
Ten Plagues: Flashes of Prophecy and News Dancing Amidst the Hail

Ten Plagues:  Flashes of Prophecy and News Dancing Amidst the Hail
Seventh Bowl of Wrath Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found. And huge hailstones, about a hundred pounds each, rained down on t...

Storm Clouds of the End of Days

Storm Clouds of the End of Days
Cloud Inspiration by Gary   Image by Celeste Apocalyptic storm clouds are boiling in the firmament above our heads.  The Hebrew word for cloud is a...

Ethereal Sapphire Blue Clouds Veil Antarctica

Ethereal Sapphire Blue Clouds Veil Antarctica
NASA is monitoring an expansive ring of sapphire blue clouds encircling Antarctica.  These noctilucent clouds are exhibiting high radar reflectivit...