scales,
- From the subcellular,
- All the way to the socio-political,
- From the personal,
- All the way to the political and military power.
There was a tendency throughout time for new hominoid species to acquire ever larger brains. H. heidelbergensis, for example, had a brain about two-thirds the size of H. sapiens, while those of the Neanderthals were in some cases larger than the H. sapiens. This increase must have come at a cost because brain tissue expends significant amounts of energy. Is this yet another reason scientists want to get into our brain? To harvest the energy generated by what may be the most unique organ on earth? There must have been benefits of a larger brain, but what those benefits were can only be guessed. Evolutionists believe that quantifying human intelligence is problematic even among living humans, let alone extinct ones. If any metric is given is that ancient humans were growing in cognition and intelligence while modern humans are decreasing, and at a substantial pace according to the World Economic Forum in January 2022.
Humanity is thought to have evolved in Africa. The oldest known remains thought to be a human was found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, unearthed in the first decade of the 2000s. This collection of specimens was made up of skull fragments, a complete jawbone, and stone tools, suggesting that the species was widely dispersed throughout Africa.
Behavioral Influences
The story of hominin evolution is one of increasing behavioral complexity, but, because behavior does not leave direct fossil evidence, clues must be sought in other sources. The most obvious candidates are in the archaeological record, which has traditionally begun with the appearance of Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) tools about 2.5 million years ago (mya).
Aside from tools, came cognitive advance in hominins; even with intensive training, no ape has yet mastered the notion of hitting one rock with another at precisely the angle needed to detach a sharp flake. The early toolmakers had the ability to anticipate their needs, since they often carried suitable rocks long distances before making them into tools.
In the past, technological innovations were rare and sporadic but that is about to change. Behavioral novelties have tended not to coincide with the appearance of new species.
In an explosive revelation made by James Giordano one month ago the making of tools is considered technology and it is time to thrush mankind into the next evolutionary step using technology to merge human and their machine tools. Keep this in mind as most of the population is changed using technology from human to Homo erectus technius. For more a million years following the introduction of stone tools, the methods used for making them remained largely unchanged.
Evolutionists speculate that implements bear witness to cognitive advances. The existence in the toolmaker’s mind of a standard “mental template” to which the tools were made. Hand axes were manufactured in Africa, yet rare in Asia, by the thousands—sometimes at apparent workshops—until quite recent times.
Another major technological and possibly cognitive advance is found. This is the “prepared-core” tool, whereby a stone core was elaborately shaped until a single blow engineering a virtually finished tool with a continuous cutting surface around its periphery. The great masters of this technique were the Neanderthals. The stone tool record is well-preserved, but remains a mystery is their overall lifestyle and cognitive capacities.
Authorities guess that ambush hunting was an invention of humanity after the discovery of 400,000-year-old wooden throwing spears found in 1995 at Schöningen, Germany. Unlike thrusting spears, which must be used at close range and with considerable risk, these 2-metre (6.6-foot) javelin-like weapons have their weight concentrated at the front and therefore could have been hurled from a safe distance.
There is convincing evidence of two other innovations:
- the domestication of fire in hearths, and
- the construction of artificial shelters.
In the dwelling places of behaviorally modern early humanity there is a definite pattern in the use of space: toolmaking was done in one place, cooking in another, sleeping elsewhere. The earliest intimations of such partitioning are found at the South African. United Nations mandates are breaking the innovations of hearth and home- rolling back altered humanoids to pre-hearth & standards, in their quest to save the earth and the climate. Will the revolutionary Homo erectus technius be driven into caves with his only remaining food source being synthetic assembled “foodstuffs” or after the editing process is complete will he no longer have need of food?
The first evidence of symbolic thinking, which appears to have predated humanity, was discovered on the island of Java in 2014 in the form of a zigzag shape etched on a shell. Archeologists suggest this is of symbolism and the complex behaviors that characterize humanity worldwide today. At Blombos Cave, near Africa’s southern tip, was found an ochre plaque more than 70,000 years old that is engraved with an unmistakably geometric motif. This and other early African sites have produced engraved ostrich eggshells and snail shells pierced for stringing and bodily adornments. There is also evidence for such behaviors such as long-distance trade and the mining of flint for artifact production. Edited humans will be integrated into a system where trade is no longer necessary and neither is mining, for in the words of Klaus Schwab, “You will own nothing [including your mind and body-he did not let that cat out of the bad until later] and be happy.”
The most-striking evidence for a distinct cognitive contrast between modern humans and all their predecessors, however, comes from Europe. bringing a new kind of stone tool based on striking long thin “blades” from a carefully prepared long core. This a kit of implements that for the first time were made out of materials such as bone and antler and that were treated with exquisite sensitivity.
