Behind The Scenes With Celeste
Behind the Scenes with Celeste 9-7-2019
Check out my latest articles
Space Weather
After flip-flopping like a fish out of solar water activity has calmed to 'norm...
Behind the Scenes with Celeste 9-6-2019
Check out my latest article:
Child Sacrifice: The Asilomar Factor
While you were sleeping an asteroid skimmed earth.
Behind the Scenes with Celeste 9-5-2019
Check out my latest article:
Lessons of Faith from the Hurricane
Space Weather
We have entered geomagnetic instability wi...
Behind the Scenes with Celeste 9-4-2019
Check out my latest article:
Child Sacrifice: The Asilomar Factor
Diamonds, Glass and Earth Fragments
Big Bertha, a rock b...
Behind the Scenes with Celeste- September 3, 2019
Check out my latest article:
Lawless Climate Brings Volatility and Famine
As you glean your news and make wise dec...
Behind the Scenes with Celeste September 2, 2019
Check out my latest article:
Food Supply Reality
Geopolitical October Surprise in Works?
I just received this notification fro...
Behind the Scenes with Celeste- September 1, 2019 Briefing
Check out my latest article:
Solar Coupling Bodes Ill for Mankind and Earth
Currently, we are at a lithospheric flexure point ...
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