
Metamorphosis of Humanity into Prismatic Light Beings

Metamorphosis of Humanity into Prismatic Light Beings
A heart-filled thanks to my Patron's who make this article possible. Catastrophism:  God's Judgments Getting Ready for Eternity Part 3 Lucifer’s Sp...

Catastrophism God's Judgments Written in the Stars and Heavens: Cosmological Raiment

Catastrophism God's Judgments Written in the Stars and Heavens: Cosmological Raiment
Each cataclysm is like a giant hand sweeping across the countryside,leaving its fingerprints for us to find as we sift through the evidence inour ...

Your Cellular Memory as a Luminescent Human in the Days of Darkness

Your Cellular Memory as a Luminescent Human in the Days of Darkness
This article is dedicated to my faithful and appreciated Patrons who make this article possible.  Consider becoming a Patron during this Feast of ...