Shortly thereafter, the Cro-Magnons, left a variety of symbolic works of prehistoric art- sculptures—delicate small carvings in ivory and bone, primitive musical instruments, bone flutes with complex sound capabilities, the first known notations. These markings were made on bone plaques, one of which has been interpreted as a lunar calendar. The Cro-Magnons were creating spectacular animal paintings deep in caves, most of which are accompanied by numerous geometric symbols.
Domestic items were regularly decorated and engraved by the Cro-Magnons. Meanwhile, burial ceremonies were being conducted by the Neanderthals with graves crammed with goods that were likely thought to be useful to the deceased in an afterlife. Other technological wonders included: clay figurines baked in primitive kilns and delicate eyed needles made of bone heralded the advent of couture (garment making). Anthropologists, as leaping princes, declare that this is proof that the Cro-Magnons were modern humans and that they were cognitively equipped with all the intellectual faculties of modern humans. They believe that Cro-Magnons even had language.
Social engineers are literally erasing vast swaths of human innovation for their utopian vision, including:
Erasing burial and burial ceremonies and soon requiring hydrolysis (liquefaction of human remains) for the circular economy,
- Erasing kilns, no human (anthropomorphic) fires allowed as they are destructive to the planet and climate,
- Erasing garment making as animals are culled to save the environment and plants are synthesized for other uses.
- Erasing the afterlife, as they fuse humanity with machine to live immortally (or so they believe).
The Cro-Magnons contrasted strikingly with the Neanderthals. While symbolic behaviors are typical of all groups of living humans, not all such groups have left behind symbolic records as dramatic as those of the Cro-Magnons. There is no doubt that the Cro-Magnons and the Neanderthals perceived and interacted with the world in entirely different ways. The archaeological record eloquently indicates, our species is an entirely unprecedented phenomenon. Is this why the genetic material from Neanderthals and Denisovans are put into gene-editing pharmaceutical products to change our perception and interaction with the world?
The earliest evidence for the new behavioral patterns comes from Africa. Anatomic and cognitive “modernity’s” do not seem to have developed hand in hand; evidently there was a time lag between the establishment of modern anatomy (which appears to have come first) and modern behavioral patterns. While counterintuitive, this observation makes sense. Any innovation must take place within a species. Evolutionary natural selection is not a creative force. It merely works on variations that come into existence spontaneously. This is not possible for innovations come into existence spontaneously, only God can create something out of nothing. Scientists and anthropologists conclude symbolic reasoning was present when anatomically modern humans emerged, only to discover that they had radically new behavioral abilities, somewhat later in time. Some sectors of modern humanity are tapping into forbidden technology that has laid predominantly hidden, except in some dark cults, to engineer the building blocks of all life and matter into a evil force that will be perceived upon the earth by humanity as spontaneous, from God. They will fail to understand the subtle lie.
A cultural trigger or mechanism was necessarily involved in this discovery. Language is the ultimate symbolic activity, involving the creation and manipulation of mental symbols and permitting the posing of questions such as “What if?” Not all components of human thought are symbolic, but it is certainly symbolic manipulations to intuitive processes that makes possible what is recognized as the human mind. When the first man and woman created in the Divine Image were created, they and their descendants had a unified common language. However, it was not too long down the road mankind decided to unite using His language to reach toward heaven. God came down and separated the languages to thwart this type of behavior. Today, humanity through technological innovation developed a common computer language and is once more impinging upon the territory of God.
The origins of this mind are obscure especially as scientists are still ignorant of how a mass of electrochemical signals in the brain gives rise to what present-day humans experience as consciousness. But the invention of language would plausibly have released the earliest of the cultural and technological innovations that symbolic thought makes possible—in the process unleashing a cascade of discoveries that is still ongoing.
One of the most-striking features of the archaeological record that accompanies the arrival of behaviorally modern H. sapiens is a distinct alteration in the tempo of innovation and change. Significant cultural and technological novelties had previously been rare, with long periods of apparent stability intervening between relatively sudden episodes of innovation. Today, technological innovation is shaping cultural diversity and it is replicating with hyper speed towards an ultimate crescendo, where it will pause and be replaced by a new kingdom order under Jesus Christ.
Bodily Structure
The physical definition of humanity is simple within the biblical context, where man and women are created from the dust of the earth in the Divine Image of God, Who breathes life into them. This bedevils paleoanthropologists with their wild imaginations and divergence of views.
One school of thought derives its philosophy from the “single-species hypothesis” popular in the 1960s. This hypothesis held that two kinds of culture-bearing hominins could not exist at any one time necessitating a single evolving lineage. Clearly the bible indicates Adam and Eve with their descendants in the Garden of Eden but there were humanoids outside of the Garden of whom Cain was fearful.
