Soul Catcher Module 7: Can You Be Erased from the Book of Life?
Can You Be Erased from the Book of Life?
Reading your Mind
Mind control Gene Editing tools CRISPR-CAS Altering our DNA for Mind Control Turn you ...
Owning the Night
This article is dedicated to my faithful patrons who make my writings possible.
Welcome aboard Hal and Little Miss Muffett!
The best way to supp...
Creatures of the Netherworld
In Jewish Thought
On earth, as it is in heaven
From ancient man to recent history accounts have been told of encounters with what may see...
Noctilucent Shining Cloud-like Ones Inhabiting our Atmosphere
This article is dedicated to my faithful Patron's who make my writings possible. Thank you all. I am so grateful and blessed by each of you. Tha...
Ten Plagues: Tangible Darkness are the Shades of Death Upon Our Land
This article is dedicated to my Patrons who make my research and writing possible.
The Plague of Darkness is the result of Moshe stretching out h...
Extinction Event Health Alert! Will Fire and Ice Shake Us from our Stupor?
As America convulses between frigid and hot weather the MIT geo-engineering experiment injecting calcium chloride into our atmosphere is underway t...
Ten Plagues: Invasion of Imprisoned Supernatural Frogs from the Abyss
The Frog Goddess is Coming
Hearken back to the days of the Ten Plagues! A supernatural wonder of amphibians is on the horizon. It is an invasion f...
Ten Plagues: Life is Blood and Life of Slaughter of Innocent Blood is Crying Out
With the Creation, God put a perfect world into motion- the heavens, the earth, the galaxies, animals, and humankind-all working together in magnif...
Bridging the Generations through the Nativity Telling
As you gather yourself, possibly in solitude or with family, friends, and neighbors, prepare to present yourself as a Living Stone of remembrance o...
Your Cellular Memory as a Luminescent Human in the Days of Darkness
This article is dedicated to my faithful and appreciated Patrons who make this article possible.
Consider becoming a Patron during this Feast of ...
Rise of Disembodied Virtual Assets and Identities
Part III: Breaking Down BlockChains Launch
We find ourselves in a CryptoWinter where God's creation including you as a unique human being is being ...
Be Still My Beating Heart
The Beast Cometh...
Part II: Breaking Down the Blockchains Launch
"Ha! hold my Brain; be still my beating Heart."
William Mountfort's Zelmane, 17...
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