The Choice of Looking Heavenward
The first human, as we know a human, created in the image of God was Adam. In Hebrew, the word for the earth is adama. God formed man from the du...
Ten Plagues: Life is Blood and Life of Slaughter of Innocent Blood is Crying Out
With the Creation, God put a perfect world into motion- the heavens, the earth, the galaxies, animals, and humankind-all working together in magnif...
Genetic Engineering Brings Little Shop of Horrors to Life
As you view this notice the cocky attitude at creating monsters
Bio-Engineering Chimera Parts
The news these days reminds me of a desert landscap...
Exposed: Fallen Angel Technology Erecting the Demonically Electrified Graphene-Carbon Temple Enterprise
In case you missed the foundational article for today's article I am providing the link. Each can be read as stand alone, but are much better in c...
Getting to the Heart of DNA Vaccines
Our world is being saturated with laboratory chemicals and biological technologies that are anti-life. Disease in humans, animals and plants are e...
Cellular Robotic MASSacre
Here they come!
MIT researchers have engineered graphine robots called syncells are going to be massed produced to crawl through your bloo...
Red Planet Mysteriously Disappears Obscuring Emerging Technologies
Animation Damian Peach
From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise on account of Your adversaries, to silence the enemy and a...
Blood Mining Americans
The All of Us Research Program is a historic effort to gather DNA from one million or more people living in the United States to accelerate resea...
DNA is the Hottest Commodity of 2018
I believe that reading our blueprints, cataloguing our own instruction book, will be judged by history as more significant than splitting the atom ...