Seeing the Hidden Messages of the Seven Thunders
This article is dedicated to my faithful Patron's who make this writing possible. Thank you.
If I told you earthly things....
Truly, truly, I te...
The Course of Thunder: His Revelation is Beginning?
For each phenomenon in creation there is a course. You have a unique course established by God for your life. This is also true for the thunderin...
Ten Plagues: Countdown to Cannibalism with Plague of Locust
A Special Thank You to my Patrons who made this article possible
As We Depart the Plague of Hail
When the tempest of hail ceased Pharaoh hardened, ...
Ten Plagues: God's Playbook Embedded Within the Judgment Plague of Wild Beasts
How great are Your works, O God! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. Psalm 104:24
Are Disasters a Judgment?
Resetting Humanity: Triggering the Beast Within Us
Power of the Statue as a Reset Mechanism
Unless you live under a rock you are hearing about the great reset. Reset of government, economy, variou...