Perplexing Powers of Heaven Have Begun to Shake
Thank you to my patrons who make my writings possible. You are each precious soul to my heart.
The best way to support my work is through Patreo...
Climate Premier: Night of Winter is Coming
Dedicated to my faithful patrons who make my writings possible. The best way to support my work is through Patreon or PayPal or purchase my new ...
Heavenly Testimony
This article is dedicated to my faithful patrons who make my writings possible. The best way to support my work is through: Patreon or PayPal
or pu...
Heaven Touches Earth at Hypersonic Speed
***You will be noticing some changes in my website as I transition my ministry of documenting the events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ i...
Time to Grapple with Alien Disclosure
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16
To broach the topic of extraterrestrial alien life forms one must grapple with two o...
Catastrophism God's Judgments: What do the Stars Tell Us?
Preparing for Eternity
What Do the Stars Tell Us?
Catastrophism spans the universe, our planetary system all with its celestial harmony. It grap...
Scintillating Heatwaves the Perfect Depopulation Tool
Feeling the Heat?
With minimal fan-fair danger is lurking of spring heatwaves has begun and yet few people grasp and evaluate the real danger its...
Convulsing Cosmic Blast of Shock and Awe to Hit Earth
We need to begin looking at the Holy Scriptures as a window into the supernatural realm where we rarely peer. Ancient man looked to the heavens a...
Ten Plagues: Flashes of Prophecy and News Dancing Amidst the Hail
Seventh Bowl of Wrath
Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found. And huge hailstones, about a hundred pounds each, rained down on t...