By the mid-1970s, however, a rapidly expanding fossil record had begun to reveal a variety of extinct hominins that could not be contained within this linear construct. The proponents of the single-species hypothesis thus began to shift to the notion that H. sapiens is an enormously variable species with roots extending far back in time. This is the evolutionary theory and is why we have the PhyloCode, the capstone of fusion.
- Fusion of human and humanoid,
- Fusion of human with animal,
- Fusion of human with plant,
- Fusion of human with machine.
The tremendous anatomic variety among the populations that would compose this single species are then credited to separate evolutionary and adaptive histories both in the Old World and in this Brave New World. As in these prehistoric times and in Direct and Experimental Evolution reproductive integrity diversifying species would have been maintained over time by interbreeding between local populations in the peripheral areas where they would have come into contact.
Today, interbreeding of humanity is when humanity comes in contact and is seeded with other species and kingdoms, as we see in Kingdom Wars LINK, LINK and OPERATION ADAM, the Remake of Humanity.
Technological innovation has overcome the problematic anatomic limitations that occur only in fixed and small, effectively isolated populations. It is now possible to conquer large populations and overcome their age-old humanity. The multiregional notion implies an evolutionary pattern that is at variance with diversity that is already recognized among the very early hominins. Seizing upon this concept human engineers are kicking the tires using Experimental Evolution by editing certain adaptions to various geographical locations thus stretching and morphing the human race beyond its limits. One example might be the primary use for the Nano SynBio folding protein whereby Israel receives the Rabies genetic material, the Italians receive the Gorilla feces protein, and the South Americans receive the Neanderthal genetic material embedded within pharmaceutical products and food supplies.

The “Out-of-Africa” or “single-origin” theory of human emergence, are actually two closely related models, called Out of Africa 1 and Out of Africa 2. Out of Africa 1 contends, a weapon is defined as contending, that earlier Homo species did in fact migrate from Africa before the evolution of H. sapiens. Out of Africa 2 posits that H. sapiens also evolved in Africa, but some members of the species exited the continent, spreading to new lands while also replacing the populations of other species in Homo. Are we witnessing Out-of-Africa 2? It is claimed that these evolutionary experiments done upon humanity at large that we are “evolving” and “adapting” so that we can reach explore the planets and stars. In this quest humanity, Homo sapiens are replaced with hybrids and synthetic entities.
Fossil evidence suggests that Out of Africa 2 was not a single migration event but several migrations. DNA analysis of present-day humans has shown that genetic traces remain of Neanderthals and H. floresiensis.
Scientists recognize the anatomic diversity of the hominin fossil record as representing a substantial diversity of species. In its bony structure, H. sapiens is quite distinctive:
- A relatively lightly built skeleton
- The cranium a high, rounded, and quite thin-boned braincase overhangs a greatly reduced face that is not expanded by large air sinuses.
- This face is topped by small or only modestly pronounced brow ridges that are uniquely divided into distinct central and lateral halves.
- The lower jaw, the chin is not simply a swelling in the midline of the mandible but a complex and distinctive structure that does not exist in other members of the human tribe.
- This list could continue with many other features.
If human beings define themselves in terms of a suite of anatomic characteristics, few representatives of humans appear in the fossil record until comparatively recent times. Earlier humanoids are considered “protomodern”. Are they representative of individuals at the root of the H. sapiens lineage? The Bible declares that man created in the Divine Image is distinct from other humanoids upon the face of the earth. It is not the bony attributes of man that makes him human it is the Spirit of God which resides in him. This Spirit distinguishes him from the beasts and other humanoids.
This conclusion of the single-origin hypothesis matches the one reached by molecular geneticists who analyze the distributions of different types of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cells of living human populations. This form of DNA consists of a tiny ring of hereditary material that actually lies outside the nucleus of the cell and is passed solely through the maternal line. It is not recombined between generations, as is nuclear DNA, and it seems to accumulate changes quite rapidly, which makes it ideal for analysis of recent evolutionary events. What molecular geneticists are not telling you is that this mitochondrial DNA outside the nucleus of your cells is what they are recombining, evolving, and adapting. You are their experiment. With each test or pharmaceutical product, you are editing your body into a non-human.
The first sequencing of the Neanderthal genome in 2009 and subsequent research reaffirmed the differences between H. sapiens and Neanderthals, but they also provided evidence that limited interbreeding had taken place between H. sapiens from Europe and Asia and Neanderthals. The result of interbreeding between the two species was revealed in a 2011 study that showed that some alleles (differing forms of genes) from Neanderthals and other archaic human groups influenced the development of immune systems belonging to modern humans with non-African ancestries. If you are truly a human, you should be at war against these Evolutionary and Experimental projects to interbreed you out of humanity into a hybrid or synthetic being. The frank reality is that you are interbreeding your soul- with science, both with a propensity towards corruption with the disembodied demons of Lucifer.
