Are You Eating Synthetic Food?
Facing us is an existential threat of annihilation of all biological life as we know it. It is called Synthetic Biology.
The decision was made...
Government Plans for Cataclysmic Space Weather
We are in a period of time where space weather is going to rock your world and your body. It will be intensifying in many ways over the cour...
Government Demands You Shut Up and Eat Your Vaccines!
Introducing Synthetic Biology Horror in a New Light (Pt. 2)
No sooner had SARSCoV2 engulfed the world when researchers using Directed Evolution a...
Module 1 Cognitive Warfare: Breaking and Entering Into Your Mind, Brain and Reality
Module 1: Neuro-Cognitive Warfare
Soft Kill: Renunciation of Faith & Humanity
The War Against Your Brain and Thinking
Slicing and Dicing th...
DARPA reveals their new ASTARTE multi-domain ‘common operational’ system. This system has has had different iterations with different names such ...
Edible Bugs or Weapon?
DARPA 2016
Go Green, Eat Bugs is the Messaging
By now you have heard the message loud and clear that we are all to trade in our delicious diets f...
Moving in for the Kill
A special notification by Celeste Solum: I apologize that I have not inserted many graphi...
Weaponized Chimeric Insects for Vaccines & Food
I received an alarming article entitled, Gene Therapy Delivered via High-Capacity Baculovirus, yesterday from a Biotechnology journal I receiv...
Explosive DARPA Snowflakes Coming Your Way!
Four years ago I noticed a flood of news in the scientific journals about:
Plastic snow,
Adjusting the freezing point so that "plants will...
How Much Do They Hate Humanity? In Their Own Words
I am presenting a peer manuscript for your review. It illustrates the gravity of which certain ideologies cleave to the false notions of what they...
Brain-Monitoring Tech Advances Could Change the Law
Repost from Homeland Security News Wire
Brain-Monitoring Tech Advances Could Change the Law
There is an ankle-bracelet for offe...
Do You Really Want to Know Who Pulls the Strings? Discover the Truth in Soul Catcher
While PysOps believes they pull the strings, they are really puppets in the hands of the ultimate Trickster, Satan, with his cadres of witches ...