Despite evidence of later inbreeding between the two species, the mtDNA sequences of H. sapiens and Neanderthals are different enough to suggest that the lineages leading to H. neanderthalensis on the one hand and to H. sapiens on the other split. This observation supports a scenario whereby a European diversification of hominins culminating:
- Neanderthals was descended from a population of H. heidelbergensis that had exited Africa,
- East Asian hominins such as H. erectus were descended from an earlier wave of African émigrés,
- A final exodus of H. sapiens (or successive waves of such emigrations) ultimately led to the replacement of those indigenous Asians and Europeans,
- Limited inbreeding between the species producing Neanderthals succumbed quite rapidly to the arrival of the Cro-Magnons,
- Late-surviving erectus in Java suggest that invading H. sapiens may have accomplished a similar feat of replacement in Indonesia
- Other studies suggest that H. erectus died out in that region at least 100,000 years prior.
One of the best-preserved early fossils that bears all the anatomic hallmarks of H. sapiens is a skull from the Israeli site of Jebel Qafzeh. This part of the Middle East, called the Levant, is often regarded as a biogeographic extension of Africa. The specimen is a fractured but quite complete example of an individual whose skeleton is typically H. sapiens but whose cultural context is Mousterian—the name also given to the stone tool industry of the Neanderthals.
Modern Populations
Globalists remind us incessantly that Homo sapiens now cram virtually every habitable region of Earth even thought this is not the truth. Evolutionists tout that variation in DNA among all the widespread human populations is less than what is found in any population of living apes. Ancestral humans quite recently passed through an Extinction Level Event in which the entire human population was reduced to a few hundred or perhaps a couple of thousand individuals. Such a population size would be sufficiently small for a set of unique traits to become established, making it plausible that one small group would be the population from which humans emerged as a new isolated [in Encyclopedia Brittanica’s words] “reproductive entity.” Other events such as volcanic eruptions may account for some severe population declines but small when compared to the significant Extinction Level Events. A study of the remains of a human settlement in southern Africa dated to the time of the Mount Toba eruption suggests that some areas of Earth with plentiful food supplies may have served as refuges for surviving human beings in the years following the eruption.
From a tiny population that most likely lived in Africa, humanity spread, directed in its wanderings by the vagaries of climate, environment, and competition with species both human and nonhuman. The initial expansion may have been the result of population increase as opposed to nomadic travels, or it may have been driven by shifts in climate that forced some individuals to search for more-hospitable places to live. This spread was assuredly not uniform but episodic and opportunistic, with frequent false starts, mini-isolations, and recoalescences.
During the history of humanity, local populations have developed various physical as well as cultural and linguistic differences. Some of these physical variations must have been controlled by the environment, others by purely random factors. Populations living in hot, dry areas tend to be taller and slenderer than those living in very cold climates, because they need to lose heat rather than retain it as a rounder body does.
Scientists have always had difficulty classifying people into groups based on variation, and the reason is simple. Genetically, only two processes can take place within a species. One of these processes is the diversification of local populations requiring some degree of isolation of local groups. The other is the reintegration of populations and the consequent blending of characteristics via interbreeding when contact is reestablished. Human populations show the results of both processes as driven by the climatic shifts of ice ages. Today, although it is generally possible to tell an Asian from a European from an African, many individuals defy such categorization, and boundaries are impossible to draw.
Still, tracing the history of the spread of humanity and its diversification is undeniably fascinating to anthropologists, geneticists, scientists, and researchers. DNA from the Human Genome Project has also helped clarify humanity’s relatively short but astonishingly complex history. As the genes of more populations are scrutinized, a more-detailed picture of past human population movements and integrations around the world will emerge.
Embrace your humanity in the days that you have here on earth. If you erroneously believe that you will be a better human when you fuse to your computer tool, what can I say?
If you did not know that you were taking products that would fuse your body and mind with a machine, then cry out to God and tell Him that you are sorry.
We should all cry out, because on one level or another, we are all undergoing this mad experiment to evolve humanity into a “higher lifeform”.
In the end, a tool is only a tool. Yes, it may span time and you may be around longer, but to become a tool of evil is to forsake your birthright as a human- the capstone of God’s handiwork, so unique that there is not another you in all of history! You are precious to God and to humanity. You are needed as a human of pure lineage to join in partnership with God to make this world a better place.
May God bless you and may you choose humanity,
Celeste Solum is a broadcaster, author, former government, organic farmer and is trained in nursing and environmental medicine. Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event.
Tracking goods and people will be a part of managing the population during this convergence.
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